When a creature attacks the city, a man with strange powers reluctantly stands to fight... but a shadowy government organization has unfinished business with him.Abara is set in a dystopian world, filled with large structures. The story revolves around creatures known as Gaunas, Gaunas are people who can shape bone like armor and weaponry around themselves through transformation. The transformation begins around the spine and then shapes layered armor. The story focuses on one such Gauna known as Kudou Denji (though he uses Itou Denji as a fake name earlier).
Petit OneShot du célèbre auteur de Blame, Abba explore les tréfonds d'une vision apocalyptique de l'évolution humaine (tout comme Biomega) mais en très peu de pages.
The 200,000 KM diameter artificial celestial body of APOSIMZ. Most of its volume is its core space, which is covered by a superstructural shell. Fifty centuries ago, the people who lost a war against the core lost their right to reside legitimately in APOSIMZ, and were left behind on the extremely cold surface. They face the spreading Frame disease and aggressive automatons which appear frequently on the ruins level. Yet even so, somehow people survive.
Tsutomu Nihei returns with another addictive manga (see BLAME!), set in the not-so-distant future (3005 A.D.). It follows a character by the name of Kanoe Zouichi and the mysterious Kanoe Fuyu whose luminous form is integrated into the system of his bike. They are agents sent by a powerful organization to retrieve the human with the ability to resist and transmute the NS5 infection that is spreading across the world, named Yion/Ion Green.However, their mission is delayed by the reckless actions of the Public Health Department's taskforce and the kidnapping of Yion/Ion Green. Will they complete their mission? Where has Yion/Ion Green been taken? The art in BioMega is similar to BLAME!, with its complicated concrete sprawl and ludicrously wide, empty spaces. However, things seem to happen at a more reasonable pace. In this manga, there is emphasis on the swiftness of the attacks made by Zouichi, such as the gun being holstered just before the enemies fall to the ground. Speed is crucial in this manga, unlike in BLAME!, and the plot develops just as quickly.
Peut-être sur Terre... Peut-être dans le futur... Killy est un cyborg taciturne qui erre dans une gigantesque cité labyrinthique s'étendant sur des milliers de niveaux. Armé d'un révolver amplificateur de radiations et accompagné de Shibo, un scientifique, il part en quête du "net-gene", un programme qui aurait échappé à la contamination globale d'un virus informatique, et qui serait capable de gérer le monde...
The much-awaited sequel to BLAME! follows a man, called a Dismantler, who is in charge of sub-dividing the nexus towers that incurr Safeguard interference upon its detection of humans without the net terminal genes. Although humans are once again able to reside in the Net sphere, the Safeguard are still a threat. The Dismantler or NSE, or Net sphere engineer, goes on a journey to aid mankind in their survival.
Le pays est touché par une grave pandémie. Les habitants un par un, voient leur corps pourrir et deviennent des cannibales. Pour faire face à cette crise, le gouvernement à crée la Division Promotionnelle de la Santé Publique, censée capturer un à un les infectés et mettre un terme à cette épidémie. Takada n'est alors qu'un simple ouvrier lorsqu'il tombe sur l'une des infectés. Mais au lieu de la dénoncer, il va essayer de l'aider et de s'occuper d'elle. Toutefois, elle finit par le mordre et les voilà tous les deux traqués...
As detective Musubi Susono investigates a series of child kidnappings, her own partner is viciously murdered. But when the investigation takes a brutal turn, she is suddenly confronted by the killer--and his vicious Silicon Creature...Also Include Blame, one-shot prototype for Blame!