
A shy girl, the rain, an umbrella, and her crush.

Rain Train

Une fille, un train et un personnage un peu particulier
레인보우 로즈
A man who isolated himself from the world for thousand years in the hope that he will become a human. A mountain spirit who decieved him for his own good. Now that they meet again after thousand years, the spirit finally tells him the real way to become human. While the man continues his struggle for becoming a human, the spirit tells him stories....
Ame no Hi, Hare no Hi
The third installment of the series in Yuri Hime as the vice-president continues to explore her feelings and move ever closer to the president.
If It Rains Next Week -  Next Week -  If It Rains -  来週、雨が降ったら - 
Chapitre unique
Reezunzu -  Rēzunzu -  レーズンズ
Where do raisins come from?This comic is read left to right.
Доблесть рыцаря-неудачника -  落第騎士の英雄譚 -  Chivalry of a Failed K
Dans un monde où l'âme peut être transformée en une arme, il y a des magiciens modernes appelés Mage-chevaliers. Bien que Kurogane Ikki est un étudiant dans une institution qui forme des Chevaliers-Mages, il n'a pas de talent particulier dans la magie et est étiqueté «le Chevalier raté» ou «le pire». Obtenant des notes en dessous de la moyenne dans les évaluations, il a été forcé de répéter une année. Mais avec l'arrivée d'un nouveau directeur, une nouvelle règle a été créée: les chevaliers dont les capacités sont compatibles, tel que décidé par le conseil d'administration, doivent partager une chambre et participer aux cours et entrainements ensemble et ce tout au long de leurs années d'école afin d'élever leurs capacités au maximum. C'est une règle pour mettre en évidence le verdict absolu des capacités. La colocataire de Ikki, Stella Vermillion, se révèle être une princesse d'un pays étranger. Stella est un chevalierde Rang A : le type de génie à la magie qui apparaît seulement une fois par décennie. Lorsque Ikki entra dans la chambre alors qu'elle était en train de changer ses vêtements, il causa un énorme malentendu (puisque personne n'était encore au courant de la nouvelle règle) qui a finalement fini en un duel entre les deux protagonistes. La punition (ou comme certains pourraient le voir, le prix) du perdant est la soumission éternelle au gagnant. Obligés de vivre dans la même chambre et pratiquer la magie ensemble pendant toutes leurs années d'école, comment va évoluer la relation de Stella et Ikki ?
A collection of four short stories.Story 3: Chihiro and Chiaki are twins with a special ability; Chihiro sees strange visions triggered by the things around him, but it's Chiaki who, without actually seeing them, knows what the visions mean. The trouble Chiaki has caused by blurting out the truth behind the visions has caused Chihiro to shut himself away to keep the visions from coming. But then, one day, his brother asks him to step outside...
From Midnight Scans: Nana, a 16-year-old girl, has had a happy relationship for 1 year with a University student named Shugo. Though, it all comes to a halt, when a doctor tells her that in 6 months, she will become completely blind. While her condition worsens everyday, she decides not to tell Shugo anything because she fears she will be pitied. Will their love be able to survive this tragedy or will it go all downhill?
楽園の泉 -  The Fountain in a Paradise
Collection of 5 short stories with very light shounen-ai overtones: 1) Rakuen no Izumi Ryuuji is bored and anxious for combat experience, but finds something more while protecting a scientist from one of his own creations. 2) Fenomena 3) EREHWON 4) EREHWON II 5) Hoshiboshi no Kouya kara
20 Musume x 30 Otome, Bathed in Sunlight Filtering Through the Trees, Beyond the Stars, Getting Cozy, Momo no Aji, Peach Taste, Princess Sakura, Showe
Contains:1. Rakuen no Jouken (The Conditions for Paradise)Two adult women figuring out the boundaries in their relationship--is too much freedom a bad thing?2. Hoshi no Mukougawa (Beyond the Stars)Chapter 1 prequel. It's about how Sarina and Sumi first became more than friends.3. Bathed in Sunlight Filtering Through the TreesA continuation of Sarina and Sumi's relationship.4) 20 Musume x 30 OtomeAbout an art prep school teacher who feels like she can't compare to her new 20-year-old girlfriend.5. The Opposite of "Seme" is "Protector"Chapter 4 sequel. Keiko wants to take things further. There are two more stories in this series in the Lapis Lazuli Dream collection.6. We're Aiming for Love NowIt's about two women who love each other just as they are.7. Momo no Aji (Peach Taste)A girl struggles to convince the object of her affections to take her seriously.8. Sakurahime HanafubukiSet in Japan's past. A knight protects her princess.
Une courte série Twitter par @udon0531.
酪農みるく! -  Milk on the Farm
ラーメン大好き小泉さん -  Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles
拉麺いかが!?, Gold (HIGURI Yuu), How About Some Ramen?
Culture Shock is a bitch. On Earth, pouring boiling water over a bowl of instant Ramen means you're hungry. On Planet Cup Ramen, where the women are human sized and the three-inch tall, Instant sized men need to be brought up to human size by, you guessed it, pouring hot water on them. It's also a proposal of marriage. Sumire was only hungry, but Prince Kanmen is very persistent, and between various fiancées, older brothers, younger brothers, obsessive SM handmaidens and popstars, Sumire may just end up marrying Kanmen out of sheer exhaustion.Also includes a short story, "Gold."

