
Live Dungeon!

Un vieux MMORPG appelé Live Dungeon.Avant que le service ne soit dermé, Kyotani Tsutomu a utilisé 5 PC afin de finir le jeu et a été invité dans un autre monde.Ensuite, Tsutomu est resté sans voix quand il a vu une projection en direct de la capture d'un donjon dans un monde différent.Ils sont passés au bulldozer sans aucune stratégie.La malchance d'obtenir la position de soigneur. Tsutomu rétablit la réputation du Mage Blanc qui a toujours été son préféré dans les jeux etil a pour but de conquérir le donjon pour trouver la clé de sortie de cet autre monde
Reincarnation of Sherman -  Saikyou Juzoku Tensei: Majutsu Otaku no Utopia -  Strongest Curse Clan Reincarnation: A Magic User's Utopia -  Реинкарнация сильнейшего проклятого клана -  最強呪族転生~魔術オタクの理想郷~
I, who should have died after being hit by a car, was born again in another world. However, I was born in a shady minor family that used magic and controlled wooden puppets called the Marren Clan. Possessing a strong interest in magic since my previous life, I spend my time zealously studying magic to the point where even the people in the vicinity draw back. One day, I heard I was to be married to my little sister when I turned 16 in accordance with the traditions of the Marren Clan and decided to flee to the city. For now, since I have the strongest magic, I guess I should idle around making only enough money so that I don’t have to work for my whole life.[hr]