
В следующей жизни -  ネクストライフ -  转生奇谭 -  넥스트 라이프
Yamada Takashi lost his life in the snowy mountains—that is what he thought, but he then appeared in an unknown place; another world that looked like the game he played. Moreover there are many things that he doesn't know... While puzzled, he still retains the strongest class ability and is relieved.High rank magician, "Wise man" Marius is still living till today.[hr]Russian: [Spoiler]Ямада Такаши потерял свою жизнь в снежных горах — по крайней мере, он так думал, но он оказался в неизвестном месте, другом мире, который выглядел как игра, в которую он играл. Кроме того, есть много вещей, которых он не знает… У него остались способности его персонажа.[/spoiler]
Ni no Kuni - L'héritier de la lumière et le prince Chat (French) -  Ni no Kuni: Hikari no Koukeisha to Neko no Ouji -  二ノ国 光の後継者と猫の王子
High school student and kendo club member Arizawa Yuulost his parents and lived alone with his younger brotherTsubasa. Then one day Yuu was attacked by a man in black andended up being pulled into the alternate world "Ni no kuni"through a "gate" that suddenly appeared. This was a world ofmagic parallel to the real one he came from. Through theuse of his suddenly awakened "un-magic", he was chosen tobe the saviour of the world by the former prince of theGoroneir Kingdom, Rosso. In order to reunite with hisprecious younger brother, he vows to slay the Demon LordSham.
Der Klang meines Herzens, Musica Scuro Grigio, Nibiiro Musica - Violinist & Manager, Nibiiro Musica - Violinist to Manager, ทำนองรักสีเทา (Thai), 灰色音樂劇, 鈍色ムジカ, 鈍色ムジカ バイオリニストとマネージャー, 鈍色ムジカ エンゲージ・バケーション!
Dix années ont passé depuis que Takuma a perdu de vue son ami d'enfance Yuki, qui est parti en Italie pour poursuivre son rêve de devenir un violoncelliste. Maintenant qu'il travaille en tant qu'aide-soignant à domicile, il est surpris de voir que son prochain patient n'est autre que Yuki ; devenu désormais demi-aveugle suite à un accident. En raison de ces soudaines retrouvailles, Takuma décide de garder son identité secrète à Yuki. Mais comment va-t-il réagir lorsqu'il apprend que son ami était amoureux d'une personne lorsqu'ils étaient petits et qu'il tienne toujours à elle ?
C'est l'heure des examens à l'école de magie Lumieria et l'apprentie sorcière Killey est occupée à étudier. Sa familière Nica propose de s'occuper de la maison pendant les examens...ce familier maladroit trouvera-t-il un moyen d'aider sa maîtresse ?
예쁜남자 신드롬 ; Anh chàng đẹp gái ; Mielo vyruko sindromas ; Pretty Boy Syndrome
Han Sae Bik rêve de devenir chanteuse professionnelle. Elle a emménagé avec sa famille à Séoul afin de réaliser son rêve. Le problème, c'est qu'elle a échoué aux 48 auditions qu'elle a passés, non pas par manque de talent mais à cause de style. Son grand-père, opposé à ce rêve, décide de lui couper les cheveux. Elle se rend alors chez le coiffeur pour arranger sa coupe et se retrouve coiffée comme un mec ! Elle participe ensuite à une autre audition et se fait engager pour entrer dans un groupe comptant déjà 4 séduisants garçons.......
日常, Daily, Everyday Life
日常茶飯美 Beautiful Life -  Beautiful Life -  Nichijou Chameshi Bi - Beautiful Life -  Nichijou Sahanbi - Beautiful Life
From Girls' Generation Scanlations: Fumichi is a male waiter at a bar. He often gets harassed by the customers that demand special service from him. One night, he gets beat up by a customer that got offended, and was taken in by Sazawa and his daughter, Iyo. Join them in their interesting relationship.
