
A girl had inherited the power of the Phoenix and is on a journey to become a splendid Binari. However, a group of unknowns ambush them along the way, and the tragedy starts...
From Shoujo Manga Maniac: On top of being a third-year middle-school student without a single relative, Riku Fukagawa has no memory of his life before he was ten years old. Memories of Family await him, even if they are not wanted, as a "phosphorus" identifies the cause of his peaceful life, and all on a certain day that two strange guys who call themselves brothers appear? But in Yamato, they manage the Jack-of-all-trades Hiyokoya, which is Riku's new part-time job...!?
피스, Piece พีซ, Piece ~彼女の記憶~, Piece - 回忆的碎片, Piece - 恋爱拼图, Piece - Her Memory, Piece - Kanojo no Kioku
How a young woman, romantically and professionally broken, will once again get a taste for life when she leaves the city to live in the countryside... 
A Piece of Love -  Кусочек любви
An entry to the "Silent Manga Audition" in 2013.Winner of the 5th tier "The Honourable Mention Award"The author, going by "Alhamra," is from Indonesia.From the author: "It tells about how strong a love can be without leaving the Indonesian cultures in the manga."
It's about a depressed woman who's stuck on something that happened in her life.
ピエタ, Pietà
A story about two classmates, Sahoko and Rio. Rio is depressed and self-abusive due to lack of loving relationships with her "family" -- which consists of her negligent father, overbearing, selfish stepmother and stepbrother; and Sahoko soon becomes her only comfort in life. Sahoko on her part has a frigid relationship with her overprotective parents, and lives with her aunt by consequence.
ぴかぴかdays (白松), Sparkling Days
ぴくぴく仙太郎セレクション ふんわり春の巻 -  Piku Piku Sentarou Selection: A Gently Spring Volume -  Piku Piku Sentarou Selection: Funwari Haru no Maki -  센타로의 일기
From Doko Demo Doa Manga Scanlations: Contains 15 short stories of a little rabbit, Sentarou, with his clumsy owner, Baku, who are always happy spending their spring time together.
去吧,稻中乒团, 行け! 稲中卓球部, Go! Ina Junior High Ping Pong Club, Ike! Ina-chuu Takkyuubu, Ping Pong Club
There are six members of the boy's ping pong club. Two are relatively normal; however, the other four consist of an aspiring sexual deviant, two perverts, and a guy with lethal B.O. Add in a cantakerous girl as a manager, and you have the entire crew.This series pushes the boundaries of good taste beyond anything the western world has experienced, yet somehow manages to remain vaguely charming. The antics of the ping pong club includes one member's trademark "Protruding Pecker Serve," molesting cross-dressing members, and the infamous "Turtle Sequence," which is much too horrifying to describe.In 1996, this manga won the Kodansha Manga Award for general manga.NOTE: Full frontal nudity and tasteless jokes abound.
Pink to Mameshiba
n&b + couleurs
Ken est un fan invétéré du groupe de musique Planet. Alors qu'il réserve en magasin les derniers produits à sortir de son groupe préféré, il s'aperçoit que le vendeur est un élève du lycée où il enseigne. Ken lui demande alors de ne pas révéler ses hobbies. L'élève accepte mais demande que Ken devienne son chien de compagnie en échange de son silence.
Ikumi is a schoolgirl who has a crush on Takase Hiroki, the most popular guy in school. However, Hiroki has refused the confessions of all the other girls, and it looks like he's spurned Ikumi, too! But it looks like luck is on her side, because with her little brother Haruka, she is living in Hiroki's house! Enjoy this cute story from the author of Kare Made Love KM.
ピンク・イノセント, 桃色純愛, 純愛粉色系
Cocona is a rich girl who doesn't seem to have a firm grasp of reality. She's in love with someone--but he happens to have a bigger interest in his laptop than in girls.
A collection of two stories: I. Pinky Mist (summary below). II.. My Lucky Star. From Sugar Oasis: Fen Hong is just an ordinary girl, and like many other girls of her age, her idol is Mist Boy, a famous eighteen year-old singer. When she hears that her dad will stay in Singapore for two years and leave her in Taiwan, she's unbelievably happy. To her disappointment, it turns out that she'll be staying with Zhou Zhen Quan, her perfect childhood friend, for whom she feels attraction...? Or maybe love?
Yubikiri -  Wasilah Kita (Malaysia)
Asako lives her life day-to-day? acutely aware of how lonely she is. That all starts to change when she meets Hongo, a boy who thought she was trying to commit suicide and tried to stop her. They form a bond and find how much fun life really is. Until Asako finds out about Hongo's past. Source: Baka-Updates Includes two other stories once called Cuckoo's Child and another called 60 days.


