
MISTER MERMAID: On a full moon night, Subaru - a merman - coincidentally saved a man who sank into the ocean. After that, in order to see that man again, Subaru traded off his tail for a pair of legs and came to the surface to find Tatsuki - the man's name. Despite of his throbbing feet and his lost voice, Subaru was happy to be able to stay by Tatsuki's side. However, his happiness soon faded away when he found out the reason why Tatsuki was at the bottom of the ocean that day. FUJI NO YAMAI (side story): Byakuya had an incurable undying illness, which means he couldn't die. Gin, his best friend, made a promise that he would take care of Byakuya until death and the promise had been kept for 16 generations. However, Gin the Sixteenth had no intention of making babies for the next generation; instead, he kept his promise with Byakuya in a way that none of the previous Gins had done.
Mister Wolf's Miss Rabbit
Pour le bien de son frère, qui souffrait d'une maladie cardiaque congénitale, les beaux-parents de Yun Yao l'ont « vendue » à un homme riche. Yun Yao a semblé être d'accord avec le mariage et elle a voulu s'en sortir après que son frère ait été envoyé à l'étranger pour un traitement.
ミスターXをさがせ, Mister X wo Sagase, The Seduction Project
When Molly transformed herself into a striking redhead, the entire male population of Sydney stood up and took notice! But her new look was for Liam Delaney's benefit alone; she loved him and she wished he felt the same about her. However it was passion that Molly inspired in Liam! And the fact that he thought she had another male admirer only made him desire her more. Though Molly had never rushed into a physical relationship with any man, perhaps the time had come for seduction? Madeover Molly might be, but deep down inside the was just an inexperienced virgin...
ミストレア, Misutorea
A mighty creature manifests itself above the capital of the city-state disrupting the inhabitants means of life. It's up to the nations research team, located in the secluded forests, to determine what this monster is up to and what it wants.
Onna shujin to jochū-chan -  女主人と女中ちゃん
A Nagori Yu project, originally posted on twitter, compiled in pixiv
Spirit Bustersミタマセキュ霊ティ
Rena, une lycéenne, a toujours été capable de voir les fantômes. Elle s'y est tellement habituée que ça ne la dérange plus. Mais soudain, un agent de sécurité appelé Mitama apparaît et s'engage à protéger Rena ! Cette série de comédie d'action est hors de ce monde !
Filled Lip -  満たされる唇 -  滿心之吻
Soft-hearted Takashi got caught up in a love game of the playboy, Kurose, all because he happened to see the love affair between those two boy at school! Kurose is such a dangerous guy, he even laid hands on the professor! The reason why Kurose cares about the unappealing Takashi is…!? A daring and touching serious love!
Honey Colored Devil
Hashiba Suzu vit avec son grand-père. Un jour, alors qu'elle priait au temple, un démon prétendant s'appellait Char l'interrompt. Il lui dit qu'il cherche le "sang d'une vierge" et s'avère être des plus pervers. Mais sous ses apparences, se cache un démon dont le touché est doux, et qui, sans le savoir, va voir son corps et son coeur affaiblit par l'amour.
三つ葉王子といばらの淑女; Miba Ouji to Ibara no Shukujo
Une jeune assassin a décidé de s'en prendre au Roi héritié, Shamrock, réputé pour être très dépensier, mais elle échoue. Le Roi trouve qu'elle ressemble beaucoup à un de ses personnages télévisé préféré alors il décide de la garder à ses côtés.
蜜色DEVIL -  Honey Colored Devil -  Mitsu Iro Devil -  Mitsu-iro Devil -  Méz-színű Ördög
Hashiba Suzu lives together with her grandpa. One day, while she was praying to the gods at a shrine, a devil calling himself Char appeared. Char who seeks the "blood of a virgin" is perverted, ill-tempered, and pompous. He isn't very straightforward, but the truth is that his kind touch is full of love, and while knowing an unforgivable a love before he knew it, his heart and body grew weak...
Mitsuishi-san -  Mitsuishi-san wa Doko ka Okashii -  三石さん
The daily banter of two idiots in love.[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url][url=][img][/img] Artist’s Pixiv[/url][url=][img][/img] Author’s FANBOX[/url]
蜜恋 Honey
A cause de son apparence, Yuni a toujours pensé n'avoir aucun charme. Quel ne fut pas son malheur lorsqu'elle se retrouva la nouvelle demi-sœur des deux garçons les plus beau du lycée. Comprenant sa détresse, ces dernier décideront de la pousser à participer à un concours de beauté...


