
制造王子的计划 -  王子様のつくりかた -  王子育成法 -  How to make a prince? -  Ouji-sama no Tsukuri Kata -  Ouji-sama no tsuruki kata -  Oujisama no Tsukuri Kata -  The way of making a
From Shoujo Manga Maniac: Yuiri is a first year highschooler and the granddaughter of the principal. She attends Angelic Garden Highschool where she meets 4 handsome devils. It is her job to try and make these devils into angels. While in school, she goes under cover also as her brother Hairi. Can she persevere against these devils?
Capture The Prince! -  Ouji sama wo Tsukamaero -  王子様をつかまえろ!
1-4) Capture the PrinceKeeping their promise, Koga met Iku-sempai up in high school after a short separation. Now, closer than before, Iku becomes aware of a hidden feeling of his, and struggles to keep it there, hidden. Koga, on the other hand, aims to prove that he adores Iku to the point of strong love. In the midst of love confusion, Iku, wanting to hide his feelings from Koga, treats Koga very meanly, yet at the same time is annoyed that Koga has yet to realize his feelings. Oh my, this is really a tough journey for Koga to Capture the Prince!5) Kuroki-kun's Situation6) Sister Complex ([b]Shotacon[/b])7) Princely Circumstances
王子恋爱依存症; 王子達は依存する; Ouji-tachi wa Izon Suru; Oujitachi wa Izon Suru; We depend on the Prince, Hajiketa Kajitsu, The Over-riped Fruit
Yoshino, 18 ans est amoureux de sa sœur, Himeko, qui éprouve un amour ambigu à son égard. Après le remariage de leur père, de nouveaux membres sont présentés à la famille. Tsubaki, qui a le même âge qu'Himeko, est aussi beau qu'une poupée de porcelaine. Ce nouveau demi-frère projette d'exposer les sentiments secrets que Yoshino éprouve envers Himeko. Yoshino pensait que la raison poussant Tsubaki à faire ça était parce qu'il aimait lui aussi Himeko. Cependant, il ne s'attendait pas à ce que Tsubaki fasse ça parce que...
The Princess Likes to Lie -  王女様は嘘つきお好き
The daughter of the marquis, Lady Edilene, the well-known “Perfect Lady”, is actually a former princess of what was once a great nation called Cedentaria. While dreaming of the revival of her home country, she who puts on the mask of the “Perfect Lady”, somehow got a marriage proposal from Prince Schwartz. The wicked Prince Schwartz, who has the persona of the “Ideal Prince”, hinted that he knows who is the traitor behind the fall of her beloved country.And in exchange for that information, he offered a proposal. What is the fate of Edilene who’s wrapped around the wicked prince’s finger…!?
王冠ラテアート -  Crown Latte Art -  Crown Rate Aato -  Crown Rate ato -  Crown Rateaato -  Crown Rateato
From Chibi Manga: Ritsu loved her uncles Cafe for a very long time. Due to debts, the business closed down. Ritsu felt down for a while but she decides to rebuild the cafe. At that time, Shiina the schools #1 troublemaker, pretty face, long fingers... appears in front of her. very ideal for the waiter. She solicits Shiina will all her might but...?!
王国ゲェム, Kingdom Game
At the end of Meiji Restoration, a girl saint was crucified and burnt alive under persecution.A century later, Katori and six childhood friends are summoned to her world beyond the nirvana, where they receive the Great Commission: Build a kingdom, and make disciples of all nations.At every midnight, each of them are randomly given a role out of King/Queen, Noble, and Peasants. As the lowly must obey a higher-up in the hierarchy, can they fight and defeat other nations to conquer the world--before infighting brought up by their own hidden desires breaks them apart?
逢魔ヶ刻動物園, 逢魔时刻动物园, Omagadoki Dobutsuen, Oumagadoki Zoo, Oumazoo
Aoi Hana is a normal female high-school student, though she is extremely clumsy and thus tagged as good-for-nothing. But Hana wants to change herself and decides that finding a part time job would be taking the first step in that direction. Being an animal lover, Hana's job of dreams is encountering animals day-to-day and taking care of them - the zoo sounds like the perfect place for that. So when she happens to see a job offer from a local animal park it's settled she'll attend a job interview.
Crazy Zoo -  Kebun Binatang Oumagadoki -  Oumagadoki Doubutsuen