日曜日は一緒に, Nichiyōbi wa Issho ni, Nichiyoubi wa Isshou ni
This is the story of three girls who all realize at the same time, that the boys they've been chasing aren't available, and so decide to meet on a Sunday to invite the first boys they see to a party they're going to put together. Of course, it's not anywhere near that simple, and the three boys/men they pick up are all connected although none of them are aware of it, and some events in their own lives are going to complicate things...
This is a story about the love and hardships of a 29-year old guy named Makoto Suda. Makoto is an ordinary office worker in every sense but one: in front of Takashi, his stepchild, he has disguised himself as a woman and played the role of a beautiful mother. Leading this life of a “fatherless family”, for some reason he falls in love with a woman. One morning he happens to see her on a crowded train but… 
二度目の人生を異世界で; Second Life in Another World; Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de
J'ai été prévenu par une fille qui prétendait être une déesse : "Renya Kunugi, tu es mort."Cette histoire commence quand notre héros meurt dans sa vie précédente, et qu'il est envoyé par une soi-disant déesse dans un autre monde pour y mener une nouvelle vie.
The Second Promise
Jun was Hayato's servant and childhood friend, but it came to an abrupt end when Jun decided to go to a different school. Now, in high school, they've been reunited. Jun must now figure out what he means to Hayato after all these years.
The Hero is Walking the Second Time on the Path of Vengeance While Laughing ~ Maou -  I'm Going to Give You Half of the World so -  Nidome no Yuusha wa Fukushuu no Michi wo Warai Ayumu. ~Maou
Ukei Kaito, le protagoniste, a désespérément sauvé le monde en tuant le Seigneur Démon après avoir été invoqué en tant que Héros dans un autre monde.Toutefois, après avoir vaincu le Seigneur Démon et sauvé le monde, il fut trahi par les personnes qu’il considérait comme ses amis, et fut transpercé par une épée.A cet instant, il jura:"S’il y avait une prochaine fois, il ne s’accrocherait plus à ce mot « confiance ».""S’il y avait une prochaine fois, il leur rendrait la pareille le plus cruellement possible.""S’il y avait une prochaine fois, il ne referait plus les même erreurs."« Je… Vous tous… Je vous tuerais tous….. »Après avoir délivré ses derniers mots, il succomba.Une voix résonna.…….. [Message Système : fin du Mode Tutoriel]
I’ll Never Go Back to Bygone Days! -  I’ll Never Set Foot in That House Again! -  Never Going Home Again! -  Nido to Ie niha Kaerimasen! -  二度と家には帰りません!
Baron’s daughter Chelsea was tormented by her mother and twin sister.Every day, she is forced to clean before dawn and receives corporal punishment such as being whipped and deprived of some meals.Suddenly, a turning point finally came for Chelsea who was living such a life.A skill appraiser originally called for her sister unexpectedly determines that Chelsea has awakened a new kind of skill!Since her sister also need more control training for her skill, they were both sent to live at the Royal Institute in the imperial capital.Now that she got the chance to leave home, she will never come back!Also, since she was persecuted before, it’s obvious she needs to repay the favor, right?[*] [url=]Official English Light Novel[/url]
二度目の人生を異世界で Manga -  Second Life in Another World -  Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de
Nie no Otoko Miko
YoRHa Pearl Harbor Descent Mission Record ヨルハ -  真珠湾降下作戦記録 - 
The popular youth idol, Xi Jie, has encountered a series of supernatural events since the beginning of his debut in the top of the acting industry. His originally peaceful life has suddenly become dangerous.
Night Bound -  Night Bound ◆ Yo Mi song -  YORU BAKU ◆ YOAKE KYOKU -  Yoshibari ◇ Aubade -  Yoshibari Aubade -  夜縛◆夜明曲 -  夜縛◇夜明曲(よしばり◇オーバード) -  夜縛夜明曲
Haruomi and Yua grew up together but with puberty Haruomi begun to change, beginning taking pictures of girls annoying his childhood friend Yua! Haruomi though has a secret power awakening and their innocent relationship is about to change in many levels! A touch of vampire, a bit of bondage, a taste of harem and some wrestling added to mix make it quite a unique manga...
