Continuation of the succesful manga and anime series Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger starts after the defeat of Mazinger Z. Tetsuya Tsurugi is the new protagonist, piloting the powerful Great Mazinger, a creation of the once thought dead Kenzo Kabuto, the father of Koji Kabuto. This time the enemy is the Mycene Empire and its powerful robots. While not as succesful in Japan as the original series, Great Mazinger has a great following in Europe, specially in Italy.
Maehwa était secrètement amoureux de Jaewon tout au long du lycée, il a finalement décidé d'arrêter d'aimer Jaewon et de l'oublier après l'obtention de son diplôme.Mais lors de la première soirée après son entrée à l'université, il a découvert que Jaewon était également là !Maehwa essaie de garder ses distances avec Jaewon. Mais Jaewon essaie de se rapprocher de lui.Ses sentiments cachés seront-ils enfin découverts ?
Tensei Shite High Elf ni Narimashitaga, Slow Life wa 120-nen de Akimashita - I Was Reborn and Became a High Elf, but I Got Tired of My Slow Life after 120 Years - 転生してハイエルフになりましたが、スローライフは120年で飽きました
Aesir a déjà passé 120 ans de sa nouvelle vie de haut elfe à mener le style de vie nonchalant que l'on attend de lui. C'est à peu près tout ce qu'il peut supporter. Disposant de beaucoup plus de temps qu'il ne sait qu'en faire, il décide de partir explorer le monde dans lequel il a passé un siècle et dont il ne sait toujours rien.
From Overload Scans: Washizu Miri, a second year high school student, is a small 148cm(less than 5 feet)-tall girl who has acquired a reputation for being violent and dangerous. This collection of short manga (generally 2 per page) chronicles the fun daily life of Miri and her friends at school, Natsumi and Utako.
Makihara Kai et Mizushiro Ren ont été dans la même classe depuis le début de l'école intermédiaire à leur deuxième année d'études secondaires. Mais ils sont séparés dans leur dernière année. Avec le temps leurs sentiments ont changés, mais oseront t'ils les dévoiler ?
Europe du 19e siècle, à la guerre succède la paix. Mais qu'est-ce que la "paix", exactement ? A part éventuellement un temps de répit avant la prochaine bataille... Au sein de la nation de Weißen, le commandant Bernd Baltzar a gravi les échelons plus vite que n'importe qui. Mais suite à une alliance avec le Baselland, il se voit catapulté comme conseiller dans une académie militaire de ce pays un peu à la traîne. Qu'en ressortira-t-il ? Et quelles aventures l'attendent là-bas, dans ce pays qui n'est pas le sien ?
Tsukishita is completely dependent on his little brother. It's the first day of school, and his little brother has already had to find Tsukishita with the things he's forgotten. When a group of girls try to help him find his older brother, they mistakenly think he's Kagami's younger brother. When Kagami realizes who he is, he also remembers the day he confessed to Tsukishita. Tsukishita offhandedly said some heartless things to Kagami; did he really mean them the way they sounded?
The story revolves around four main characters - regular old 10th graders, until they are chosen by a slip of Tatsuki's tongue to be the human masters of the ancient Four Gods! Readers of Fushigi Yuugi ought to know the four gods mythology. ^_^ The four teens are chosen to battle and vanquish the servants of the Demon King, who has escaped from the celestial world to wreak havoc on Earth.
From Shinnen: Ren-chan has a problem: Whenever the girl he confesses to begins to like him back, he gets tired of the relationship. This time, the person he likes is his friend, Ari. Ari agrees to go out with him, thinking that he'll get tired of it if she does, and they'll go back to being friends. But will it really turn out that way...? Also contains: Line Heart, I Miss, Senritsu S, Guuzen ka Unmei ka + a
Mei Hino is a geek who draws fan comics about her favorite dating simulation game (which revolves around King and the multiple guys who fall in love with him). After having trouble with her rent, Mei has to start living with a stranger called Seiji... who looks exactly like King from the game!! Seiji tells Mei not to fall in love with him, and she responds by saying she doesn't find him attractive at all (because she's not interested in real men). This hurts Seiji's pride, and he sets out to prove he's still desirable to women.Will the geek girl get her king!?
