
朝がくる度, Every Time the Sun Rises
Hiraku's a slightly moody college student who's been having a hard time getting used to his new big-city life. A flamboyantly gay guy's latched onto him like a leech and follows him around wherever he goes, and a girl who he had a one-night stand with comes up to him telling him that she's pregnant and demands money from him so that she can go and get an abortion.Amidst all this chaos, one glaring question crystallizes in the minds of all those around him ---who is it that he really loves?


Asadora ! raconte la vie d'une jeune fille dans le Japon d'après guerre. L'histoire se déroule sur plusieurs dizaines d'années jusqu'au jour présent.
Kase-san -  Morning Glory and Kase-san
Kase-san and Morning Glories -  Obentou to Kase-san. -  Shortcake to Kase-san -  Kase-san and an Apron -  Sakura to Kase-san -  加瀬さんシリーズ
Nous suivons l’histoire de Yamada, une lycéenne amatrice de jardinage, qui tombe amoureuse de Kase, l’as du club d’athlétisme de son lycée. Suivez-les dans leurs joyeux quotidien, pendant que le lys fleuri.
"The boy I love is dead.”Yuugen is a sickly, high school boy with zero motivation in life. He avoids interacting with his classmates, and lives an utterly bland and colorless life. However, there’s always one boy who always calls out to him every single day. That’s Hideto, upbeat and outgoing, loved by anyone and everyone. To this bright individual, Yuugen harbors feelings that he has not told anyone.However, one day, Hideto suddenly passes away. While still grappling with the reality of the situation, Yuugen discovers that the ghost of Hideto has appeared before him. Bound to this world by unfinished business, he enlists the help of Yuugen to help him pass on, but…!A summer of love for two boys to purify the soul.A bittersweet love story of a boy overcoming grief and taking the steps into adulthood.
朝雾的巫女, 朝霧の巫女, 朝霧的巫女, Shrine of the Morning Mist
Yuzu would very much like to be a regular girl, but unfortunately for her, she and her sisters are miko priestesses at the Asagiri Shrine, and their role is to keep the spirit world in balance.
[*][url=]Award Link[/url][url=][img][/img] Author’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Author’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Author’s FANBOX[/url][*]Creator-approved translations by [url=]Hachirumi Scans.[/url]
あさこ -  浅子 -  아사코
“Asako” depicts the relationship between an 11-year-old boy living in a seaside fishing village, Masashi Aoshima, and a mysterious beauty, Asako, who came to stay at his guest house from Tokyo.
Bienvenue chez la famille Asakura !Le père, patron et designer d'une entreprise textile,se sert de ses enfants comme modèles pour les créations de son entreprise.Cette série dépeint les histoires d'amourdes différents membres de cette famille extrêmement charmante.
Meet Asakura Hiragi, president and designer of a clothing company and his six beautiful children who are also his models for his clothing company. The volume is about their father, Kaede, Tsubaki and Himawari's budding and turbulent relationship with their significant other...
淺丘高校棒球社日誌 -  ―浅丘高校野球部日誌― オーバーフェンス -  Asaoka High School Baseball Team Journal - Over Fence -  Asaoka Koko Yakyu-Bu Nisshi - Over Fence -  Over Fence
Minori is the manager of her high school's baseball club, which has been defunct up until five years ago. Even now, it's a little rough, since there currently are no seniors in the club at all! None of the second year players know why the club closed so many years ago, or about the baseball history all their fathers share...
"Soap" était le nom d'un endroit où Motoki se prostituait à des homosexuels. Il ne s'attendait pas à y travailler en permanence, mais les circonstances l'avaient obligé à rester. La vie n'était pas si géniale, mais une rencontre avec Jiro du magasin de tofu a changé cela. Après cela, il semblait que le hasard et la gentillesse les avaient peu à peu intégrés dans la vie de l'un et de l'autre.
アスクライブ・トゥ・ヘヴン, 归罪乐园, 歸罪樂園, Asukuraibu tu Hevun
Minnie’s the only human living on an alien planet and because of that she’s rejected by almost all the other inhabitants. Then one day something falls outside of her house and it happens to be... a human prince?!
灰者 -  Ashman -  Hai-Sha
From the creator of the cyberpunk manga Battle Angel Alita comes a new tale of Alita's world. A thriller of crushed metal and spilled blood that takes place in the dystopian Scrapyard, it is drawn in a dark, expressionistic style that keeps it true to the spirit of cyberpunk science fiction writing.


