
The sparrow village has lore that says one sparrow will be sacrificed to the white snakes to keep their village safe. But then a little male sparrow meets a little male white snake and they become friends?Artist's [url=]Twitter[/url]
From Dragon Voice Project: Collection of three short stories from the mangaka of Gakuen Alice. A older manga by Higuchi Tachibana based on certain fairytales. Cinderella, mermaid, and frogs... Main parts from fallen_18/lonelyduchess : Swan Lake: Nire, a girl that can be considered as Perfect. Unknown to others, she's actually poor. Very poor. Her goal is to marry a rich and handsome guy like Katsuragi-sempai. Aiba, a transfer student, had a bet with his friends to make Nire his girlfriend and eventually found out that she's actually poor. And so he threatened Nire to go out with him, if she doesn't comply to his wishes, he's going to tell everyone her secret. Mermaid: Tajima, was a mermaid princess who turned into a bubble. After a hundred years, a witch gave her a chance to get reincarnated into a human to search for her prince who was also reincarnated. The witch told the mermaid that when she finally finds her prince, she'll be able to remember her mermaid past and she wont be able to speak to him for a whole week. During that week, Tajima has to make the prince fall in love with her or else she'll be turned into a bubble again... Frog Princess: Kikuhime, hates frogs. One day, she spotted a talking frog, who was once a human being named Ukia but was cursed by a Frog Deity for killing many animals. Whenever he hears the word, 'Frog' he'll turn into one. But Ukai spotted her coming out from a maternity clinic, now a turn of up and down events are coming to Kikuhime's way.


SWEET -  彼の甘い甘い味 -  sucré
Yuushi est un jeune homme ambitieux qui veut ce qu'il y a de mieux pour l'entreprise dans laquelle il travaille. Lorsque son patron lui propose d'ajouter des pâtisseries à leur catalogue de vente en ligne, Yuushi s'empresse d'aller négocier pour obtenir les meilleurs produits possibles. Seulement, son futur partenaire commercial entend bien négocier le contrat à sa façon…
スイートきゃらめる -  甜蜜牛奶糖 -  Snow Diary -  Sui-to Karameru -  Tokyo Fantasia
Collection of 5 oneshot stories: 1) スイートきゃらめる (Sweet Caramel) 2) シンデレラ☆マジック (Cinderella Magic) 3) 東京ファンタジア  (Tokyo Fantasia) 4) 雪色絵日記 (Snow Diary) 5) 愛▽らぶ▽DOLL (Ai Love Doll)
Natsuo is suffering from a weak heart, and is mostly confined to the infirmary, the taste of bitter medicine in his mouth. Chiaki is a girl with horrible baking skills, yet dreams of becoming a baker whose cakes will be loved by everyone. Can this girl with bitter cakes sweeten a boy's bitter medicine?


スイート・ホリック -  爱上妹妹的男朋友 -  I Love My Sister's Boyfriend
Passionnée de judo, Mitsuka est très impatiente de trouver son véritable amour depuis le début du lycée. En se promenant dans le parc un après-midi, elle rencontre un garçon très mignon faisant sa sieste sur un banc. Le lendemain, un nouvel entraîneur arrive au club de judo de Mitsuka. Et qui se présente ? Le beau jeune homme qui faisait sa sieste sur le banc, bien sûr ! Son sourire fait battre son cœur, et son nom sur ses lèvres lui fait rougir le visage. Mais il y a juste un petit bémol.... il s'avère être le petit ami de sa sœur. Que va t-elle bien pouvoir faire ?
S-Tripper -  Sweetest-Tripper
Takeru Hibino, who is working a part-time job at Ugetsu Bookstore, felt so dissatisfied with the sudden ending of a mystery series that he decided to go to the house of the popular writer, Kazumi Kuon, to give him a lecture. That very day, out of the blue, his body was taken by Kazumi. Afterwards, due to Kazumi’s female Editorial Director’s secret intention of getting out a new series, Takeru has become a lover of Kazumi. Somehow, while he’s still unaware of it, not only his body, but his heart as well has started to fall for the arrogant, yet gentle Kazumi…!?
Le festival culturel approche à grand pas et avec lui la participation des élèves... A une dance ! Alors que Kaori demande à un sempai de sa classe qu'elle a toujours aimé pour sa gentillesse, celui-ci refuse. Elle découvre de façon innatendue qu'il a une double personnalité ce qui va la blesser au point de ne plus jamais faire confiance aux hommes et penser que sa vie est un enfer. Jusqu'où est-elle capable d'aller pour remedier à la situation ?
Switch - Dragon Fruit Hen -  Switch The Volume on Dragon Fruit -  Switch: Dragon Fruit Hen -  Switch: The Volume on Dragon Fruit
Sequel to [Switch]. This second series takes place 2 weeks after Chapter 69 of the last series.