Ivan, lieutenant dans les services secrets russes, doit enquêter sur le bras droit d’un chef mafieux. Mais c’est avec stupeur qu’il apprend que sa cible est un ami très proche qu’il a connu à l’école militaire et n’a plus revu depuis dix ans : Edouardo ! Comment un homme plein de compassion comme Edouardo, passionné d’art, a-t-il pu devenir un membre redouté de la mafia ? Pourtant lorsqu’ils se revoient, le sourire qu’Ed adresse à Ivan est toujours le même qu’auparavant. C’est alors qu’Ivan, en prise à un dilemme vis-à-vis de sa mission, se voit invité dans la demeure d’Ed... Mais dans quel but ?
みつめていたい, I Want to Keep Gazing at You, Mitsumeteitai
Machiko should be floating on cloud nine. She's snagged the most popular guy in her grade and she's finally been able to form a close friendship with someone in her class for the first time in her life. But things aren't so simple---the other girls in the class are quick to accuse her of not being serious about her new boyfriend, and bad rumors are starting to spread around the school about her. So when she meets Takaya, a rebellious teenager who's the same grade as her younger sister, she can't help but be drawn to him, and he seems equally attracted to her. Who will she choose?
密林少年 Jungle Boy, Enfant Soldat, Jungle Boy
This story is set in Cambodia. War has ravaged the country year after year, leaving behind it large minefields. To this day, many people still suffer because of them. Aki Ra keeps clearing the fields. But what was his childhood like? This is the story of a real child soldier, a historical account of a tragedy humanity should never forget.Mitsurin Shounen is also the story of a meeting. The one between Aki Ra, who grew up during the war, and Akira Fukaya, politically-involved mangaka and in love with south-east Asia.
あだち充 初期傑作集, 安达充短篇集, Adachi Anthology, Early Works Compilation, Mitsuru Adachi's Early Works Compilation, Shoki Kessakushuu
Collections of short stories:Volume #1:Volume #2:Volume #3:-Ace of hearts-Teens-Wind and Leaves-Hirahira's storiesVolume #4:
Mitsuru Botchan wa Botchi -  光流坊ちゃんはぼっち
As the eldest son of a rich family as well as a top A student, Natori Mitsuru is acknowledged as a superior existence. However, he is actually a loner with no friends. One day, Mitsuru is placed in a group made up of leftover students for a school function, however, with their personalities being so overly peculiar, will he ever be able to escape his status as a loner?


ミツヤク; 密約 ; The Secret Agreement
Il y a un être que tous admirent pour sa beauté irréelle: Iori Hanayashiki. Inaccessible pour une grande partie des mortels, son cœur appartient pourtant à Yûichi, qu'il charge de revendre ses biens. En effet, la situation financière de la famille Hanayashiki laisse à désirer. C'est pour cela qu'un mariage est vite arrangé avec la famille Yonekura...
蜜月 「火宵の月」外伝 -  蜜月~「火宵の月」外伝 -  Mitsuzuki - "Kashou no Tsuki" Gaiden
From Tasty Kiwi Scans: story 01 - there’s a tribe of hermaphroditic wildcat people, who, after their sixtieth birthday, can become male or female based on their partner. The main characters in this story are: a wildcat Kada about to enter its transformation period and its philanderer fiance Koryuu. story 02 - Lady Shaman returns, carrying a child. When Monkan learns she is pregnant, he has to decide whether to claim the child as his own or protect his position and honor by casting her aside.
古城に集う愛 魅惑の独身貴族 1 -  奪われた唇 魅惑の独身貴族 3 -  謎めいた美女 魅惑の独身貴族 2 -  Bachelor Cousins -  Kojou ni Tsudou A -  Miwaku no Dokushinkizoku -  Nazomeita Bijo -  To Marry McAlliste
In the Miwaku no Dokushin Kizoku (Bachelor Cousins) series: V.1 - Kojou ni Tsudou Ai (To Marry McKenzie) Greek tycoon Demetrios Karas can't concentrate. He's tried professional distance--and failed! Now he's in danger of blowing his whole business deal if he doesn't make his translator, Samantha Brewster, his mistress.... Satisfaction at last! As Demetrios expected, they are made for each other in the bedroom! Yet Samantha seems willing only to stay until the end of her three-month contract. Until a new commitment surprises them both--one that will begin in nine months.... V.2 - Nazomeita Bijo (To Marry McCloud) Fergus McCloud couldn't quite remember how he'd first met Chloe Fox...but circumstances indicated that they'd slept together pretty soon afterward! Actually, they hadn't. But Chloe's mission was to persuade Fergus not to publish a book that would ruin her family. What better way than to prolong the pretense of their being lovers? Only, Fergus wanted to rediscover the delights of their night "together"—and he intended to be present this mind as well as body! V.3 - Ubawareta Kuchibiru (To Marry McAllister) Brice McAllister, the world's renowned artist, instantly falls for Sabina as soon as he meets the gorgeous supermodel's gaze. He has agreed to paint her portrait only to quiet the insistent billionaire who demanded Brice to paint his fiancee's portrait at any price. The meeting arouses his desire to draw Sabina. However, once he starts to work on the portrait, Sabina does not hide her fear and avoids his gaze. It is as if she believes allowing him to draw her is a sin...
