
輪廻のラグランジェ~暁月のメモリア~, 轮回的Lagrange~晓月的记忆, Rinne no Lagrange - Akatoki no Memoria, Rinne no Lagrange - Akatsuki (Akatoki) no Memoria
On the planet of De Metorio, Izo is a student in the royal pilot training facility, together with his few classmates, Kirius, Arei, and Sanu. One day, they get a new student teacher who happens to be De Metorio royalty, Princess Yurikano. She runs things a lot differently than Izo and the others are used to, but there's more to this princess than meets the eye. Will Yurikano be able to get Izo and the others to accept her training, and will she be able to survive the enemies that are gathering against her?
輪廻のラグランジェ, 輪廻のラグランジェ Flower declaration of your heart, Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne, Rinne no Lagrange
臨死!!江古田ちゃん, Near Death!! Ekoda chan
Rinshi!! Ekoda-chan is a fun and dark a 4-koma manga about the real (?) life of the author, a single woman in Tokyo who drifts through relationships and works at various hostess clubs and the like. Lots of commentary on “birds of prey” (moukin), girls who use their cuteness and affect stupidity in order to try to score men (against whom the author is constantly fighting).
밝히는 용사님
Les vivants et les morts ont coexisté pendant un millénaire, surveillés par les Corbeaux Rouges, un conclave de médium qui contrôlent le monde des esprits. Mais au début du XXème siècle, une guerre arrive et menace l'équilibre entre les mortels et les fantômes. Au centre de ce bouleversement, un simple fantôme, veut juste qu'on la laisse tranquille pour qu'elle hante sa maison abandonnée en paix.
りせっと!, Reset!
Hiro is an ordinary first-year student who enjoys her quiet school life. One day, she picks up a drawing by Toshinou Kyoko which causes her classmate Aoi to mistake Hiro for the artist. Unable to clear up the misunderstanding, Hiro is persuaded to create a doujin game together with Aoi-chan.
Shimonone Takara est un jeune homme assez bizarre. En effet, celui-ci désir devenir un 'Étranger'.Les 'Étrangers' sont des personnes ayant acquis un pouvoir surnaturel à la naissance ou en grandissant. Un jour, le jeune homme rencontra une dénommée Aria, qui dit faire partie d'une organisation. Que veut-elle? Takara arrivera t'il a devenir un 'Étranger'?

Risky Crime

Risky Crime - Kazuki est moitié humain et moitié vampire. Il y a douze ans, lorsqu'il était enfant, sa mère vampire mourut, le laissant seul. Mais il fut aussitôt recueilli par Tôya, un vampire de sang pur. Ce dernier, élève principalement Kazuki dans le but d'avoir près de lui une "réserve de nourriture". Mais est-ce vraiment la véritable raison ?Toujours est-il que Kazuki en a assez de cette situation et tente de s'enfuir. Mais il est aussitôt rattrapé par Tôya et tombe dans ses bras. C'est à cet instant qu'il prend conscience que, peut-être, qu'il ne déteste pas celui qui l'a recueilli.Pourtant, il sait que, comme sa mère, s'il venait à aimer, il se transformerait en grains de sable... Ange Supérieur ! - Wish 1 - Anri est un ange en formation qui échoue dans toutes les missions qui lui sont confiées. À cause de ses innombrables échecs, l'Archange Michaël l'avertit : s'il échoue encore une fois, il sera banni du Paradis !Et voici sa prochaine mission : jouer les Père Noël et répandre la joie. Cependant, Anri est bien plus intéressé par le grand sac rempli de cadeaux sur son traîneaux que par le reste. En effet, il ne comprend pas pourquoi un cadeau de Noël pourrait être important.Cependant, un accident pourrait bien le faire changer d'avis... Ange Supérieur ! - Wish 2 - La Saint Valentin est arrivée et Anri a une nouvelle mission : être Cupidon, l'ange de l'amour, et faire s'épanouïr l'amour !Anri est tout enthousiaste et accompli avec application sa nouvelle tâche. Mais quand il s'agira de décocher une flèche pour faire s'épanouïr l'amour entre une jeune fille et la personne qu'il aime, Anri sera incapable de le faire. De plus, quelque chose le tourmente : l'Archange Michaël lui a dit que si un humain touchait la pointe d'une de ses flèches, il sera dévoré vivant... Caramel * Trap - Après la cérémonie de diplômes du lycée, Yôhei Kawahara confesse ses sentiments à son ami Sôya Oki et lui demande de sortir avec lui. Alors qu'il s'attendait à être rejeté, Sôya accepte, tout simplement. Ainsi commence la vie de ce nouveau couple.Mais quelques temps plus tard, Yôhei s'inquiète : alors qu'ils sont ensemble, ils n'ont rien fait de coquin ! En effet, Sôya n'a jamais de temps à lui consacrer à cause de ses cours (le jour) et ses jobs (la nuit). Ils ne sont jamais allés en rendez-vous non plus !Aussi, une nuit, Yôhei décide de suivre furtivement son compagnon au musée où ce-dernier est agent de sécurité. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et il casse un collier que Sôya était chargé de surveiller...
