
What would you do if you could eliminate your biggest traumas? Lucca is a young man who suffers from constant nightmares about a drowning child, while he finds himself unable to help. After a special invitation, he is taken to an unconventional oriental restaurant, whose main dish is the cure for his greatest torment.
坏坏小男友, 壞壞小男友, 食べちゃダメ, Do not Eat, Don't Eat
Machi happens to take care of Kanata, a son of her father's boss, for three days. Kanata is younger than Machi and a junior high school student. Machi first considered it an easy job. However, Kanata shows somewhat precocious way of behaving, which makes her startled. She wonders if it is a feeling of love!?
タブロウゲート -  タブロウ・ゲート
High school student Satsuki Hikawa lives alone in a mansion while his grandfather, who is his only other living family member and an art dealer, travels all over the country. One day Satsuki's grandfather sends him an art book that is called Tablet. Each page in the book seems to represent different tarot cards, but most of the symbols are missing. Soon after receiving the book a mysterious girl storms in to Satsuki's home and claims that she is the owner of the Tablet and tells Satsuki all of the missing symbols must be found and returned to the book before "they" make any mischief. In order to find and return the symbols, Satsuki must call out the right symbols to defeat the escaped ones. Any symbols that he returns to the book will become his servants. Will Satsuki be able to find and capture all of the symbols that ran away?
Điều cấm kỵ · Tattoo -  El Tabú del Tatuaje -  Tabù Del Tatuaggio -  Taboo Tattoo -  Tabou De Tatouage -  Tabu · Tato (Indonesian) -  Tabu-Tätowierung -  Tatuaje Tabú -  Запретная татуировка (Russian) -  Табу Татуировка (Ukrainian) -  קעקוע טאבו -  المحرمات الوشم (Arabic) -  تابو تاتو
Seigi, a martial arts trained middle schooler, often feels driven to protect the weaker people around him. One day, he defends a homeless man against some punks, and the man gives him a strange tattoo on his palm in return. The tattoo is a secret weapon produced in the arms race between America and the Serinistan Kingdom.Seigi finds himself in over his head when a powerful girl, using the same secret weapon, violently pursues him in order to retrieve it. His skill at martial arts may not be enough to keep him alive, but will he be able to learn how to trigger the power of his tattoo in time?[url=]See AnimeNewsNetwork for the anime.[/url]
Something Secret That I Really Want to Do With You! -  ホントは君としたいヒミツのこと!
タクティクスオウガ, Ogre Battle Saga Episode VII Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together
Based on homonymous video game.
After Spending Hundreds of Years as a Common Undead, I’ve Become The Strongest Undead When I Woke up -  Hundreds Years After I Was Called [Just Corpse], I’ve Become Strongest Undead When I Woke Up -  Suicidal Undead -  Tada no Kabane no Yōda to Iwarete Ikusei
Zion, a solo adventurer, recklessly entered a dungeon beyond his ability. Alas, that was the last thing he did. Wandering inside a dungeon for hundreds of years, as an undead, he kept advancing into the dungeon. Slaying monster left and right until his undead body underwent "evolution" many times over. By the time he regained his ego, he had already become the strongest undead: "No Life King."The humankind, who was made aware of the appearance of a new world-class disaster monster, felt dread as they fell into the abyss of despair. "The world is... done for." Or so they thought. This was the tale of the humans who trembled in fear and him, an undead, who actually had no intention to destroy the world.
ただいま恋愛研修中! -  During Us Love Training -  During Us Love Training! -  Tadaima Renai Kenshuuchuu
Izumino is a novice salaryman whose dream has always been to have an "office romance". He has been flirting non-stop with women since the day he entered the company but to his surprise, this company has a "relationships between co-workers are forbidden" rule. Izumino plans on paying no attention to this rule, but the company manager, Andou, won't leave him alone until he trains him to be an efficient employee. Izumino dislikes his manager who never takes his eyes off him, but seeing how efficient he is when it comes to his job, Izumino starts to feel attracted to him... What will happen with this double forbidden romance?!
Right now -  I'm in the pursuit of knowledge -  Tadaima Shugyouchuu -  ただいま修行中。
Danny est un adolescent américain qui vient au Japon pour perfectionner son karaté. Prêt à en découdre, il ne comprends pas ce qui lui arrive lorsqu'il rencontre shinobu, le maître du dôjô Sakurai dont il tombe éperdument amoureux au premier regard. De belles situations cocasses à venir garanties !
Le futur dans lequel le virus de mort est censé détruire l'humanité est en cours. Dans le but d'éviter cette destinée aux humains, Raito reçoit l'ordre de retourner dans le passé. Sa mission : s'assurer que Tanaka Yû, un lycéen de première année, fasse des enfants avec son amie d'enfance, Takane Kyôko ! Mais la tâche ne sera pas aussi simple, le destin ne semble pas être du même avis...