Comme toujours avec Adachi l'histoire tourne autour du baseball. C'est l'histoire de deux frères Touma et Souichirou Tachibana qui sont ensemble au club de baseball. Arrive un petit nouveau plein d'ambition Natsuno. Les véritables liens entre Touma et Souichirou sont un mystère. Sont-ils véritablement frères ?
ミックスベジタブル, 料理關係, J'aime les sushis (French), Mối Tình Sushi, Mikkusu Bejitaburu, Mixed Vegetables
Hanayu Ashitaba is the daughter of the celebrated Patisserie Ashitaba, but all she wants to do is be a sushi chef. Hayato Hyuga is the son of the prestigious Sushi Hyuga, and all he wants to do is be a pastry chef! It's love and leftovers at Oikawa High School Cooking Department as these star-crossed gourmands do their best to reach their cuisine dreams!
ミックスベジタブル -  料理關係
Hanayu Ashitaba is the daughter of the celebrated Patisserie Ashitaba, but all she wants to do is be a sushi chef. Hayato Hyuga is the son of the prestigious Sushi Hyuga, and all he wants to do is be a pastry chef! It's love and leftovers at Oikawa High School Cooking Department as these star-crossed gourmands do their best to reach their cuisine dreams!
Wakamatsu Masato vit avec sa petite soeur Miyuki, qu'il n'avait pas vue depuis des années (En fait ils n'ont aucun lien de sang... Oui oui c'est compliqué !). Leur père, parti à l'étranger, les a laissés seuls à Tokyo. Miyuki est une jolie jeune fille pleine de vie, très appréciée par la gente masculine. Masato a une petite amie, elle aussi prénommée Miyuki : belle, mature, classe... la fille idéale dont rêve tous les garçons.Cependant, Masato et sa soeur vont petit à petit tisser des liens de plus en plus forts. Et voilà un autre triangle amoureux, typique d'Adachi, qui va se former... Qui Masato va-t-il finalement choisir ?
A Flower In Water -  Flowers That Live In Water -  Mizu Ni Sumu Hana - Romance Of Darkness
La vie de Rika a été chamboulée en un clin d’œil.Tout commença pendant son voyage scolaire, voyage durant lequel le bus eu un accident et tomba dans un lac.Tout le monde se noya…à l’exception de Rika.Mais ce n’est pas la chance qui l’a sauvée, et elle va vite s’en apercevoir.Après être sortie de l’hôpital, Rika est perpétuellement attaquée: tous les incidents ayant une relation quelconque avec l’eau. La personne à l’origine de toute ces attaques est une fille de son âge, aussi jolie que sadique, et dont le nom se trouve être…Rika !!?Cette dernière veut que notre héroïne lui rende quelque chose, mais quoi ? Est-ce cela qui l'a sauvée de la noyade ? Et qui a bien pu la lui donner, et pourquoi.

Mizu no Kioku

水の記憶; Water Memories
Recueil de oneshots :1- The Memory of Water (Mizu no Kioku)2- Forecast of Life's Springtime3- A Child's Belongings (Kodomo no Mochimono)4- Sweet Home, Bitter Brother5- Paradise Game - Hazuki Junya est en deuxième année de fac, il se destine au métier de designer dans les jeux vidéo.En attendant il est journaliste dans le magazine de jeux vidéo Game Mania.Il y rencontre Hatanaka Ryôji, un nouveau journaliste.Bien que ce soit un débutant celui-ci s’intègre très facilement et montre de réelles capacités.Tous les deux s’entendent plutôt bien mais les motivations de Ryôgi restent plutôt obscures.Pourquoi est-il rentré dans ce journal puisque qu’il n’a pas de réel intérêt pour les jeux vidéo ?
水の中 -  In the Water
Kou and Yuki are chilhood friends but there is an incident 5 years ago that has brought them apart. Forget or remember the memory and blend it to always being together.
水惑星年代記 -  環水惑星年代記 -  碧水惑星年代記 -  続水惑星年代記 -  翠水惑星年代記 -  Ao Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki -  Aqua Planet Chronicle -  Aqua Planet Chronicle After -  Aqua Planet Chronicle Around
In the Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki (Aqua Planet Chronicle) series: 1. Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki (Aqua Planet Chronicle) 2. Zoku Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki (Aqua Planet Chronicle After) 3. Kan Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki (Aqua Planet Chronicle Around) 4. Midori Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki (Aqua Planet Chronicle Jade) 5. Ao Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki (Aqua Planet Chronicle Blue) 6. Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki Getsujou (Runyan) (Aqua Planet Chronicle Final) 7. Mizu Wakusei Nendaiki Gekkan Sachisachi (Aqua Planet Chronicle Monthly Sachisachi)