スイッチガール!!, 双面少女
From Hyper Parfait: Golden-haired and blue-eyed Heilong is the clan's most powerful and fearsome assasin; however, he left the group with his blind best friend, Pailong. Nowadays, the two of them are doing street dance performances, but the clan continues to hunt for them... to bring Heilong back!
In a world where the Queens rule with the power of magic, Princess Amaltea is sent out to rescue a prince from a dragon to marry him. This gender-flipped fairy tale uses humour and adventure to challenge how we view gender norms.
Leo goes into an unknown place. Suddenly the demon beast attacked him. After defeating the demon beast, he became a hero! However, in order to get the money back, they will go in an effort to defeat the devil!
Shufu Yuusha -  主夫勇者
A hero in training from the fantasy world has entered into our world and becomes a 'house husband' to a female office worker so that he will improve his skills when he gets back
タビと道づれ, 时间暂时停止, Tabi and the Wayfarers, Tabi to Michidure
The Experience
Recueil d'histoires courtes et sexy.
I’m the Grand Duke's Consort Candidate However -  I Believe I Can Certainly Surpass It!公妃候補だけど、堅実に行こうと思います大公妃候補だけど、堅実に行こうと思います
La pauvre fille du marquis, Teresse, qui s'est efforcée jour et nuit d'économiser de l'argent, fut soudain informée qu'elle serait l'une des "candidates de l'épouse du Grand-Duc"."Etre une pauvre aristocrate comme moi, devenir candidat à la consort m'est impossible" - c'est ce que je devrais gentiment refuser, mais....."Chaque candidat se verra accorder 100.000 peir.""Emploi de courtisane ou d'hôtesse de l'air.""Ces termes sont généreux ! ?"Je peux être une dame de cour que j'ai toujours désiré !" pensa Teresse. C'est dans cet esprit qu'elle a décidé de se rendre au palais en tant que "Candidate de l'épouse du Grand-Duc".Cependant, ce qui l'attend dans le palais, c'est une guerre avec des jeunes femmes complaisantes et d'autres candidates à la consort ! Teresse sera-t-elle nommée dame de la cour ou se distinguera-t-elle des autres en tant qu'épouse du Grand-Duc ?
対魔導学園35試験小隊 -  抗魔法学园第35试验小队 -  Anti-Magic Academy "The 35th Test Platoon" -  Antimagic Academy "The 35th Test Platoon" -  Antimagic Academ
Welcome to the 35th Test Platoon of the Taimadou Gakuen, or "Antimagic Academy". The academy is home to squads that hunt down and kill, destroy, or otherwise render harmless magical practitioners and artifacts. The 35th Test Platoon is a band of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. Each member is a specialist with a focus on a different aspect of operations. The squad may become the greatest team ever, but first they must overcome their greatest obstacle: each other
A ronin law student at an unnamed university named Momoyama is tasked by the Yasui patriarch to investigate the whereabouts of his missing daughter.
Taishau Wotome Otogibanashi -  Taisho Maiden Fairytale -  Taisho Otome Otogibanashi -  Taishou Wotome Otogibanashi -  Сказка о девушке эпохи Тайсё -  タイシャウヲトメおとぎばなし -  大正処女御伽話 -  大正処女御伽話 ( タイシャウヲトメおとぎばなし) -  大正处女御伽话 -  타이 샤 오토메 동화/다이쇼시대 소녀 전래동화
In this story set in the early 1920s, Tamahiko is the son of a wealthy family, but his life is changed forever when an accident cripples his right arm. No longer considered by his father as an heir, he is shuffled off into the country, to live out of sight. The teenage Tamahiko shuts himself in his new home, bitterly thinking of it as the place where he will die. One day, he learns that his father has 'bought' him a bride to take care of him, when the young teen girl named Yuzuki arrives at his door. She comes into his life like an innocent ray of sunshine, and Tamahiko's view of the world and his life starts changing bit-by-bit...Russian / Русский:SpoilerНа дворе 1920й год (эпоха Тайсё). Тамахико — один из наследников богатой семьи. Однако, получив увечье, из-за которого парализовало правую руку Тамахико, отец семейства счел, что такой сын в качестве наследника ему не нужен и отправляет его в одно из своих имений на задворках захолустного села, как говорится, из сердца вон и с глаз долой. Тамахико замыкается в себе, перестает общаться с внешним миром и впадает в глубокую депрессию, а ведь ему лишь 17! Неизвестно, чем бы кончилась вся эта история, если бы отец, в один прекрасный день, не купил Тамахико женушку Юдзуки, которая незатейливо оказалась на пороге жилища Тамахико и постучалась в его двери. Вся прелесть в том, что Юдзуки милый и невинный лучик солнечного света в угрюмой непогожей жизни нашего героя. Жизни, которая начинает преображаться с каждым новым днем.Portuguese/Português:SpoilerNesta história passada no início dos anos 1920, Tamahiko é o filho de uma família rica, mas a vida dele muda para sempre quando um acidente machuca o seu braço direito. Não sendo mais considerado o herdeiro pelo seu pai, ele é enxotado para fora do país para se perder de vista. O adolescente Tamahiko se tranca na sua casa nova, amargamente pensando que será o lugar onde morrerá. Um dia, ele fica sabendo, que o seu pai "comprou" uma noiva para tomar conta dele, quando uma garota chamada Yuzuki aparece na sua porta. Ela entra na sua vida como um inocente raio de sol, e a perspectiva do mundo de Tamahiko vai mudando pouco a pouco.
