
Love Me Baby

Histoire d'un étudiant en difficulté.
Despite his endless enthusiasm and flashy style, Koshiro just can't seem to get a girlfriend or even a date. To make things worse, the cute girls that ignore him all go flocking to aloof Kirihara who glides through life effortlessly and unaffected. In fact, the only thing that Kirihara seems to take enjoyment in is watching Koshiro's failures. Why do these opposites keep getting thrown together or is it more than just coincidence...
Love murder basketball, LOVE MURDER BASKETBALL
Shoto Tanaka, un garçon exclu et défavorisé, fils de l'un des patrons Yazuka les plus notoires du Japon, sa vie a été tout sauf ordinaire, jusqu'au jour où il rencontre Goro Nakamura, l'athlète star numéro un du Japon. Issu d'une longue lignée de richesse, d'une grande réputation et constamment à l'honneur ; Goro a l'habitude de monter un numéro pour le public. Comme beaucoup d'autres, Shoto n'était pas différent et est tombé sous le charme froid de Goro. Cependant, ce que Shoto ne sait pas, c'est que Goro est également le tristement célèbre "Animosity Serial Killer" du Japon. Dans quelle mesure l'engouement profondément enraciné de Goro et Shoto l'un pour l'autre et leurs idéologies uniques affecteront-ils leur relation particulière et les personnes qui les entourent ?
ポエムに恋して -  Poem ni Koi Shite -  Poem ni Koishite

Love or Pride

Taiki, fils de yakuza qui a hérité du groupe de son père, suveille de près un traffic de drogue dans sa zone qu’il voit d’un très mauvais oeil. Alors qu’il comptait cuisiner la tête de ce traffic, il le voit avec un autre homme. Le lendemain, quelle ne fut sa surprise de retrouver l’autre homme en question dans sa classe; Yukiya. Tous deux font connaissance et Yukiya demande à Taiki de garder le secret sur ses ‘activités’. Cependant, il comprend rapidement qu’il a plutôt intérêt à se mettre sous la protection de Taiki et accepte de devenir sa femme.
Pourcentage d'amour, Porcentaje de Amor, LOVE 퍼센테이지, LOVE比例, Percentage of Love
Après avoir passé une nuit torride avec son premier amour et amant, un Oméga du nom de Eunhoo, Taeyoon ne cesse de penser à lui depuis que celui-ci s'est soudainement envolé, le laissant seul. Quelque temps plus tard il décide d'emménager afin de poursuivre sa vie. C'était sans compter sur sa première rencontre avec ses nouveaux voisins, un petit garçon qui lui semble familier, et une voix hors champs qui lui procure un tourbillon de sentiments. À sa connaissance, qu'une seule personne est capable de lui faire ressentir ça... Impossible... Eunhoo ? !
戀愛見習小魔女, In-Training
Little witch Shidori predicts that Pavis is her fated lover and comes to the Royal Academy of Magic. However, under the influence of his father, Pavis hates the Demon Tribe and himself who shares the blood of the tribe. With the encouragement of Shidori, his view slowly changes… 
From DMP: Tomonori Ozawa has just landed a job at a large publishing firm. The only catch is, he is the new editor of a Boy’s Love magazine?! On top of that, he is stuck with dealing with the artist Sakurako Kakyoin, a male yaoi artist who is notorious for missing his deadlines. To become a full fledged editor, Tomonori-kun has to start from the bottom – checking drafts, editing scripts and lettering. Now if only Kakyoin-sensei would stop sexually harassing him, he could actually get some work done! Prequel to Love Portion.

