
A rather morbid, sombre manga about two high school students, Kamiyama Itsuki and Morino Yoru, who have a peculiar interest in deaths and especially in murders that are committed near to them. Due to their strong fascination with murder and highly-developed analytical skills(along with some luck), they manage to solve the murders that have even eluded the authorities. However, acting on their own sense of justice and in self-interest, the murderers are often able to escape with the murders that they have committed. Often, it is Kamiyama that solves the cases even to the most subtle of details, but he is only interested in one thing, and that is the method to which Yoru Morino should be killed.
きみにしか聞こえない (都筑せつり) -  只有你聽得到 -  Calling You
From Tokyopop: In these haunting tales, a girl creates a cell phone in her imagination, from which she can communicate with others... A young boy discovers his new friend has the power to heal others--and learns about true friendship and sacrifice... And the healing power of love confronts the tragedy and horror of a deadly train accident.
傷 (乙一), Wounds
In Keigo's school, all the troubled kids are grouped into one class -- the troublemakers, the abused kids, and the scarred ones. There's a quiet kid in his class named Asato who never talks to anyone, and like Keigo, doesn't want to go home after school. One day after class Keigo cuts himself, and the two of them discover that Asato has the ability to absorb the wounds of others. What wounds will Asato heal, and what scars does he himself carry...?
失踪HOLIDAY, Missing Holiday, Shisso Holiday
A young girl runs away from home, pretending she got kidnapped.