Pinocchio est l'histoire d'une lycéenne, Choi Ha-Ram, qui va faire la rencontre d'un fantôme qu'elle est la seule à voir ! Et en dehors de son nom, Yu Ga-On, et du fait qu'il soit mort, elle sait peu de choses sur lui...Leur rencontre est un véritable tournant dans la vie d'Ha-Ram, et en plus de tout ça, un nouveau voisin vient s'installer à côté de chez elle ! Voilà de quoi rendre sa vie beaucoup plus excitante...
Pistol in One Hand -  片手に拳銃 心に花束を
Haruhi Nagase est un lycéen de 17 ans. Il vit depuis un moment avec Kunihiko Kaga. Ce dernier, après la mort de ses parents, l'a pris sous son aile. Et depuis, leur relation a évolué et ils vivent secrètement le grand amour. Cependant, quelque chose préoccupe Haruhi. Depuis le temps qu'ils se connaissent, il ne sait toujours pas quelle est la profession de Kaga ni quel est exactement son passé. L'homme qu'il aime est un vrai mystère pour lui !Et puis un jour, un élève transféré de Hong Kong, Akira Mizumi, arrive dans sa classe. Ils sympathisent très vite. C'est ainsi qu'il découvre que Mizumi est lui aussi amoureux d'un homme et qu'il est venu au Japon pour le retrouver. Compatissant, Haruhi décide de l'aider sans se douter un seul instant où tout ça va le mener...
ピースのおしごと" -  Peace's work -  Pi-su no Oshigoto
Peu importe comment vous le voyez, Kamijou est un mec jusque là ordinaire. d'autre part, son ex-amie d'enfance, Aikawa Itasu, est une fille populaire et intelligente. Croyant que son amie d'enfance vit dans un tout autre monde que lui, il installe donc une distance entre eux...Jusqu'au jour où, le chat de Kamijou, Peace, se faufile en dehors et rend visite a Aikawa. Ces deux-la commence alors à se parler. Quel raison Aikawa va-t-elle donner pour instaurer une paix entre eux ? Et... vont-ils finir par se retrouver ?
Chirp Chirp Familia -  Piyo Piyo Familiar
Piyokko is about a girl named Michiru Ogasawara who wish to be with the guy of her dreams: Koichiro Takimoto. And so, one day she bought a simple lucky charm who suddenly got alive and promised her to grant her wishes!?!
Koyuki chan is a middle high schooler, kinda coward one. She doesn't like it but she is the chosen one, she has to fight against evil aliens and send them back to their galactical prison. Luckily she's helped by her brother who is a magical girl otaku and by Pyrosuke, her guide. This is a funny manga, quite not like other MG ones, adapted from a RPG-like video game.
プラネット・ラダー, Puranetto Radā
Kaguya is the orphaned survivor of a war she can't remember. She has grown to love her new life and the parents who have adopted her, until once again, her life is torn away from her. A boy she remembers only in her dreams comes to Kaguya and gives her the truth ... that she is a princess from another world...
A Planet for You -  Tinh cầu cho em
How far do you have to travel to reach the nearest star?*On indefinite status regarding updates from author*Read left-to-right.
Haunted by a space flight accident that claimed the life of his beloved wife, Yuri finds himself six years later as part of a team of debris cleaners on a vessel called the Toy Box charged with clearing space junk from space flight paths. The team consists of Hachimaki, a hot shot debris-man with a sailor's affinity for the orbital ocean; Fee, a chain-smoking tomboy beauty with an abrasive edge; and Pops, a veteran orbital mechanic whose avuncular presence soothes the stress of the job.
プランツ・ドール -  観用少女 -  Dolls (KAWAHARA Yumiko) -  Kan You Shoujo -  Kanyou Shoujo
Fron Viz: Yumiko Kawahara's disturbing short stories explore the strange and codependent world of dolls and the people who own them. Both quirky and unsettling, these science-fiction morality fables question the dark side of love and pride.
プラント∞プラン, Plant∞Plan
Yuuya is sent seeds from his mother and he decides to plant them.
Une succession d'histoire de Kahane (une femme plante) et de ses amies qui s'ont une folle envie de sexe !!

Plastic Girl

Maya est une très belle lycéenne qui travaille pour une agence de mannequins. Cependant, dès qu'elle se retrouve en face de l'objectif, elle est tellement nerveuse qu'elle ne ressemble plus à rien. A chaque pause déjeuner à l'agence, Maya retrouve son joli sourire puisque c'est à ce moment-là qu'elle a l'occasion de voir Pierre, le garçon dont elle est amoureuse et qui vend des bentos...