

C'est l'histoire d'une lycéenne, Hibiki, qui tombe amoureuse d'un de ses professeurs. Les deux commencent à sortir ensemble, mais ils ont beaucoup d'ennuis. Les amis de Hibiki la couvrent, et une partie de l'histoire parle aussi d'eux, ainsi qu'une histoire intitulée Tomodachi Nante Iwanaide dans le premier volume : Une nouvelle sur l'amour non partagé de Kumiko pour Kanata depuis cinq ans. Kanata l'a toujours vue comme la fille qui mangeait un bol de bœuf et une bonne amie. Cela va-t-il enfin changer ?
Nomura Nobuo est un lycéen normal, jusqu’à ce qu’il reçoive un véritable « don » du ciel qui le convainct qu’il est n’est pas comme les autres ; d’après lui, il possède ce qui le différencie des masses insipides que valorisent la société japonaise. Or, lorsque ce « don » est démasqué par Kaburagi Jirou, un autre élève : une véritable guerre s’engage. De par leur association, c’est une bataille contre la société elle-même qu’ils entendent livrer !
Sensha Otoko: A True Tank Story, Tank Man
A story about a 212cm military otaku with "Sensha Otoko" as his handle name. Despite his huge and imposing appearance, he is actually very shy, and thus had no girlfriends. One day, he saves a teenage girl from being harassed and promptly fell in love with the girl. However, because he has no experience in romance, he consults his otaku friends on the web-board Eirei Throne-Channel for advice. This is the beginning of a True Tank Story.Sensha Otoko - A True Tank Story is a parody of Densha Otoko that was part of the 2009 April Fools' Day joke. The manga was published in the Type-Moon 10th anniversary book, it was written and drawn by Haruno Tomoya.
センシティブ・ポルノグラフ; Aiganbutsu wa Oheya no Naka Ouchi e Kaerou; Come Home; Gaki wa Sunao ja nee; Indirect Youth; Non-Adult Situations; Onegai dakara -  Kiss wo Shite; Otona no Tsugou ja Naikute; Please -  Kiss Me; Senshitibu Porunogurafu; Trophies Belong in t
Recueil de 6 histoires.
センチメンタルガーデンラバー -  多愁善感的庭院情人
DMG: Love is found in the strangest places and with the most unexpected partners. The men (and cats!) of SENTIMENTAL GARDEN LOVER burst into heart-throbbing bloom! A scruffy stray cat wishes for big hands to hold an abused man, and a cute kitten begs for speech to comfort a broken-hearted stranger. Wander further into the garden, and you’ll find close siblings upset by a love rival; a jaded delinquent flustered by a trusting bookworm; an evasive, glasses-hating man; and a president eager to find a weakness in his perfect secretary. For both cat and human, the quest for love is here!
A non-popular boy will cross paths with a popular girl. And then, they’ll make a promise…
Sanyansuiyu -  三言碎语
A collection of unrelated short stories by [url=]Klaro[/url][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
Nozomu has come as a chaperone for his younger sister to a foreign country named Alusamito, where she has to have a marriage interview with a prince, because Nozomu’s family’s economical situation is bad. It turns out that the marriage partner is Nozomi’s childhood friend, Laud, with which he used to play with. But Laud has changed from the nice boy he used to know, into a man who is arrogant and unlovable...!! Furthermore, Laud suggests to Nozomu, who is already worried about his sister becoming only one of Laud's wives, that he should become his wife in place of his sister...!?Let the romance in the desert palace begin to unfold!
Senyu -  Senyu. -  Senyuu. -  戦勇。 -  Senyuu
Once upon a time, a Demon King named Rchimedes caused havoc and destruction in the Human World. He was sealed away by the great hero Creasion, and peace returned to the world. 1000 years later, Rchimedes has returned, a hole has opened up in the Human World and countless monsters have sprung up. To prevent any further destruction, the King calls upon all 75 (probable) descendants of Creasion. This story focuses on the adventures of descendant number 45, Alba, and the royal solider appointed to assist him, Ross.
Senyuu SQ, Jump SQ, 戦勇
Jump SQ (Shueisha)
戦勇。メインクエスト 第一章
This is a manga remake of the first arc of the webtoon "Senyuu." Most of the contexts are the same as the original, but in manga form instead and with various minor changes made to the plot.
Love me exclusively -  Exclusive Love Contract -  専属で愛して
Recueil de oneshots.Aida Tomoki est un beau jeune homme de 25 ans et un salarié respectable. Son physique lui permet de papillonner d’amants en amants comme bon lui semble, sans avoir à se préoccuper de sentiments encombrants. Jusqu’au jour où un étudiant frappe à sa porte, se présentant comme l'hôte à louer que Tomoki aurait réservé pour la nuit… Rencontre fortuite ou amour prédestiné ?
シークエンス, シークエンス -勇気の奏でる魔法-, Mối Dây Liên Kết
As punishment for being late to class, Kanata has to ring a bell in an old, deserted church near his high school. When the floor breaks, Kanata falls into a vast room, where he discovers a coffin--and inside, the body of a vampire. The vampire rises, killing Kanata. But Kanata's soul is saved, and when he later meets the vampire, they realize that they are bound to each other through a magic spell: If Kanata dies, the vampire dies, too!
Glenn Ichinose - La catastrophe de ses 16 ans -  Owari no Seraph - Ichinose Glen -  16-sai no Hametsu -  終わりのセラフ 一瀬グレン、16歳の破滅
Glenn Ichinose, 15 ans, entre au lycée des arts magiques de Shibuya 1. Il va y subir les brimades de la part de l'ordre des Démons impériaux, une organisation magique toute-puissante dirigée d'une main de fer par le clan Hiiragi. Il va également y retrouver son amour d'enfance.