Love Replica

Le célèbre Top modèle Benimaru est en visite à Southtown. Son séjour y est d'un ennui mortel jusqu'à ce qu'il se trouve nez à nez avec le corps du tueur en série dont tous les médias parlent... Mais est-il vraiment mort ? Cette découverte pimentera-t-elle son séjour ? Voilà une rencontre qui ne va, assurément, pas manquer de mordant !
글로 쓰는 관계, Relationship in Writing
En rentrant chez lui en fin d’après-midi, le vierge 'Siyoon', âgée de 33 ans, est tombé amoureux de Hyunwoo, qui ressemble à son vieil amour non partagé de l’université. Tel un adolescent téméraire, il plonge dans son histoire d’amour fatale. Mais, contrairement aux relations ordinaires, il constatera que sous ses rêves doux et heureux, se cache quelque chose de profondément tordu.
ラブロマ, Love Romance (TOYODA Minoru)
Love Roma is a story of love at first sight - literally. When Hoshino sees Negishi for the first time, he asks her to be his girlfriend. Shocked, Negishi nevertheless agrees to allow Hoshino to walk her home, where he explains why he is in love with her. Touched, Negishi begins to feel something for this strange young boy from her school.
1-3) Romance Handsome features, magnificent physique, the returning elite of America: Saeki, the bespectacled beauty of the Systems Department. While Kurahashi is the perpetrator of a crime! His pride is unforgivable. He has a ruthless attitude, so why does his hot gaze stir up Saeki's heart? 4) Rainy Weather, 1pm in the Afternoon Yoshizawa and Mori work in the same company but different departments, though they often meet up on the rooftop for breaks. Mori always gives Yoshizawa candy, but it isn't long before Yoshizawa is craving more than sweets from his ever cheery coworker... 5) The First Civil Servant A history lesson from our favorite lawyers. 6) Throbbing Kiss and Love Independent lawyer Oosawa is surprised to see that the new prosecutor is Suzuki, his old college classmate. Oosawa had forgotten kissing Suzuki in a drunken moment, but now he can't forget how sweetly Suzuki kissed him back. 7) Children Can Never Understand Fukaya is asked by a friend to help tutor intense student Kuroda. Fukaya is still brooding over his 6 month old break-up with his ex, but Kuroda is quickly getting under the older man's skin with his perceptive attention and lack of understanding about personal space.
恋のめまい愛の傷, Ai no Memai Ai no Kizu, Koi no Memai Ai no Kizu
Having been forced to leave the side of passionate Rin three years earlier, Sarasa thinks she has found happiness again in the gentle arms of Akira. But fate plays bittersweet tricks when least expected, and what may have seemed like the past has its ways of catching up.
ラブゼミ ~上野教授の恋愛講義~
Ueno, who gained popularity in "Love Hotel Ueno-san", is now in love with him! Susaki, a university student who has a crush. Professor Ueno, who teaches a "romance seminar," appears in front of her who is suffering from love. Susaki's love begins to move with the love technique taught by Ueno! Full of love methods that can be used from today! I will give it to everyone who has troubles related to romance and partners. Of course, it is also recommended for those who do not know "Love Hotel Ueno-san"!
愛い奴 -  Aido
Ureha's boyfriend proposed to her three months ago, but she hasn't given him an answer yet. While visiting a cosmetics shop, she sees a woman, Sawori, who suddenly makes her remember a lesbian experience from high school. She's not sure that's something she wants to repeat, but will she be able to resist Sawori's advances?

Love SOS

Le personnage principal est Dambi, la fille d'un patron de Yakuza. Une nuit, le père qu'elle aime plus que tout est tué devant ses yeux. Les tueurs la rendent aveugle, et la mort de son père est la dernière chose qu' elle voit avec ses propres yeux. Sa mère envoie Dambi en Corée, où elle a une transplantation de l'oeil. Dès lors, Dan-bi essaye d'être une bonne fille avec sa tante et de rester loin des ennuis.Dambi fait de son mieux. Mais lorsque le fils adoptif de sa tante s'avère être l'ami du garçon mystérieux qui regardait Dambi, alors qu'elle était à l'hôpital les choses deviennent complexes. Ce garçon semble toujours triste, et une fois il demande même autorisation d'embrasser les yeux de Dambi, pourquoi ?
Okazawa Shouji est un étudiant de 1ère année à l'Académie privée Shouka. Il ne supporte plus de voir son senpai et camarade de chambre, Hanabishi Yuu, à moitié nu quand il peint. Qu'arrivera-t-il entre nos deux protagonistes ?
快感トラップ -  Love Trap (KURAMOCHI Mari) -  Kaikan Trap
Jing is ridiculed by her classmates as 'ugly' after unsuccessfully confessing her love to Tianyan. With the failure still in her mind, she swears to lose weight and to get revenge by making Tianyan fall in love with her! However, after a series of event, Jing is beginning to have second thoughts about her plan...
ラブトリビア -  爱情锁事
This is the continuation of the one-shot story (the last chapter) in Renai no Skill by the same author.Aboard a cruise headed all over Japan for a high school trivia tournament, Tamura and Mikami battle it out against team after team while Tamura battles it out with the over passionate Mikami. it will be tough especially with Shirosaki who happens to be the best trivia contestant. but what kind of history does Mikami and Shirosaki share? this cruise is promising to be one exciting experience!
Shouji has a girlfriend but is seeing Mako on the side. Unable to continue pretending she feels less for him than she does, she breaks it off with him. Shortly before that happens, Mako is hit on by Mika, who tells Mako that she's interested in both men and women. Mika wants to pursue a relationship with Mako, but is Mako's relationship with Shouji really over?
러브 바이러스
Suh Yeon Oong, a laid back guy. Has a broken family and now living with his father. Is a spunky chick-boy type of guy that easily wins hearts of girls..until he saw another fine looking gal named Daji. Meanwhile, another person appeared into Suh Yeon's life which was his childhood enemy/friend. Who is that girl? And why can't he remember her?
ラブわん!, lovewan
This is a very cute story about a girl who adores dogs, and one day is given a magic wand to turn people into dogs.

