
Mari vient d'être acceptée dans le célèbre lycée Wistalia, un établissement qui réunit tous les fils des maniaques de l'industrie ou de célébrités. Mais dès son arrivée, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Affublée du titre de Princesse, elle doit désigner celui qui obtiendra le rang de King et régnera sur le lycée. Une lourde tâche que Mari ne se sent pas en droit d'accepter. La jeune fille prend la fuite et c'est là que les ennuis commencent...
After School ☆ Idol
放課後保健室, Houkago Hokenshitsu, L'Infirmerie après les cours, The Nurse's Office After School
Like most teenagers, Mashiro Ichijo has a secret. But Mashiro’s secret is that he’s neither fully male nor female! So far, Mashiro’s been able to live his life as a boy, but all this changes when he’s informed of a new class he must take in order to graduate from his elite prep school. To pass, he must find the “Key”…and the only way to find it is to enter into a nightmare world where his body and soul are put at the mercy of the worst kind of enemies: his classmates!
A bartender brings a drunk into his bar, only to be surprised to meet him again as a completely different person.
Près le générique de fin
Shion X Nezumi de N°6
This story is about the budding relationship between the president of the science club and a yankee girl.
あふれそうなプール -  溢满之池 -  Afure sou na Pool -  Afuresouna Pool -  As the Pool Floods with Water -  As the Pool Overflows With Water
IRIYA Tetsuo was the nice, quiet kid that everybody knows. Until well-meant prodding on the part of HANADA Satoshi made him chose the 'easy' way out. He purposely failed the entrance exam to a good school, and picked fights so that he wouldn't have to be around Hanada anymore. The last thing he expected or wanted was for strong-willed KIZU Ryouji to show any interest in him. The sparks fly between the two, while Iriya's best friend KASUGA Ryouta watches jealously.... (~from translated-treasures)
Spring Again, Rewind, 다시, 봄
Eun-Jo decides to commit group suicide, unable to cope with the burden when her daughter dies in an accident. However, she opens her eyes to the day before. She soon realizes that once midnight strikes, she is sent forty-eight hours backwards. How can she stop this? Eventually, she decides to continue reliving the past so that she can improve the life of her future self. But what happens when nothing she does has an impact on her future?


Kinichirô Imamura, est un lycéen en terminale. L'année va bientôt se terminer. Vu son caractère et son allure, il n'a pas pu se faire des amis en ses 3 ans passés au lycée. Kinichirô commence à se demander comment aurait été sa vie de lycéen s'il avait fait des choix différents. En particulier quand Usami (la présidente) lui avait demandé de rejoindre le club des supporters. Comme le club a été dissout, Kinichirôse dit qu'il devrait aller jeter un œil au local, avant de partir. C'est alors qu'il rencontre une de ses camardes de classe, Akatsuki, qui attendait son petit copain. Celle-ci se met à courir en voyant Kinichir. Celui-ci veut la rattraper, c'est alors qu'Akatsuki tombe dans les escaliers. Kinichirô veut la rattraper mais il tombe aussi. En se réveillant, il se retrouve 3 ans auparavant, lors de son 1er jour au lycée. Pensant que c'est un rêve, il décide d'aller s'inscrire au club des supporters. Et donc il rencontre de nouveau Usami, mais cette fois-ci il accepte sa proposition. (Mn)
Rising Feelings -  Gomen -  Dakara Mou Yurushite -  Sotsugyou♥Junjou Seifukuseki -  Sexy to Ubu -  Bokuchanz desu. -  Seifuku Monogatari 3-kagetsugo -  Kantsubaki -  アゲタイキモチ
Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire, devenir un couple d'amoureux ? Confesser son amour, des rapports sexuels, est-ce que seulement cela fait de nous des amants ? Quand le sentiment d'amour est-il devenu un luxe avide ?Une publication spéciale, "sentiments naissants" et plus, dans cette compilation remplie d'histoires d'amour romantiques.
アグリッパ, -AGRIPPA-
In 52 B.C., the Chieftain of the Arveni tribe, Vercingetorix, united the Gauls in a major revolt against the power of the Romans. This is his story, beginning with his rise to power. In one of the tribes, he rescues the 11-year-old Taranis, the only son of a Gallic hero who was executed by the Romans. Taranis follows Vercingetorix as he raises his army to fight for the freedom of Gaul.
アヒル, Duck, The Ballet Ugly Duckling
Der Entenprinz, Duck Prince El patito feo, Il principe papero, Le Vilain Petit Canard
In reality, an ugly duckling could never become a beautiful swan. However, when a short ugly boy makes a wish to be reborn beautiful, his wish is granted and he becomes a gorgeous young man that all the girls fall for. Will being beautiful be everything that he hoped it would be? 