Aoi Hana is a normal female high-school student, though she is extremely clumsy and thus tagged as good-for-nothing. But Hana wants to change herself and decides that finding a part time job would be taking the first step in that direction. Being an animal lover, Hana's job of dreams is encountering animals day-to-day and taking care of them - the zoo sounds like the perfect place for that. So when she happens to see a job offer from a local animal park it's settled she'll attend a job interview.When Hana arrives at the zoo everything seems just fine. The "Oumagadoki Zoo" might be going south but altogether it's your regular animal park. Just a very normal zoo, one might think. But that is only until Hana gets to meet the zoo director...[hr][b]Links:[/b][*][url=]Author's Twitter[/url]
超瘋狂年下攻戀愛遊戲 -  エロトマニアックプレイ -  Eroto Maniac Play
Donc je suis destinée à l'embrasser, quoiqu'il arrive?! "Je souhaite retourner dans le temps"! À peine ai-je fait ce voeu, je revis mon premier baiser volé encore et encore... À mon 17ème anniversaire, j'ai accidentellement embrassé le garçon le plus populaire de ma classe, Ichizou. Comment ai-je pu me faire voler mon premier baiser par quelqu'un que je n'aime même pas?! Si seulement je pouvais revenir en arrière... Quand j'arrive à l'école le lendemain, Ichizou fait comme si rien ne s'était passé...Quoi?!
Hattori couldn't say no to dating his friend Otonashi, but how serious is their relationship? Between wondering about Otonashi's motives and the unwanted attention of his nosy classmates Hittori hasn't had a chance to examine his own feelings. Hattori and Otonashi are going out. But, it's a strange relationship. They're very open about their relationship, and it's all Otonashi's fault. Hattori's not sure of how he feels, but he's willing to give it the old all-boys school try.
When Yukiya's family begins to fall apart, who is the that will save him?
Host Club : Le lycée de la séduction, 櫻蘭高校男公關部, 樱兰高校男公关部
Haruhi is a poor tomboyish student at a school for the ultra-wealthy, and is able to attend because of a scholarship, but is unable to even afford a uniform. One day, she stumbles across the peculiar but very popular Ouran Host Club. She tries to leave, but accidentally breaks a vase, and is unable to pay for it. She's told that she'll have to stay and do odd jobs. That is, until they decide she would be more valuable as a club member. Not realizing she's female due to her appearance, they fix her up and give her a male uniform. She's an instant hit, so they decide to have her keep up the charade even after they find out the truth. Haruhi, being common almost to a fault, doesn't know what to make of the unconventional activities of the Host Club (or of the even more unconventional members), but having little choice, she plays along. Before long, real bonds are formed, friends made, and Haruhi finds herself accepted in a way she could never have been otherwise in this affluent school.
Ousama Game -  The Game of the King
Nene, a young assassin girl, has orders to kill the king, so she goes undercover as his maid. But things are not always what they seem, and this seemingly stupid king has his own agenda. So the story begins, with Nene on her mission, while the perverted King is out to hit on her.
王様にKISS!, Kiss the King!
On the outskirts of Tokyo, Toubuisazaki High School is known for its mottos of “Yakuza are your friends!” and “Seize the chief’s weakness!” Amidst these scary rumors is the king of the school, high school student Maki: a person with an abrasive personality, who thinks of his classmates as servants. It’s a mystery that Yoshifumi, the school nurse, loves him. As Yoshifumi uses various tactics to draw Maki closer, how does Maki react? …He likes it!
The King's pawn shop
Amy a toujours été nulle pour juger les hommes, donc elle tombe toujours amoureuse des mauvais. Son premier amour a fait d'elle son esclave, le deuxième l'a rejetée, et le dernier en date lui a été infidèle... Un jour elle tombe sur le bureau d'un prêteur sur gage géré par un homme nommé Shuu. Elle décide de travailler pour lui pour améliorer son jugement sur les choses...cela va-t-il l'aider?