Ashi Gaaru -  Ashi Girl -  Ashigaaru -  アシガール -  跑女战国行 - 
Hayakawa Yui est une fille totalement démotivée, paresseuse, qui aime dormir et manger. Elle a 16 ans mais ressemble à un garçon de l'école primaire ; son seul et unique talent est de courir très vite. Après avoir accidentellement allumé la machine à remonter le temps que son jeune frère lui a fabriqué, elle se rend à la période Sengoku, où elle rejoint par hasard les fantassins en retraite en utilisant le nom de Yuinosuke. Elle mange alors quelques amanitas et rencontre l'homme de son rêve.
Tekkai no Senshi -  鉄界の戦士
In a world where everyone bears metal arms, a demon bearing a hundred pairs of metal arms threatens total destruction on the world and everyone who lives within it. But even in the face of total hopelessness, a group of warriors is ready to tackle this desperate challenge! A boy named Ashidaka, with two pairs of metal arms of his own, gathers his companions for the sacred war to come...
あしがる, Ashi-girl (GOTSUBO Ryuuji)
Sono wants to change, so she can get a boyfriend in high school. But sleeping in and late on her way for the opening ceremony, she runs into Aona, who wants to change too. Will this fateful encounter ruin(?) Sono's chance?
Miyasako Kyouichi, est un drogué du travail séparé de son ancienne petite amie, Ashita, à cause de son mode de vie d'otaku qu'il refusait d'abandonner. Un jour, alors qu'une gigantesque sphère noire prend place au dessus de Tokyo, Miyasako reçoit un rai de lumière à ses pieds, qui fait apparaitre Ashita, comme si elle n'avait pas changé depuis toutes ces années. La question : qui est vraiment ?
あしたのジョー, 小拳王, 明日的丈, Rocky Joe, Thiết Quyền Lãng Tử, Tomorrow's Joe
Joe Yabuki is a young man living in the slums of Tokyo. But, one day he meets Danpei Tange, a former boxer, who discovers his potential in boxing and tries to make him into a champion. Due to petty crimes, Joe is sent to a juvenile prison. There Joe mets Toru Rikiishi, a promising boxer, who knocked him out with one blow when he attempted to escape prison. Slowly but surely, Joe realizes his own potential. Joe begins his boxing life, step by step, with only one goal in mind... To Defeat Toru Rikiishi !!
After undergoing a heart transplant, Haru Inoue begins to see the memories of his new heart's previous owner, Ashley Goeth. Using these memories, Haru begins to uncover the dark secrets of the hospital he is staying in.[Written by DrStupid]
恋爱占卜师, Alo! Dr. Rin, Ask Dr Rin!, Ask Dr. Lin!, Ask Dr. Rin!, Dr. Lin ni Kiitemite!, Dr. Lynn ni Kiite Mite!, Dr.リンにきいてみて!, Dr. Rin ni Kiitemite!
Meirin, a junior high schooler, is the real identity of the famous "Dr. Rin" who heads a very popular feng sui website. She is in love with her best friend Asuka, a member of the soccer team. "Dr. Rin"'s advice has granted success for many, yet Meirin's own love life doesn't seem to be going too smoothly?
Kankin sa retakara tsuittā de tasuke o motomeru -  監禁されたからツイッターで助けを求める

Asking You

Est-ce le destin ou est-ce la vie telle qu'elle est ? Alors qu'ils se posent cette question, beaucoup d'autres les aident à écrire leur histoire d'amour qui a commencé un jour ordinaire, dans un café ordinaire. --- N'OUBLIEZ PAS DE SOUTENIR L'AUTEUR SOUS SES DIFFÉRENTS RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX ! --- Twitter [R18] :
アスクレピオス, 医神少年, 神眼医师, Thần Y Asklepios
An order has been sent out to hunt down Asklepios, a Greek demon god of medicine, whom the Church believes is practicing unorthodox methods. A member of armed forces group assigned to this mission by the name of Luca encounters two kids who saved him when he was injured during a fight. Who are these kids, and can they help out Luca with his personal reason for doing this assignment?

Asobi Asobase

Trois amies et camarades de classe passent leur temps à jouer à des jeux de main. L'une d'entre-elles s'avère douée mais garde un goût amer pour ces jeux car ayant toujours perdu contre sa sœur, elle fut contrainte de faire les corvées de la maison. La seconde, métisse américano-japonaise, ne semble pas être douée pour parler le japonais. La troisième, souvent observatrice des jeux, perd à chaque fois qu'elle s'adonne à une partie...
遊びじゃないの -  Asobi ja Naino -  Asobi jya Naino -  This was supposed to be fun !
(1-2) Kagami and Fukamachi are two friends who both secretly love each other, but the other doesn't know it. Then one day, Kagami tells Fukamachi that he's in love with his sister- in which Fukamachi then reluctantly decides to introduce his sister to Kagami. Now Kagami is faced with showing Fukamachi how he feels before he's forced to go out with a girl he doesn't love... (3) Kyouya, a socially awkward college student has trouble smiling and gets bullied at school. What happens when he stumbles into Akira (a high school student) when he's out drinking? (4) Kyouya (not from chapter 3) is in love with Shirou, his business partner, but Shirou already has a lover?!
Musubu -  the girl working thereЗдесь работает Мусубу-санあそこではたらくムスブさん그곳에서 일하는 무스부 씨
L'histoire suit celle de Sagami Gouro, 24 ans, qui commence à travailler chez Industria Shounan Gum SA, où il rencontre la chercheuse Musubu-san, une fille qui travaille dans le laboratoire de développement de l'assistance médicale appelé "home", leur première rencontre ne sera pas exactement celle qu'on attendait.
Our story begin in heartland city and tells the story of a young boy very curious, called Titio. Despite being the weakest wizard nothing stop him from dreaming to be the first dargia that will step on Aspiralda, to see the famous magical event that will take place. A dream that even the strongest wizards never made it happen. His unexplainable ambition to get to Aspiralda which will be explain troughs his venture, will make the myth of Aspiralda revive in the eyes of everyone. Accompanied by Fleura, Tira, Zion, Snobee, Lucky-Jocker. The young heroes will take a long journey in a magical universe that reserve them many surprise and mysteries.
あっさりショコラ(仮) -  Easy Chocolate
Collection of 4 stories by the mangaka of Honey Bunny: Assari Chocolate (provisional title); Heavy Clouds, No Rain; Broach; From the Cabbage Kingdom '03: Hesitation