Clueless Girl -  Chica Tonta -  Dumb Girl -  Дурочка -  الفتاة الغبية -  فتاة غبية -  আহো গার্ল -  അഹോ ഗേൾ -  อะโหยัยโง่ -  아호가루 -  アホガール -  笨女孩
As the name implies, "Aho" Girl, or Dumb Girl, is as stupid as you can get. Which is why her crush and childhood friend, Akuru Akutsu (or "Akkun" as everyone calls him), isn't the only one unwilling to put up with her fallacies. Along the way, they are joined by many other fellow idiots as they probe deeper into the true meaning of idiocy, and the true relationship between Yoshiko and Akkun.
"I can probably no longer return from being drawn to such a world."
愛があればいーのだ -  Ai ga Areba Ii no Da -  All You Need Is Love (IKUEMI Ryou) -  It's Ok if There Is Love
Mizutani Yoshiki is a 21 year old working as an assistant director for TV shows. His friends from back in high school are all jealous because they think that he's able to rub elbows with celebrities but in reality, he's so far down the TV industry hierarchy that he's more the resident lap dog relegated to doing everyone else's dirty work. One day, he gets assigned to help out with filming for the latest "it" drama. The lead female actress turns out to be none other than Fujiidera Mitsuko, the girl he had a crush on back in high school who's now become one of the hottest rising stars in the acting world. As he quickly finds out though, she's nothing like the shy, quiet girl he knew from back in high school. What happened to her for her to have changed so much? Includes another story ・「My dear B・F」 Ever since the car accident that ended her dreams of becoming a short track athlete, Yumi's been struggling to pick up the pieces and move on. One day, a mysterious boy who calls himself "Jiro" crashes into her in the school hallway. They quickly build up a close friendship---but there's something strange about him that she just can't put her finger on. Who is he really?
愛があるから -  花仰ぐ -  Ai ga Arukara -  Because There is Love -  Hana Aogu
1) Ai ga Aru kara An insatiable lust for men has landed Matsuzoe with his fair share of them. However, after sleeping with a new and younger acquaintance, he’s gripped by an inexplicable sadness. 2) Re:Cycle Tomo picked up a stray cat even though it was against his apartment's regulation and got kicked out. Luckily Yuusuke suggests that they live together instead. 3) Kemono Dou Even though Kaji has no problems finding transient love, he is looking for more than just a one night stand. 4) Omoeba Tooku e Kita Mada It is almost dawn and the taxi driver picks up a passenger that tells him "Let's go to the beach". 5) Dourakuteki Matomo na Nichijou Kousaka is fretting about his workplace; his boss seems to be completely nonplussed whether the cafe will go under. 6) SWEETOGRAPHY Yamanobe looks like he is leading the charmed life but Itou slowly learns that there are many things that he can't exactly talk about with others. 7) Hana Aogu The heir to a flower arranging business is being pressured to marry soon. On the eve of the marriage interview he meets a man who makes him question his duty to his family. 8) Tooku de Mikaketa Ano Hito wa Matsuzoe (from chapter1) sees Masaki by chance on his way to his latest conquest's place. 9) Afterword
A Love That Conquers Gods -  Ai ga Kami wo Korosu Toki -  Когда любовь убивает богов -  孽愛殺手 -  弑神的愛人 -  弑神的爱人 -  愛が神を殺す時 -  사랑이 신을 죽일때
Après avoir raté deux fois de suite son examen, Takeru décide de partir seul en vacances à New York. Malheureusement pour lui, il se fait piquer toutes ses affaires et agresser par une bande de voyous après s'être perdu dans les bas quartiers. Il se précipite alors sur la première personne respectable qu'il rencontre pour l'aider. Et pour peu, cette personne, du nom de Ray, fait certainement partie des plus riches de la ville et se montre très attentionnée à son égard, au point que Takeru ne veuille plus le quitter. Mais alors qu'il a enfin pu lui montrer son amour, il découvre que Ray est un mafieux en le voyant tuer un homme de sang froid.
愛じゃたりない? -  Ai Ja Tari Nai ? -  Is Love Not Enough?
From Midnight Scans: A quiet girl falls in love with a fourth year ikagu club member, Koushirou-san, who is a kind, serious, and charming person... But then... why would he...!?