How to make the right future -  Tadashii Kodomo no Tsukuri kata! -  The proper way to grow perfect children -  制造孩子的正确方法! -  正しいコドモの作り方!
Le futur dans lequel le virus de mort est censé détruire l’humanité est en cours. Dans le but d’éviter cette destinée aux humains, Raito reçoit l’ordre de retourner dans le passé. Sa mission : s’assurer que Tanaka Yû, un lycéen de première année, fasse des enfants avec son amie d’enfance, Takane Kyôko ! Mais la tâche ne sera pas aussi simple, le destin ne semble pas être du même avis…
愛情教戰守則, 正しい恋愛のススメ, The Guide to a Perfect Love
Takeda Hiroaki is a good-looking average high school student with a cute girlfriend. Gokokuji Akira is a class president and smart on the outside but behind that elite appearance, he works for male escort company "M Project".Though out Hiroaki's whole life, he didn't have any hobbies or didn't care about getting involved in anything. One day, his lazy everyday life turned 180 degrees when he got involved with Akira.Published from 1996-1998 
Taihen Yoku Dekimashita (SATO Zakuri) -  たいへんよくできました。 -  做得非常好
Botan Nonoyama est une jeune fille, qui, ayant été souvent malade dans son enfance, ne s'est jamais fait vraiment d'amis. Seulement voilà, arrivée désormais au lycée, elle est déterminée à ce que cela change ! Botan décide de choisir un lycée éloigné de sa maison pour tourner la page et se faire enfin des véritables amis. Seulement, cette nouvelle vie n'est pas sans lui réserver quelques surprises...
大砲とスタンプ, Guns and Stamps
Of Differing Physiques -  Size Difference -  体格差
A roughly-drawn, episodic twitter comic illustrating the heartwarming daily life of a gay couple with differing physiques.NOTE: Although this comic is relatively tame, the majority of the artist's other works are very explicit (R18+) and feature sensitive topics. That said, if you're still interested, you can find the artist at
I’m the Grand Duke's Consort Candidate However -  I Believe I Can Certainly Surpass It!公妃候補だけど、堅実に行こうと思います大公妃候補だけど、堅実に行こうと思います
La pauvre fille du marquis, Teresse, qui s'est efforcée jour et nuit d'économiser de l'argent, fut soudain informée qu'elle serait l'une des "candidates de l'épouse du Grand-Duc"."Etre une pauvre aristocrate comme moi, devenir candidat à la consort m'est impossible" - c'est ce que je devrais gentiment refuser, mais....."Chaque candidat se verra accorder 100.000 peir.""Emploi de courtisane ou d'hôtesse de l'air.""Ces termes sont généreux ! ?"Je peux être une dame de cour que j'ai toujours désiré !" pensa Teresse. C'est dans cet esprit qu'elle a décidé de se rendre au palais en tant que "Candidate de l'épouse du Grand-Duc".Cependant, ce qui l'attend dans le palais, c'est une guerre avec des jeunes femmes complaisantes et d'autres candidates à la consort ! Teresse sera-t-elle nommée dame de la cour ou se distinguera-t-elle des autres en tant qu'épouse du Grand-Duc ?
月のしっぽ, 月亮的尾巴, 달의 꼬리, Promise of the Moon, Tail of the Moon
Sometimes it seems like Usagi is hopeless. Sure, she's good with healing herbs, but she's the granddaughter of the leader of a prestigious ninja village and she's such a klutz that she's never made it out of the kiddie class. Finally frustrated with Usagi's lack of progress, her ... 
A ronin law student at an unnamed university named Momoyama is tasked by the Yasui patriarch to investigate the whereabouts of his missing daughter.
大正夢幻奇譚, Taisho Dream Stories, Taisho Era Chronicles, Taisho Mugen Kitan
Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes. Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice. 
