
Assigned the job of clearing a client's haunted house of valuables, Takamura Rei must take along first-time handyman Kuramoto, a man with search and rescue experience and a troubled past. But when Rei realizes that he's actually pretty freaked out by haunted houses, he's glad to have the unsociable Kuramoto around. How will their story develop?
Aucun synopsis disponible.
Akihiko, searching for answers about the early-death curse that afflicted his father, returns to the rural family seat, but when he arrives, he is faced with only more questions. What is the nature of his family's curse, and why does it strike down only male descendants? Who was the Meiji-era ghost that appears in Akihiko's visions? Above all, does his mysterious cousin Ren have the answers that he seeks?
A young man is being used as a guinea pig in a mysterious experiment…
Mamono wa Utawanai -  Smarg wa Utawanai -  Smargs Don't Sing
Trois ans avant le début de l'histoire, un village a été détruit par un maléfique Smarg (créature magique). Les seules seules survivantes du massacre, les sœurs Chloé et Iria, se sont réfugiées dans un village voisin. La petite sœur, Chloé, est muette. Cependant, c'est une travailleuse amicale et diligente qui est aimée de tous. La sœur aînée, Iria, est perturbatrice, impolie et cruelle, surtout envers sa sœur infailliblement loyale. Mais comment deux jeunes filles ont-elles réussi à échapper à une créature aussi puissante ?
Set about two years before the events in Les Mille Fleurs, it follows the story of Chika’s brother, Shin, a talented artist in the 12th grade, and Ayana, a clumsy high-school freshman.
From Akimoto Nami's story Les Mille Fleurs a short romantic story about Chika's older brother Shin from when he was in 12th grade and a 10th grader by the name Ayana.
その手をどけろ, 非常感应, Hands Off!, Sono Te wo Dokero
Kotarou has an clueless touch--he has an unusual type of ESP that is transmitted via physical contact. When he accidentally awakens his cousin Tatsuki's powers, he comes to realize that there is much more to his powers than he ever imagined!
それは突然、運命の相手が, 那是突然出现的、生命中的另一半, And Then Suddenly, My Partner of Fate, Suddenly, the Marriage Partner Showed Up
Imagine a country where couples are chosen based on the compatibility of their genes. Whenever a resident reaches the age of 14, a partner will be suggested to him or her based on which match would result in the best child being born.This is a collection of stories about some of the more "interesting" pairings chosen by this system.
Even So -  Ayumu Draws Closer to the EndgameАюму всё равно станет ближеそれでも歩は寄せてくる그래도 아유무는 다가온다
Ayumu n'avouera ses sentiments à sa senpai seulement s'il la bat dans une partie de Shougi.Bien que le jour de la victoire semble très très très très loin, il va essayé de gagner par bien d'autres moyens.
それでも僕は君が好き -  그래도 나는 널 좋아해 -  Forget Me Not - 
Un jour, Serizawa s'endort au travail et rêve de son amour passé qu'il avait gâché, au collège. Sur le chemin du retour, il est impliqué dans un accident et une femme qui le connait appelle une ambulance. Maintenant la femme a son numéro de téléphone mais il ne connait pas son identité. Serizawa repense aux femmes qu'il a aimé par le passé et essaye de trouver qui est cette femme qui est entrée de nouveau dans sa vie.
それでもやっぱりキミが好き -  But I Love You For All That
Young couple Hirota Naoki and Yoshizawa Hiderou have a dog-and-owner relationship, with Hirota always taking care of the clumsy Yoshizawa. But when Hirota gets sick at school and tells Yoshizawa not to follow him home, is there anything "the dog" can do to be helpful to his "owner"?
葬儀姫, Funeral Princess, Londinium Rose, Sougi Hime, Sougi-Hime
The heart warming story of connections between hearts of those who died and the living. This is a story of the sister & brother named Ash & Dust who manage the BLONDIE Undertaker, a place where the dead might come to live again...and have a second chance with the magical power of Ash.But in the shadows, a handsome and mysterious stranger is watching her...