Love Wars

Love Wars Second -  らぶウォーズ
Cela fait maintenant 8 ans qu'Arata, un styliste, est secrètement amoureux du réalisateur Masanobu, mais leur relation n'a jamais dépassé l'amitié. Jusqu'au jour où Masaomi, le fils aîné de Masanobu, lui déclare sa flamme avec passion, affirmant qu'il arrivera à lui faire oublier son père.
ラブ×ジョイント -  Love Joint
From: Winter Translations It's love at first sight when the princess of industrial development meets the prince of special advance family! A story about first love that gets your heart puzzled and pounding.
ラブ×ロブ×ストックホルム, Love Rob Stockholm, Love x Lob x Stockholm, LovexLobxStockholm
Sayama Junichirou is an ordinary student who wishes for some action in his life. When he come home one day, he is held hostage by the famous bank robber, Kazuha.
My name is Airi. I'm a high school student working at Rose Fan Fan. With what I learn at RFF, I will help solve everyone's problems!
らぶキョ ~家庭教師が××すぎて勉強どころじゃない~ -  愛學 ~家庭教師太XX,已經學不進去了~ -  Love-Kyo ~Kateikyoushi ga xx Sugite Benkyou Dokoro ja nai~ -  Love-Kyo - My Private Tutor is Too *** for Me to Study
Hinata, un lycéen innocent, est soudain confronté à sa tutrice super sexy, Aoi ! De plus, Aoi ressemble exactement à l'actrice sexy Sumire Nanasato. Avec ses deux parents absents de la maison, Hinata est à la merci d'Aoi-sensei. Sera-t-il capable d'étudier sans perdre la tête ? C'est le début d'une leçon sur les désirs du monde enseignée par une Onee-san super sexy !
Um amor não correspondido e uma rivalidade entre uma aspirante a bailarina e uma artista. Irene vem de uma família conservadora e rigorosa, que se opôs firmemente contra a sua escolha na carreira artística. Devido à sua educação severa, ela se tornou fria, insegura e desconfiada. Até que conheceu Lila, uma garota perfeita, com tudo o que pode desejar e tudo o que Irene pretende se tornar. No entanto, ao se aproximar de Lila, ela descobre que a sua educação privilegiada, na realidade, esconde um traumático segredo familiar.
Head Lock Choke -  Love Line Arrow -  Non-Security Hole -  ラブ、ライン、アロー。
1. Love, Line, ArrowThey were childhood best friends and soccer players. But when Fusakou is chosen for the team and Maki isn't, Maki quits soccer and avoids Fusakou. Can Fusakou get his friend back?2. Love, Line, Go-GoContinuation of Maki and Fusakou's story.3. Love, Bind, StunSakiyama is a well-known player who fools around with any cute boy he encounters in school. What has happened to him to make him such? Features Maki from the first two chapters.4. Non-security HoleTwo guys independently living together with an enlarged rat hole as a door between their two apartments. Things start to get a bit noisy.5. Head Lock ChokeMamiya, a student busy with exams, has taken in a stray, Todoroki. Todoroki wants to give Mamiya some incentive to do well on his exams, and offers his body as a prize. But this only adds to Mamiya's stress as he begins to worry that Todoroki will leave him if he fails.6. Equatorial CoefficientThe P.E. teacher and the teacher in Classical Japanese are total opposites. What will happen when they accidentally gets tied together by a red thread of fate that a love struck student girl has conjured up?
ラブ!ラブ!ラブ!, 爱情爱情爱情, 러브! 러브! 러브!, Rabu! Rabu! Rabu!
“I have to keep moving forward!”Nonomiya Akane, 17 years old, second year in high school and the eldest daughter of the owner of Yaohachi Greengrocer, lives her life according to that motto. So when her crush of seven years, Nakai Sachio (Sacchin), announces that he was going out with childhood friend, Nishii Kayomi (Kayo-chan), Akane decides to just forget and move forward. Whether she fights with Yamato, her childhood friend, or suffers a heartbreak, she doesn’t falter and keeps working hard to achieve her dreams. So what kind of miracles will Akane be given?