Taishau Wotome Otogibanashi -  Taisho Maiden Fairytale -  Taisho Otome Otogibanashi -  Taishou Wotome Otogibanashi -  Сказка о девушке эпохи Тайсё -  タイシャウヲトメおとぎばなし -  大正処女御伽話 -  大正処女御伽話 ( タイシャウヲトメおとぎばなし) -  大正处女御伽话 -  타이 샤 오토메 동화/다이쇼시대 소녀 전래동화
In this story set in the early 1920s, Tamahiko is the son of a wealthy family, but his life is changed forever when an accident cripples his right arm. No longer considered by his father as an heir, he is shuffled off into the country, to live out of sight. The teenage Tamahiko shuts himself in his new home, bitterly thinking of it as the place where he will die. One day, he learns that his father has 'bought' him a bride to take care of him, when the young teen girl named Yuzuki arrives at his door. She comes into his life like an innocent ray of sunshine, and Tamahiko's view of the world and his life starts changing bit-by-bit...Russian / Русский:SpoilerНа дворе 1920й год (эпоха Тайсё). Тамахико — один из наследников богатой семьи. Однако, получив увечье, из-за которого парализовало правую руку Тамахико, отец семейства счел, что такой сын в качестве наследника ему не нужен и отправляет его в одно из своих имений на задворках захолустного села, как говорится, из сердца вон и с глаз долой. Тамахико замыкается в себе, перестает общаться с внешним миром и впадает в глубокую депрессию, а ведь ему лишь 17! Неизвестно, чем бы кончилась вся эта история, если бы отец, в один прекрасный день, не купил Тамахико женушку Юдзуки, которая незатейливо оказалась на пороге жилища Тамахико и постучалась в его двери. Вся прелесть в том, что Юдзуки милый и невинный лучик солнечного света в угрюмой непогожей жизни нашего героя. Жизни, которая начинает преображаться с каждым новым днем.Portuguese/Português:SpoilerNesta história passada no início dos anos 1920, Tamahiko é o filho de uma família rica, mas a vida dele muda para sempre quando um acidente machuca o seu braço direito. Não sendo mais considerado o herdeiro pelo seu pai, ele é enxotado para fora do país para se perder de vista. O adolescente Tamahiko se tranca na sua casa nova, amargamente pensando que será o lugar onde morrerá. Um dia, ele fica sabendo, que o seu pai "comprou" uma noiva para tomar conta dele, quando uma garota chamada Yuzuki aparece na sua porta. Ela entra na sua vida como um inocente raio de sol, e a perspectiva do mundo de Tamahiko vai mudando pouco a pouco.
From the Wafflehouse: The 16 year-old Tsukasa moves to Tokyo to start living with her uncle after her mother passed away. It's difficult enough to move to a new place alone, but the second day that she moves in, she finds out that her uncle is an AV (Adult Video) director...
Une série de oneshot par Souryo Fuyumi
太陽のイヂワル -  太陽のイヂワル 惣領冬実傑作短編集 -  A Strange Gene -  Damned Sun -  Fuyumi Soryo short Stories - 1 - Taiyo no Ijiwaru -  Strange Trait -  Taiyou no Ichiwaru -  T
Recueil de plusieurs one shots dans l'ordre :- 01 - The Rainbow Fish,- 02 - Damned Sun,- 03 - Strange Trait,- 04 - A Strange Gene.
Un jour, Hikaru, employé dans une agence de voyage, tombe sur un séduisant étranger qui s'est évanoui dans le parc et à cause de son bon cœur, le ramène chez lui.Leo, le séduisant étranger, se comporte comme un jeune maître, gaspilleur et arrogant. Mais cependant, Hikaru ne peut résister à sa douceur. Hikaru aurait-il fait entrer un loup chez lui ? Et qui est exactement, ce jeune Léo exotique ?
太陽のロマンス, 太陽羅曼史
Motoki was originally an ordinary guy with an ordinary life. Soon, however, Motoki starts noticing that things are changing in himself and his surroundings. His bad eyesight is cured, and suddenly he becomes prettier. As if in response to this mysterious change, two strange men appear in class, Shidou and Kubota. His classmates tell him that they have always been there, but he has no recollection of them. Then he finds out that both of them are after his life, and planning on "devouring his heart."
たいようの雪 -  The Sun's Snow
A mysterious boy Snow helps a surly chimney sweep Rose integrate into society.
太陽と月のあいだで -  Between the Sun and the Moon -  Sun and Moon -  The Sun and the Moon
From Manga-Mania: On the day Sari transfers to her new school, she confesses her love for her cousin Kazuomi. After being subtly rejected, she find out that Kazuomi's best friend Mizuki is also interested in him. Because those two are like the sun and the moon, Sari's determination to be Kazuomi's girlfriend begins to waver. How will this interesting love triangle develop?
Kounosuke Ryuudo est un samouraï qui est coincé dans une pauvreté perpétuelle. La recherche d'un emploi est infructueuse, car il ne sait pas manier une lame. Un jour, après avoir été accosté par des criminels et ne voulant atteindre que la douce étreinte de la mort, il reçoit une demande en mariage d'une mystérieuse femme... Le dernier ouvrage en date de l'auteur de Kasane.
Yamagami is a small hamlet in Kyuushuu, the mountainous region in the south of Japan. Today, this village is inhabited only by old people still living in the rhythm of tradition and communion with nature. The return of one of the village youths, pursued by yakuza, will overturn life in this little world, spared until now from modernization. These sinister gangsters intend to seize this enchanted spot and trash it. Will Yamagami come to experience the harshness of the modern world?