シリアルキラー異世界に降り立つ -  The Serial Killer Is Reincarnated Into the Another World.
The Shadow Messenger from the Kingdom of Siegerland
In the history of the Kingdom of Siegerland, there has always been a powerful Shadow Messenger who acted as a guardian for the country. Yet the Shadow Messenger himself doesn’t have a shadow!Every Shadow Messenger chooses a guardian out of all the knights. In order to show his devotion, the knight then offers his own shadow as a gift to the Shadow Messenger and by that becomes a Swordsman.Lisa is a normal girl who leads a happy life like everyone else, when suddenly her father dies a tragic death. From that day onwards, her mother forbids her to leave the house. In the end, she secretly steals away with her childhood friend Louis. They are playing outside, when her playmates die under strange circumstances… Only Lisa survives, but she lost her memories of that day...
Servamp เซอร์แวมพ์, SERVAMP-サーヴァンプ-
サーバント×サービス, Servant Service, ServantxService
Uru-sama's Servant in a Foreign Country - Sold for 100 Million, ウル様の召使い~異国にて、1億で落札されました。
[Proposé par la Celestial Midnight]
My Bride is a Mermaid -  SetoYome -  The Inland Sea Bride -  瀬戸の花嫁
Un jeune garçon est sauvé de la noyade par une sirène. Mais d'après la loi des sirènes, si un humain voit la vraie forme de l'une d'entre elles, ils doivent tous les deux être tués.Pour lui, l'unique solution au problème est de l'épouser. Mais pourront-ils garder ce secret caché ?
Seto's Customers
A bittersweet oneshot consisting of fairies and cakes.
Gokujou Ouji-sama -  Bitter Boy Café -  Bitter Boy Cafe -  セツナユキ
1-3. Setsuna Yuki - Les montagnes, la neige, et le snowboard : un décor parfait pour Nagisa et ses amies venues pour s’amuser et flirter avec les garçons environnants.Faut dire que les demoiselles ont une sacré technique qui n’épargne personne, elles savent minauder et feindre d’être des créatures fragiles pour que les mâles rapliquent.Mais quand notre héroine se blesse réellement la cheville, elle ne s’attend pas à être soignée par un homme totalement insensible à ses charmes factices. Un masque de froideur qui ne la laisse pas indifférente, en particulier lorsque son visage s’illumine pour parler de l’unique passion de sa vie : le snowboard.Alors qu’elle pensait que l’amour n’était que jeu et manipulation, Nagisa découvre enfin la profondeur de ce sentiment.Extra - 4. Gokujou Ouji-sama - 5. Bitter Boy Café
せつない秘密, Keeping Luke's Secret, Painful Secret
When Leonie is invited to Rachel Richmond's English country mansion, she's immediately impressed by the famous actress's sophisticated style and impeccable manners. Her first impression of Rachel's handsome son Luke,however, is a different matter entirely! A proud, aloof man, Luke Richmond takes an instant dislike to Leonie, and, used to getting his own way, he repeatedly asks her to leave. But Leonie has been commissioned to write Luke's mother's biography; she's not going anywhere especially now she's realised that Luke's got something to hide!


année 2000
Cette oeuvre est désormais Licencié, nous ne pouvons plus vous offrir les chapitres ! !!Vous pouvez aller les lires gratuitement sur le site Toomics, qui a dont acheté les droits d'auteurs....Bonne lectures à tous, navrés de cette nouvelle.Mujin est un demi-démon qui se transforme et se dé-transforme en sa forme de démon, Lewellyn. Mais quand il a retrouvé son vieil ami Eunil, Mujin découvre que leur relation risque d'aller dans une direction différente.
Shichiyō Jinkaku Shōkōgun -  Shichiyou Jinkaku Shoukougun -  七曜人格症候群
Girl(?) has a disorder that causes her(?) to switch into one personality for every day of the week. Follow each personality as it tries to understand what's happening around them, and what happened since they last appeared. Throw in a mysterious costumed figure in the background, and you get this series.
セブンデイズ FRIDAY - SUNDAY, セブンデイズ FRIDAY→SUNDAY, セブンデイズ MONDAY→THURSDAY, セブンデイズ Monday-Thursday, 星期戀人, Seven Days - Friday to Sunday, Seven Days - Friday
Bright and early one Monday morning, Shino Yuzuru asks Seryou Touji out on a lark when they run into each other at the school gate. Seryou, who's immensely popular, has the odd habit of going out with anyone who asks him out first at the beginning of the week, then promptly dumping them at the end of it."Anyone" apparently includes male upperclassmen like Shino, and as a boyfriend, Seryou is perfect--unfailingly thoughtful and kind. Shino, obviously, has no intention of being in a serious relationship with Seryou. It's not like it's actually love or anything like that. ...Right?
17 Sakurai Machiko, Juunana, Juunana
It's the start of their senior year, and Shiika happens to be in the same class as a guy named Megumi. It's a mystery to her why his voice echoes through her mind.
Osoroshii Koroshi-ya no Hanashi恐ろしい殺し屋の話
La vie quotidienne de Nakano, salarié d'une entreprise d'exploitation, est soudain envahie par le Kitsune, Senko-san (800 ans - Jeune Femme). Qu'il s'agisse de cuisine, de nettoyage ou de service spécial ( ?)..... elle guérira son épuisement avec ses tendres "soins".