Spring Cicada

夏の痣 -  Haru No Semi -  Cigale Du Printemps
Une rumeur se répand, des drogues circulent dans le campus. Mais alors, qui pourrait bien être le dealer? Malgré les avertissements de son cousin sur la dangerosité de ce milieu, Yuu décide quand-même de mener son enquête…
Steins -  Gate: Heijikyokusen no Epigraph -  Steins -  Gate - Heijikyokusen no Epigraph -  Steins -  Gate: Heijikyokusen no Epigraph -  Steins -  Gate: Heiji Kyokusen
Karin Mochizuki is an attractive woman lawyer. Because she is always calm and collected and never lets her feelings show, she's been nicknamed Stone Cold (a woman colder than a stone). This volume contains four stories about incidents involving Karin.
A baseball manga about Araragi and Amakusa, two genius rookies on the Osaka Tigers who are exact opposites.Matsumoto Taiyou's first serialized work.
The state of progress is one where one must look to the past in order to protect the future...but what must be done for the present? From legendary WSJ mangaka Osamu Akimoto comes a one-shot where memories are the key to understanding all: past, present and future...
My 17th Spring -  Przekleństwo Siedemnastej wiosny -  Sugiru 17 no Haru -  Sugiru Juushichi no Haru -  越過十七歲的春天 -  過ぎる十七の春
Takashi est hanté la nuit par des visions d'une femme. Il voit parfois d'étranges ombres en dehors de sa fenêtre, mais fait de son mieux pour les ignorer simplement. Quand approche son 17e anniversaire, l'ombre devient de plus en plus claire, et la vision plus vivante. Lentement, le Takashi gentil et attentionné devient indifférent, froid et impulsif envers tout le monde. Qu'est-ce que ce changement soudain d'attitude a à voir avec son 17e anniversaire ?
助太刀09 -  Sukedachi Nine

Suki de Gomen

Voila maintenant 6 ans que Kouta essaie de cacher ses sentiments envers Haruto, son ami d'enfance playboy. Pendant toutes ces années, il accepte de rester avec ce dernier sans que leur relation ne change. Jusqu'au jour où Haruto semble remarquer ses sentiments...
I want to feel you because I like you -  好き、だから触れたい。
With the help of a friendly ghost, Masaki, Ono-sensei can examine his young patient's teeth without much fuss. It seems that only Ono-sensei and children can see Masaki. He brings a calming presence, which is convenient for children at the dentist and for Ono-sensei as well. But is he really a ghost? He doesn't remember much about his past but for some reason, he's very attached to Ono-sensei. So much so that Masaki hangs out around the office and even walks Ono-sensei home. Once they reach the entrance to Ono-sensei's apartment however, Masaki is asked to stay out. Ono-sensei doesn't want Masaki to know that something else haunts him behind closed doors.
好きって言わせて?, 好想大声说爱你, I want to say Love, Suki tte Iwasete?
The cheerful and affectionate Hidekazu, and the thoughtful and genial Eiji. They were my old neighbors, the super popular twins. I, Ueto Shun, am in love with the younger twin, Eiji. We study at the same university and share an apartment, although I do not pay the rent... I live under the same roof, but... I am in trouble! I'm happy, but I find it problematic... The excitement of living with the person I love. I have to add that his older brother, Hidekazu, falls for a tsundere at first sight.
Summer Wars is about a timid eleventh-grade math genius who has been falsely implicated in the hacking of a virtual world and, with the aid of a classmate's extensive family, must prevent the real and computer-simulated worlds from colliding. 
The story of an orphanage, the children who live in it, and the beat-up old Nissan Sunny 1200 which provides them with a means of escape from their boring everyday lives.
The story of an orphanage, the children who live in it, and the beat-up old Nissan Sunny 1200 which provides a trio of boys with a means of escape from their bleak everyday lives.
Matsuda-kun feels Omoshiro-san is ignoring him, so he finds an interesting way to make him pay attention.
One Heart -  Otoshimono -  Lost Property -  Long Way Home -  スウイ-ト. ワ-ルド; Sweet World; Sweet Tale
Takeshi, hétéro, tombe un jour sur l'un des "sex friends" de son colocataire, Kazuya. Suite à leur rencontre assez spéciale, Takeshi couche avec Kazuya. C'est alors qu'une relation commence entre ces deux-là.
Voici l'histoire d'une jeune fille qui a couché il y a quelque temps avec un garçon rencontré sur le net. Elle ne connaît pas son nom et n'a que très peu voire pas du tout parlé avec lui.En passant devant un avis de recherche, elle se rend compte qu'il ressemble étrangement au meurtrier recherché... Un psychopathe violeur et assassin. Doit-elle prévenir la police ou non ? Mais ce fou dangereux lui en laissera-t-il le temps et la possibilité ?