DoEun, le chef du parti loyaliste et serial dater, a une nouvelle mission. Afin d'infiltrer la maison de l'ennemi du pays, Seo MoonTaek, DoEun approche JangHan, le fils de MoonTaek, mais... "Quoi ? Une relation amoureuse sans distinction de sexe ?" Où se dirige la 100e relation de DoEun ?
There’s something I want to confirm... So tonight will you have sex with me?Finally! B-b-but confirm? Even though I’m a virgin?!Mayumi, a lawyer has been dating for 6 months. Her boyfriend is talented, handsome, dedicated, and doting. But for some reason, she has never been embraced by him. Then suddenly one day he comes up with a surprising suggestion. This is a heartwarming love story about a doting relationship.
Artist for erotic manga gets summoned to another world, and accidentially, he becomes a Sage here with his erotic manga...KHÔNG DÙNG KIẾM, CŨNG KHÔNG DÙNG MA PHÁP, CHỈ BẰNG NGÒI BÚT CỦA MÌNH THÌ NGAY CẢ HỌA SĨ TRUYỆN TRANH CŨNG CÓ THỂ LÀM XOAY CHUYỂN CẢ DỊ GIỚI.Suzuki, một họa sĩ truyện tranh thể loại ero hiện đang bị tụt doanh số một cách thảm hại sau khi vô tình đưa ra lời thỉnh cầu với một bức tượng Địa Tạng Bồ Tát ở ven đường, ngay lập tức anh bị dịch chuyển sang một thế giới đầy lạ lẫm.Vô tình thay anh bỗng trở thành đấng cứu thế của cả một vương quốc chỉ bằng những cuốn truyện tranh ero bị ế hàng của mình, từ đó anh được quốc vương trao cho một chức danh trong cung điện hoàng gia, một chức danh độc nhất vô nhị có một không hai tại dị giới, một HỌA SĨ TRUYỆN TRANH...!?
Dans les RPG, quand le héros arrive à battre le Roi des Démons, l’histoire se termine. Mais que fait le héros après ça ? Ohtorizawa Akatsuki a battu le roi des démons dans un monde fantastique et retourne désormais dans le vrai monde avec la fille du roi des démons, Miu de Alleyzard. Un organisme de formation internationale nommée Babel, protège et entraine les jeunes qui reviennent d’un autre monde. L’académie est d’autant plus étonnée que Akatsuki a ramené avec lui, la fille du roi des démons, Miu de Alleyzard. Malheureusement, au sein de Babel, Akatsuki et Miu sont confrontés à d’autres jeunes possédant des pouvoirs psychiques dont le président du Conseil des Etudiants qui se révèle être particulièrement calculateur.
14 years have passed since the White Hero's and the Black Demon King's decisive conflict during the war of Black and White. The world, now lacking a Hero, was dominated by self-proclaimed "Heroes" who were showing off their power. However, some mysterious twins turn the tables around with their wisdom and ability...!
Tamura Aki is a maniac when it comes to historical things and she especially loves Date Masamune. Therefore, when she meets for the first time Hashiba Masaki, who happens to have a bandage on his right eye, just like Masamune, she believes that he´s her destined love. Hashiba-sama, as Aki calls him, is a rather violent guy who fights some yakuza-like fellows with his fists. How will she be able to get close to him in this kind of a situation?
From Intercross: Terao Chigusa has always loved a certain book called "Dear, Mr. Nameless." Plus, she has a very timid personality, so much so that she gets REALLY scared when confronted by Takaya Tooru. However, one day, she ends up living the same situation as her beloved book!? How will she react!?
Yurino's beloved is in financial trouble, so she decides to help him out by being a prostitute. However, the first guy she says "wanna have some fun with me for 500 bucks?" to happens to be a famous popular music composer, Yukio, with one of his singers, Karin, with him. The book consists of a collection of dangerous and sad love stories.
Shinya est un étudiant comme les autres. Cette année encore, il travaille pendant les vacances en tant que serveur dans un bar sur la plage. C'est dans ce bar qu'il fait la connaissance de Toru. Le courant passe immédiatement entre les 2 jeunes hommes. D'ailleurs, Shinya va même sauver Toru de la noyade. Le seul petit hic à tout ça ? Toru est venu en vacances en tant qu'escorte d'un autre homme et lui tenir compagnie est loin d'être le seul service que Toru lui rend.
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