たいようの雪 -  The Sun's Snow
A mysterious boy Snow helps a surly chimney sweep Rose integrate into society.
太阳王子, 太陽王子, 태양왕자, Prince from the Sun, Prince of Sun, Taiyou Ouji - Prince of Sun
Noriko has led a protected life since she was a child, unable to lead the life of normal kid due to her affluent background. Until an organized school trip to Osaka when she meets Taiyou who eventually changed her life....
The Sun Shines in You
"Je dois entrer dans cette école !" C'est ce qu'a soudainement pensé Chinatsu pendant l'été de sa troisième année de collège. Chinatsu n'avait jamais vraiment pensé à des objectfs et des rêves dans sa vie, mais après avoir vu un match du Tournoi National Japonais de Baseball Inter-lycées (ou Kôshien), elle a soudainement eu un but à atteindre ! Elle a beaucoup travaillé, et a finalement été acceptée dans l'école, mais le premier jour, elle rencontre un senpai au regard féroce qui n'est autre que l'ace de l'équipe de baseball ! Encore une fois, Chinatsu fait de son mieux et réussi à être la manager de l'équipe de baseball, mais le joueur le plus important est... ?!
Shirashi Kouta both handsome and smart. As the prince of the school, there should be no girl who can resist his charms, even if it's the cool beauty Kurokawa Kaori. But what happens when it turns out Kurokawa is even better at playing a prince than he is? Just who exactly is supposed to be falling for whom?
A TYPE-MOON staff member artist Takenashi Eri has created many side stories to most of the group's projects; 'Tsukihime' & 'Kagetsu Tohya', 'MELTY BLOOD', 'Fate/stay night' -- you'll find your favorite characters in various hilarious situations that weren't covered by any of the original products.
テイクオフ (ひない菜月)
From Shoujo-Sense: While working as a monitor in the all-but-abandoned school library, first year Mei finds herself captivated by a mysterious boy with hair the colour of the setting sun. Never expecting to see him again, she's surprised when he shows up the next day, only to fall asleep and end up rushing out of the library suddenly and without a word... Who is he, and where does he go at the same time each day?
Takeru -  Takeru - Susanoh ~ Mashou no Ken yori -  TAKERU:SUSANOH魔性の剣より -  TAKERU~SUSANOH~魔性の剣より~ -  Thần kiếm Takeru -  Thanh gươm ma thuật
From Snow Kiss Scanlations: Once there was a legend of a sword. It is said that the sword of a rune god was sealed up in "Jagara-Mogara". When the spirits of Light, Water, and Earth come together, the seal will break, then the sword will be immortalised. That is the sword of Susanoh. Izumo, Kumaso, and Oguna, upon pursuing the sword of Susanoh, came to the nation of Jagara ruled by an Empress and her army of women. They got involved in the wars between Jagara and Amamikado, but what awaits them isn't the clash between two nations, but the darkness involved with the sword of Susanoh that everyone is seeking.
妖神记 -  Yaoshenji -  Yêu Thần Ký -  TODAG
Le monde qui entourait les Saintes Montagnes Ancestrales était occupé par les créatures du Blizzard et ceux qui y vivaient étaient isolés de l'extérieur depuis des centaines d'années. On disait que, quand l'humanité était à son apogée, elle était composée de puissants empires qui s'étaient depuis effondrés. Cependant, grâce à son emplacement bien dissimulé, une ville fut préservée de "l'Age Sombre" si bien que malgré les assauts incessants des créatures, elle survécut aux guerres dévastatrices et fut reconstruite encore et encore. Ses murs cent fois rebâtis s'élevaient tel un monument invincible ! Cette ville représentait l'espoir de l'humanité, on la nommait... La ville de la gloire !chaps supprimés au fur et à mesure des sorties en france des tomes
テイルズ オブデスティニーディレクターズカット-儚き刻のリオン- -  テイルズオブデスティニー ディレクターズカット -  -儚き刻のリオン- -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanaki Koku no Lion -  Tales of Destiny - Hakanakikoku no Lio
From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game "Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut", which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...