Out Code

アウトコード 超常犯罪特務捜査官 -  Out Code - Choujou Hanzai Tokumu Sousakan
Une série de lycéens a été mystérieusement assassinée , brûlés à mort, alors que de l'eau était évidemment présente. L'officier junior du psi (enquêteur spécial paranormal) Shirogane, se place dans l'enquête pour résoudre ce phénomène bizarre. En mettant en doute le suspect principal, Kirisaki Kirio, elle découvre qu'il possède une capacité de générer de l'électricité! Quels mystères l'officier Shirogane démêlera-t-elle en enquêtant sur ses mystérieux meurtres ?
Je suis revenu à la vie ! Mais maintenant ma vie est comme une batterie ?! Vais-je continuer à pouvoir vivre ?!

Out of Sight

Soan et la Lune sont en conflit depuis que l'Enfant de cette dernière est mort en voulant sauver Soan, un affrontement qui ne prendra fin que par la mort de l'un des deux. À moins qu'une étrange Dame Blanche ne propose une autre alternative à Soan...
Mavinin dışında
Some summer in the mid-century American South a blind dam worker meets a fish monster trapped in his lake.[TR] Yüzyılın ortalarında bir yaz günü Güney Amerikalı kör bir işçisi gölde sıkışıp kalmış bir canavar balıkla tanışır.
Pantheon OCT
WIP. Pantheon OCT entry by Luny and doomed4art.Six abstracts reign over The Pantheon of gods. Fortuna, the abstract of fate, is dead. Dei Monio, a fallen deity, sees this as an opportunity to overthrow and kill the rest of them. She teams up with a powerful rambunctious demon named Halley Maou and together they march their way into chaos and revenge.(imgur's fucked and deviantart is no better so this is where we're hosting.)
アウトブレイク・カンパニー 萌える侵略者, 萌萌侵略者, OUTBREAK COMPANY 萌萌侵略者
Having a light novel author father and an eroge illustrator mother, Kanou Shinichi is a thoroughbred otaku. However he does not have any special power except for his broad knowledge, sharp insight, and impeccable instinct about "moe" and its products, from manga to anime to games to light novel to figures. One day he found himself transported to a fantasy world where elves live and dragons fly. And he is given a task—not to fight monster or embark on a quest, but to enhance cultural exchange by becoming a "moe missionary" in this fantasy world! He meets a palace guard who has a bit of fujoshi taste, a half-elf maid, and the empress who is a little girl. He comes up with the idea of building a school. At first it runs as a comedy but later there are serious matters that Shinichi needs to face: ethnic discrimination, social problems, conflict with neighboring countries, sabotage by opposition elements including Japanese government and the likes. Can he overcome the obstacles, successfully bring "moe" culture to the fantasy world, and help the people there as well?


Murder inc.

Over Image

Un monde sans couleurs, un monde tout blanc, un monde où tout ne porte qu'une seule couleur. Alors qu'il se rend au lycée, Sai se retrouve tout d'un coup dans ce monde extraordinaire. Là, il assiste au combat de deux jeunes filles. L'une d'elles est une blonde qu'il n'a jamais vu avant, et l'autre est Mikage Mikuro, une fille plus âgée de son lycée. Puis, une fois de retour dans le monde normal, la blonde se révèle finalement être une lycéenne transférée. Afin de réaliser son vœu le plus cher, elle a rejoint le jeu de combat " Over Image " et elle veut maintenant que Sai soit son compagnon : " Deux points. Es-tu mon ennemi ? Ou es-tu un citoyen inoffensif ? ».
A rich cosplaying weirdo buys 11-year old Kazui to ride an Orcuga, a mysterious dolphin-like creature with a magical secret...


overdrive !!!; overdrive!!!
Tout le monde sait que l'argent fait tourner le monde, et quelle façon plus rapide de gagner de l'argent que de se battre avec un robot souterrain ? Mordy et Pipes ont décidé de se faire un nom dans le monde souterrain. N'oubliez pas les gars, les grandes choses viennent en petits paquets.......
Shin Yeong-Woo, Pseudonyme : Greed.Dans le jeu de réalité virtuelle le plus populaire au monde, , il est abonné à la malchance. Mais lors d'une quête, sa chance a tourné, il obtint la classe la plus puissante du jeu qui rassemble plus de 2 milliards de joueurs !
Повелитель: официальный спин-офф -  オーバーロード 公式コミックアラカルト
Overlord Official Comic A La Carte is a spin-off anthology manga loosely based on the Overlord series.