理想の恋人 -  理想的恋人 -  Ideal Lover
From Blissful Sin: Riku suffered a traumatizing experience after coming out and has since chosen to avoid love. That is until the super-confident and dominating pretty-boy, Yoshimi, walks into his life. He deliberately targets Rikufs weaknesses, but what are his true intentions? This is a story of discipline, guidance and affection that fills both the heart and body of the handsome and brutish Yoshimi and the naturally timid Riku.
リストラ父さん -  Downsized Father
A gag manga following the exploits of a foolish out of work father and a realist daughter trying to get him into a job that will pay for private school.
Rites of Passage - When We Were Siblings; Ritos de Passagem - Quando Éramos Irmãos
Italo and Erika made a promise: they would become siblings starting from the first day of school. Although it's easy to convince their classmates, the distance between them two grows every day and the gaps of this relationship will give way to dangerous feelings...
リッツで夕食 -  A Wild Affair -  Idol Dreams
From Dark Horse: Quincy wouldn't have seen this coming in her wildest dreams. What ordinary girl-next-door would? One minute you're sitting down to tea in your kitchen, talking with a friend, and the next-the man of your dreams comes knocking at your door, and he's looking for YOU.Quincy never expected to be swept off her feet by a gorgeous, world-famous pop star, but now that it's happening, she's not sure she's the right one for him. Swept up in the glamorous thrill of it all, Quincy is worried that it's all happening a little too fast, not to mention her concerns that she's really not the right girl to call a sexy superstar her boyfriend. It's a good thing for Joe that his desire to be with her is as strong as his star appeal!
Heisuke just came into town and the first thing on his to-dolist is chasing pretty girls, which causes him to get punched in the process. After reaching the house he'll bestaying at he sees a girl trying to sneak inside. Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to legitimately grope a girl, he attempts to stop this intruder only to find out that it's thesame girl who punched him earlier; not only that, but her name is Umi and she just happens to be one of the three sisters who live in that house along with their mother. The next day Umi finds out that Heisuke is a boxer whose skill is only eclipsed by his lecherousness. Follow Heisuke as he tries to find out which desire is stronger, his desire for boxing or his desire for girls! 
Beware of the Rival -  ライバルに気をつけろ -  爱情趴趴走
1-2)Rival ni Ki wo Tsukero (Beware of the Rival)Ren is in love with his younger cousin Sakae and has been for quite some time. On the day he plans on confessing he witnesses Kunimi, Sakae's classmate, confessing to Sakae. Upset that Kunimi stole Ren's perfect moment to confess he decides to find out who the guy is and hopefully what Sakae's answer was. When Sakae leaves the two together Kunimi tells Ren he knows Ren loves Sakae and that he will never hand Sakae over to Ren. The battle to win Sakae over is ON!3)Koishitatte ii janai (What's wrong with being in love?)Mei and Shouta are childhood friends. Mei is very clumsy and a little clueless so when he wants to move out of his parent's house and live alone, Shouta moves in with him. One day Mei comes home early and sees Shouta touching himself... while calling Mei's name! Everything changes after that...4)Suki Suki (Love Love)Toshikazu is very possessive over his lover, Hibiki. Hibiki starts to feel smothered but what will happen when he finally wins some freedom?Extra: Ren and Kunimi from Beware of the Rival are back for a short side story. Ren is always complaining about being the bottom but when he finally gets a chance to top Kunimi, things don't go as planned...
River God Adult Seeks Adoption -  河神大人求收养
Un jour, surgissant de nulle part, un homme magnifique se faisant appeler le Dieu de la Rivière apparaît devant Lin Lu. Cette beauté éblouissante supplie alors Lin Lu de l'adopter. Exhorter à la conclusion d'un contrat entre les deux. Que décidera Lin Lu ? Et peut-on croire les paroles du Dieu de cette rivière ?
The government has been conducting experiments to genetically engineer a human. Its first creation is a girl named Rizel, and the experiment is a success--sort of.While healthy and cheerful, 12-year-old Rizel also possesses the uncanny need for love to further her development. Saddened by this emptiness in her life, she sheds tears that can end up destroying a city block.So what's a girl to do ... except get married! Enter Iwaki Tomonori, your average 15-year-old boy. His world is turned upside-down the day he arrives home to find that the government has just announced that he's a married man!
Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi dorei Kenshi no Nariagari Eiyūtan (Haaremu Raifu) -  Road to Kingdom
C'est l'histoire d'un jeune gladiateur esclave dans une arène souterraine. Un jour, il tue le patron et s'échappe de l'arène, rejoignant une bande de mercenaires comme nouvelle recrue. Au cours d'une mission, ils rencontrent la vampire Lucy, qui massacre le groupe avec sa force inhumaine. Deux ans plus tard, le jour du départ d'Aegir, ils s'échangent la promesse que si Aegir devient roi et possède la terre de la forêt de l'Erg, il pourra venir la prendre comme femme. Faisant de cette promesse son but dans la vie, Aegir s'est mis en route pour devenir un héros, un roi, et a fondé son propre royaume.


Lorsque la guerre menace de détruire le mode de vie de sa nation, un jeune écuyer nommé Rob sait exactement ce qu'il doit faire : voler une arme à l'Armurerie intemporelle. La seule chose qui se dresse entre lui et la victoire, ce sont des milliers de kilomètres, des chevaliers sinistres, des élites véreuses et des assassins ennemis. Arrivera-t-il à temps pour arrêter les envahisseurs, ou sera-t-il vaincu en cours de route ?
ロボット刑事, Robot Detective
K, a robot detective, joins the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force’s Science Division and is partnered with human partner, Shinjo Go much to the chagrin of Chief Inspector Shiba Daizo, who distrusts the Robot. Together they battle the crimes perpetrated by the renegade conglomerate R.R.K.K. “BADO” (Robot Rental Kabushiki Kaisha – Robot Rental Company)
Rock it, GiRL!!, Rock it,GiRL!!, Rocket Girl
Kaname likes playing her guitar and singing by the streets and can't believe her ears when a strange girl who's actually a music producer suddenly offers her a contract for a debut cd.However she tells Kaname that her voice is completely worthless and that she'll have to debut within a band and just be the guitarist. Furthermore, the vocalist who will sing the songs in her place is an arrogant girl full of herself who immediately starts bullying her; however...
ロック・リーの青春フルパワー忍伝 -  Rock Lee and His Ninja Pals -  Rock Lee no Seishun Full-Power Ninden -  Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth -  Rock Lee's Springtime of Youth F
Story about ninjia Rock Lee. Lee is a ninja affiliated with the village of Konohagakure, and is a member of Team Guy, which consists of himself, Neji Hyuga, Tenten, and Might Guy—the team's leader. Unable to use most ninja techniques, Lee dedicates himself to using solely taijutsu, ninja techniques similar to martial arts. Lee dreams of becoming a "splendid ninja" despite his inabilities.
Masumasu Academy, an Academic City floating in the Pacific, is home to children with mysterious powers known as "Fiction". "Fiction" grants them enhanced physical prowess, as well as one additional ability. What will happen when a time stopper, Kazuma, meets a cute girl with the ability to move at lightspeed, who knows and is searching for him? - made-up description by a batoto user
From Alice Dreams : The warriors of ROCK have surrounded her! Chae Woon is the manager of ‘Haeoreum.’ She gets retaliated when she receives Bora’s outstretched hands in front of Eun Gyul, who is in bad terms with her since they were little. “If the thing you hate most is my forced kiss, what I hate most are people that step out during my performance.” Is this jealousy or passion for music?
ロケットマン -  A Boy Meets Rocketman -  Rocketman
Rockman -Dr. Wily no Inbou- -  Rockman -Dr. Wily's Plot- -  Rockman -Dr. Wily's Scheme- -  Rockman 2 -  ロックマン -Dr.ワイリーの陰謀-
After taking down Dr. Wily's previous attempt at conquering the world, he's back to his old tricks and yet again, it's up to Rockman to foil his plans!
Les Engrenages du Destin !! -  Rockman 11 : Les Engrenages du Destin !! -  Rockman 11: The Gears of Fate!! -  Mega Man 11
Megaman 4 -  ロックマン4
After his defeat in [i]Rockman 3[/i], Dr. Wily has gone into hiding. The world is peaceful until one day... Dr. Cossack attacks?!Rockman must defeat all 8 of the Robot Masters and restore peace to humanity!Note: [spoiler]Ikehara Shigeto never actually worked on a manga adaptation of [i]Rockman 3 (Famicom/NES)[/i],[b]not[/b] to be confused with his manga adaptation of [i]Rockman World 3 (Game Boy)[/i].[/spoiler]
ロックマンメガミックス -  Mega Man Megamix -  Megaman Megamix
Witness the origin of Mega Man, his first battles with Dr. Wily and the evil Robot Masters, plus appearances from Dr. Light, Roll, Proto Man, Rush, an
Mega Man X
Taken from manga: Because I know that humanity will have to wage many wars against evil in the future I am leaving behind the strongest reploid in history... Because this world is currently at peace it is my sincere hope that he will not be forced to embark upon such a battle. However unfortunate as it may be I fear that when the time for war comes, he will have no choice but to become ruler of the world.