Love Starts
Sakura Ai has always loved sunflowers, as they appear like the sun, which incidentally also was the name of her first crush, Taiyou, in the 3rd grade. From since then, Ai has never had another love and has also become quite introverted, but after meeting a guy with the same name, something’s will begin to change… Her 15th summer, finally love will begin~ Ai is a High-School student in the first year and she loves sunflowers. There is a boy calles Taiyou (sun) and when they were in the elememtary school he called her O-baa-chan, which means grandma. One day, they came closer, What will happen to them?
あい・キス~アイドルKiss~ -  爱 吻~idol kiss~ -  Ai Kiss -  IDOL♥KISS
Hina est amoureuse du leader d'un groupe populaire, Chiaki. Après l'une de leurs représentations, Hina est tellement excitée qu'elle va voir Chiaki, Et ils s'embrassent ?! A partir de ce moment, ils sortent ensemble. Sauf que Chiaki la désigne comme son "animal domestique". Le supportera-t-elle longtemps ?
あいこら, 爱的拼图, 理想情人, 美眉伴身边, Aicolla, Aikora, Love & Collage, Mảnh Ghép, Love and Collage
Maeda Hachibei is unlike most guys, who lust after gorgeous girls. This pervert lusts after their discrete parts, instead. When he moves to Tokyo to attend school, he finds himself living in a dormitory with five girls, each of which possesses one of the ideal physical features he desires: gorgeous blue eyes, bullet-train breasts, a deep dulcet voice, straight “anime-esque” legs, or a waistline shaped like fine Japanese pottery. How can he manage to keep his wits when surrounded by these women? If you think this sounds like a Love Hina clone, you wouldn’t be entirely incorrect… but Hachibei isn’t Keitaro.
愛なき結婚 -  Marriage Without Love
from fictiondb: They had shared a beautiful affair Then Briony had learned the shattering truth. Although she had been deeply in love with Kieron, a reporter then, he had wanted her only for a newspaper scoop. It was painfully ironic to Briony that his calculated lovemaking should have resulted in such a beautiful baby boy.,. It was no less ironic that Kieron Blake should now be Briony's new boss at the Daily Globe. One look at little Nicky told him the truth--and set them on a collision course. Either she married him or he took her son away!

Ai ni Somare

Dye of Love -  Краски любви -  愛に染まれ -  被愛包圍
Ai ni Somare est un recueil d'histoires courtes signées Fujikawa Ruri. 1. Ai, un artiste qui colore des kimonos uniques, a été rejeté par le créateur de mode Tokiwa. Après six ans, ils se rencontrent à nouveau, mais cette fois Tokiwa a besoin des compétences spéciales d'Ai... Dans l'espoir de se débarrasser de son amour non partagé, Ai demande à Tokiwa de devenir son amant en échange du kimono très convoité !2. Misaki sort avec Jin depuis un mois, mais Jin ne semble pas être intéressé par le sexe ou les baisers... Qu'est-ce que Misaki doit faire pour que Jin remarque son corps ?3. Ikeda est le "Dieu intouchable" de l'hôpital avec un désir de propreté proche du toc, il ne laisse personne le toucher. Alors pourquoi est-il si à l'aise avec Hirose ?4. Ooyama s'occupe de Minamijujo Masumi depuis quinze ans, maintenant que Masumi a l'âge de se marier, il décide de démissionner de son poste. Est-ce que Masumi le laissera partir si facilement... ?
Nonstop Love Train -  愛の暴走列車 -  爱情脑震荡
A teacher who's used to everyone falling in love and worshiping the ground he walks on (be it boy or girl) suddenly comes across something he's never seen before.... A student that is not affected by his looks.
Ai no Chikara de Koi wo Surunoda -  Love's Purity and Tyranny -  Crushing Love -  愛のチカラで恋をするのだ
Lorsque le riche, adorable et cœur brisé Keiichiro Kuroda se voit demander un prêt par son ancien amant, il fait un pari avec cet homme : il laissera 5 millions dans un parc avec un petit message indiquant "à utiliser librement", et si l'argent est retourné à la police, son ex pourra lui emprunter de l'argent ; mais si quelqu'un trouve et garde l'argent, Keiichiro pourra définitivement se détourner de l'homme qui lui a brisé le cœur.Mais lorsque la première personne qui trouve cet argent se révèle être un beau jeune homme qui a des problèmes, est-ce que keiichiro pourra abandonner sa quête de revanche et tomber de nouveau amoureux ?
愛の法律 -  The Law of Love
from Blissful Sin: Asuka is the lover of his stepbrother, Rei. However, the differences in their personalities, the appearance of a rival, and other obstacles! This is the story of their love overcoming perversion. “Vivid!”—A new title never seen before, about the love of a beautiful vocal artist. Asuka and Rei’s special feature compilation!