Ramia - Yana

ramia yana -  Ramia - Hero & Demon Lord Chronicles -  Hero & Demon Lord Chronicles
L'histoire fantastique de l'excentrique et mystérieuse héroïne Ramia et des démons qui s'opposent à elle.Liens :
Voici les Uruma, une famille de quatre sorciers légèrement anormale. La maman, une sorcière extrêmement puissante, n'est pas souvent à la maison, étant trop occupée à veiller sur le monde. Le papa prend donc le relais et s'occupe de la famille, sauf quand il est absent. Jin, le grand frère, se retrouve alors dans la position peu enviable de gardien de sa soeur Ran. Et Ran, la benjamine, est une fillette obstinée ayant trop de pouvoirs et pas assez de bon-sens. A présent, si vous voulez bien, nous allons nous intéresser aux mésaventures quotidiennes de Ran.
ランダム・ウォーク, 一起散散步
Yuka is a freshman in high school, living in the apartment next door to her mystery writer father and his new wife. The one thing she learned from her father was to "fall in love as many times as you can, and become an attractive woman." Now that she is in high school, Yuka is determined to meet her one true love. Will the day finally come when she will meet her destined one?


Un monde où la logique n'existe pas et où tout est possible. La seule limite est votre imagination. Des bandes dessinées mordues.
Da-Zhong Lian-er has no success at love. With 99 straight strike outs at the age of 16, he meets a new girl just as he cries as he deletes the contact information from his last one. (Based upon the first chapter. This is the name the scanlators listed ~a_v) From NoName-Scan: Da-Zhong Lian-er is a high school student who has been looking for love for a long time. Unfortunately, none of the 100 girls he confessed to so far have returned his feelings. Each of them also unintentionally left him with tears. Meanwhile his schoolmates are more interested about a young star in the magazines, which renji surprisingly didn't pay any intention whatsoever. Who will be the girl for him, if ever finds someone?

Ranger Reject

Sentai Daishikkaku -  Боевой отряд «Полный Провал» -  Оперативный отряд "Daishikkaku" -  戦隊大失格
Thirteen years ago, suddenly the Villainous Army of evil appeared in their gigantic floating castle 10000 meters in the sky to invade Earth! The villainous army have reviving capabilities that make them immortal, making them a serious threat to humanity. To protect us against these invaders, the Divine Dragon Rangers, the Dragon Keepers, wield their miraculous powers and their weapons, Divine Tools, and continuously fight for our safety! The assault of the Villainous Army! The vigilance of the Dragon Keepers! Will they succeed in their conquest…? Find out in the action-packed superhero series of a lifetime!Russian / Русский:SpoilerТринадцать лет назад Злодейская армия зла внезапно появилась в своем гигантском плавучем замке на высоте 10000 метров в небе, чтобы вторгнуться на Землю! Злодейская армия обладает возрождающими способностями, которые делают их бессмертными и делает их серьезной угрозой человечеству. Чтобы защитить нас от этих захватчиков, Божественные Драконьи Рейнджеры, Хранители Драконов, используют свои чудесные силы и свое оружие, Божественные Инструменты, и постоянно борются за нашу безопасность! Нападение Злодейской армии! Бдительность, Хранители Драконов! Удастся ли им одержать победу? .. Узнайте это в остросюжетной серии супергероев на всю жизнь!.From Haruba Negi, the creator of 5Toubun no Hanayome.
Les débuts du jeu en réalité virtuelle, Arena. Meleekod était le meilleur joueur, en haut du classement ! Mais, sur un coup de tête, il a quitté le jeu après avoir supprimé son compte. Afin de redorer le nom de sa famille, qui est en faillite, il retourne dans Arena ! "Souhaitez-vous créer un personnage ?
らんま½, 乱马1/2, 亂馬1/2, รันม่า1/2, Ranma ½
Being a teenage martial artist isn't easy, especially for Ranma Saotome, who went through a major transformation on a training mission with his father. After an accidental dunk into a legendary cursed spring in China, Ranma now changes into a girl every time he's splashed with cold water. That would be enough to complicate anyone's life, even without the arranged fiancée who doesn't like him (or says she doesn't) and the constant stream of rivals and suitors for both his male and female forms. What's a half-guy, half-girl to do?
乱入甲子園ファウル -  ファウル -  Rannyuu Koushien Foul
A high school boy and his wacky teammates aim for Koshien!
らのべのへん!, 轻小说神马的, Completing a light nove
Sugano Ikkei is a typical teenager at his high school and lives with his older brother Hyakkei who is an editor at a publishing company. Hyakkei is in charge of several artists and writers and his job is to support them in anyway possible. However, he broke his leg and is unable to leave the hospital for a week and he has a very important meeting with a very shy writer named Tokito Aona which has taken months to get a face to face meeting.As they look really alike, he asks Ikkei to dress up as him and go as Hyakkei. The meeting goes well without her knowing the truth, but Ikkei is forced to go to another meeting with Fujimaki Misuzu, an artist moving to Tokyo in order to continue working. To his surprise, both girls, Tokito and Fujimaki, are in the same class as he. Now he has to juggle being Hyakkei as an editor to the two girls as well as be their classmates as Ikkei, and do all this without letting out the secret that he is the same person.
Alice in Astigmatismland -  乱視の国のアリス -  乱视之国的爱丽丝
Book-loving student Mitake Alice is a normal-looking girl when she has her glasses on, but when she takes off her glasses... she becomes the most beautiful woman in the world. Alice without her glasses is so beautiful, she has even charmed all of the fictional male characters in the fairy tales that she loves to read. Now, the fairy tale female characters like Snow White and Cinderella are out on a hunt to annihilate Alice to gain back each of their corresponding princes. Will Alice survive the onslaught of princess assassins?

Rare Ji

Momoe est du genre à accepter toutes les critiques des autres, qu'elles soient positives ou négatives. C'est pourquoi, tout le monde la considère comme la reine des idiotes jusqu'au jour où Takasugi, l'idole de l'école, le lui fait remarquer...