Yoru no Kakaku
He doesn't remember who he is, but he wanders the European nobility in search of the truth. On nights of the full moon, he thirsts for blood and the human memories they contain, hoping to reclaim his own. 
ナイトヘッド, 暗夜第六感
It is said that 70% of human brain capacity is unused. If human posses incredible power, it is strongly believed to be lying dormant within this region. This unused 70% brain capacity is known as "Night Head".The Kirihara brothers were abandoned by their parents because of their psychic powers. Since then they have lived in a laboratory within a barrier-protected forest. One day the barrier brakes and they manage to escape from the laboratory.
It is said that 70% of human brain capacity is unused. If human posses incredible power, it is strongly believed to be lying dormant within this region. This unused 70% brain capacity is known as "Night Head". The Kirihara brothers were abandoned by their parents because of their psychic powers. Since then they have lived in a laboratory within a barrier-protected forest. One day the barrier brakes and they manage to escape from the laboratory. 
Cat of Albarose Night Walker, Nightwalker, NightWalker-ナイトウォーカー-
Alba Rose is a bartender with many secrets. He masquerades as a human, but is part of the cat population which ordinary humans despise. Even worse, before he became a bartender, Alba was a serial killer. However, thanks to the support of his fellow cats and the love of an orphan girl, Alba has been able to put the past behind him and start fresh. But can the past stay buried? Are Alba's days as a serial killer truly behind him? What will Alba do when a killer famous for brutally murdering cats enters his life?
The death of his mother leads to Tomoki living with Murakami-san, the Prime Minister. However Tomoki soon learns that nothing is what it seems, least of all Murakami-san himself.
ナイトウィザード ヴァリアブルウィッチ -  Variable Witch
This is a spin-off of the series Night Wizard. It has completely different characters.
ゴシック列車(仮), ナイトメア・エクスプレス
On the seventh night where the sky is dyed in rainbow colors, there’s a legend that an invitation will be sent to the most unfortunate person in the whole country.The people of the world dubbed it “The invitation to happiness”.
Majin no Jousai -  Nightmare Fortress -  Nightmare Fortress ~Majin no Jousai~ -  Nightmare Fortress ~魔神の城塞~ -  魔神要塞
Fritz est un des gardes du corps de la famille royale du duché de Werner, une région touristique. Il n'a aucun souvenir de son enfance. Kisshô est quant à lui commandant en chef des gardes du corps et le supérieur de Fritz. Le regarder éveille en Fritz des désirs qu'il a de plus en plus de mal à refréner chaque nuit ! Un jour, de terribles démons surgissent et violent le prince du duché. Alors que ses occupants sont violés, et se perdent dans la luxure, le château se transforme en une salle de bal obscène.
Alba Rose is a bartender with many secrets. He masquerades as a human, but is part of the cat population which ordinary humans despise. Even worse, before he became a bartender, Alba was a serial killer. However, thanks to the support of his fellow cats and the love of an orphan girl, Alba has been able to put the past behind him and start fresh. But can the past stay buried? Are Alba's days as a serial killer truly behind him? What will Alba do when a killer famous for brutally murdering cats enters his life?
New Wife Boy -  新妻男子
虹色とうがらし, Ớt Bảy Màu, Natane, Niji Iro Togarashi, Niji Iro Tougarashi, Niji-Iro Tougarashi, Rainbow-Colored Chili Powder, Nijiiro Togarashi
After the death of his mother, Shichimi sets out to join his half-brothers and -sister who live together in Karakuri Tenement, a place provided by the father they have never met.[2] He finds out that each of them had different mothers (all of whom have died), but were fathered by the same man. Not long after Shichimi's arrival, the siblings decide to journey to visit the graves of each of their mothers. On this journey, they encounter many dangers.