
A pretty-boy model falls head over heels for an otaku with a 2D complex. by cassiel
Fighting The Cursh -  从渡劫开始
Dans un monde où le chemin de l'immortalité est brisé, Lu Cheng, un voyageur maudit, devient la seule personne qui peut attirer la tribulation céleste. Au moment de la mort, le mystérieux système est activé, Lu Cheng est déterminé à devenir plus fort et à changer son destin, et à s'améliorer en traversant la tribulation ! Soleil, Lune et Mort ...... est la fin du monde ? La chose la plus importante est que le système n'est pas seulement un mode de vie, mais aussi un mode de vie. Le dao céleste massacre la poussière mortelle, la vie flottante de cause à effet entre les doigts. Une lame d'épée ouverte au chaos, trois vies du destin et de la calamité pour rire ! Le chemin de l'immortalité, à partir du sabotage !
Los rivales de amor extraños aumentaron -  奇怪的情敌增加了 - 
Après avoir joué le rôle de la méchante d'un jeu d'Otome, je voulais juste éviter la fin fatale et vivre une vie paisible. Mais pourquoi l'homme principal et la femme principale se battent-ils pour moi ? Webcomic original (ACQQ)Webcomic original (Bilibili)Webcomic original (KuaiKan)Webcomic original (Mkzhan)Webcomic original (Manhuatai)
The Person I Shouldn't Fall For -  好きになっちゃいけない人
1) The Person I Shouldn't Fall ForWhen Asato meets his sister's fiancé he gets a shock: It's the man he had a one-night stand with six months ago!2) Dreamy Mountain ManYoshino is sent to the Yamakai Mountains to convince the Mountain Man to sell the mountain to his company. Yoshino runs into a mountain man. However, he has hurt his ankle and spends more time with him? Exactly who is this mountain man? Will Yoshino be able to complete his task of apprehending the mountain?3) Mapless Island4) Paradise For Two5) Little * Boys Essay6) The Person I Shouldn't Fall For ~ AfterwardAsato's sister tells him that she is planning to move in with her boyfriend. She tells him that he should do the same thing. Will Asato move in with Ariga?
凄ノ王 -  Suna no Ou -  Sunano Ou -  Susa the King -  Susano Oh -  Susanoo (NAGAI Go)
宅配 キューピッド, 宅配 CUPID, Delivery Cupid, Forever with You, Ooki na Yozora no Shita de, Under the Big Night Sky
Delivery Cupid is a collection of six short stories. The title story is a romantic comedy about Tsubasa, who is half-human and half-cupid. In order to become a full cupid, he must successfully unite a couple. However, the target is an evil man named Norimasa who shows no love for anyone. When Tsubasa accidentally ends up as Norimasa's match, the trouble begins. Are Tsubasa and Norimasa attracted because of cupid magic, or is it true love? 

Tang Yin

Il lutte pour l'influence entre les empereurs et les nobles, la lutte pour le pouvoir entre le monde souterrain et la cour impériale. En ces temps de prospérité, comment le destin du peuple va-t-il se jouer ?
天よりも星よりも -  As High As The Sky & The Star
Mio Mizumori's parents die, and she goes to live with her cousin, Tadaomi Shijou. In the midst of mysterious events and dangerous attempts on her life, Mio discovers that she has power over the elements of nature... and a destiny to fulfill.
Une brute se transforme afin de sortir avec le garçon qu'il aime.
天上の果実, 天上的果实, The Angel's Fruit
Tomita Yuri has hated boys since she was little, seeing them as the devils who taunt and tease her. So when her all-girl school Kinka academy decides to merge with the Ginka academy for boys, her ‘heaven’ is once again threatened by the devils from hell = men. Not only that, but being a member of the student council, she now has to work alongside the male student council of Ginka academy. Will Yuri’s ‘heaven’ be overrun by the male devils from hell?
Repugnant Gateway -  Revolutionary -  The Gateway of Rebellion -  大逆之门 - 
Fang Zheng, the head of the Ministry of Justice in the Da Yi Dynasty abhorred evil, a stance that antagonised many against him. Surrounded and attacked from all sides by his enemies, Fang Zheng died on Cang Luan mountain. But his soul would resurrect in a weak child, along with the memories of his past life, his passionate desire for justice, and his belief in punishing evil with evil. Fang Zheng will strike down those in his path without mercy until he becomes the most revered and respected on both heaven and earth.
En tant que médecin célèbre et intelligent dans la dynastie précaire des Zhou, Qiu Xiluo a rencontré deux seigneurs et est impliquée dans d'interminables effusions de sang.Yan Lang, un prince doux et puissant, qui n'a jamais cessé de se battre pour son royaume, est prêt à mourir pour la protéger.Song Si-ren, un jeune maître du royaume de Han, beau et débridé, aux grandes aspirations, a traversé toutes les épreuves et tous les dangers.Lorsqu'ils s'affrontent et doivent choisir entre l'amour et le pouvoir, qui sera son chevalier ?
RPG inspired story follows unlikely 'heroes' to stop the Consultant's wicked plans! Our heroes explore uncharted sanctums known as the Unknown Territories, each with an ancient glyph at the end. The Consultants have been activating these glyphs, one by one. The secret behind the glyphs are currently unknown.
海 封神 -  divinité des montagnes et des mers -  Shanhai fengshen -  ожество гор и морей
Ye Chenben est un jeune seigneur, à cause d'un complot, des parents ont été tués, des sœurs jumelles ont été emprisonnées ; À l'occasion de sa mort, le sang de la bienveillance a réveillé l'ancien dieu bête et a obtenu le coup du dieu. Qui doit détruire la porte de la maison de la feuille ? Pourquoi la bête et mon cadeau ? Et regardez le jeune Yechen, comment changer de vie contre les cieux, les montagnes et Dieu scellé par la mer !
a young man who has a very profound spirit that has not been seen since the days of Jesus Christ.
Lisa is a school girl who wants to know the secret behind Eva’s perfect life, and she will soon, but what she finds is not what she was expecting from her flawless classmate...
xiao yaojing tiaojiao baodian ; Xiǎo yāojing tiáojiào bǎodiǎn ; 小妖精调教宝典
Il est son maître, mais elle n'est qu'une louve choisie par lui. Il se tient bien au-dessus des masses, mais elle est juste n ° 7 dans le magasin Ten Thousand Shadows. Elle est l'œuvre la plus parfaite sculptée par lui. Cependant, elle ne s'attendait pas à le revoir au palais. Elle se tenait sur la pointe des pieds et lui chuchota à l'oreille : "Cette fois, qui vas-tu m'envoyer pour attirer ?
時の羅針盤; A Time Compass; Toki ni rashinban
Le groupe financier "TACHIBANA" garde sous sa coupe les membres de la famille TOBA qui ont le don de double vue qui leur permet de voir le futur.Akito Toba est l'héritier de cette famille TOBA et n'a jamais vu le monde extérieur, les TACHIBANA le gardant précieusement dans un complexe souterrain.Shin Takamizawa veut prendre sa revanche sur les TACHIBANA qui ont ruiné sa vie.Les deux hommes se rencontrent par hasard. Que va provoquer cette rencontre ?
Dogs of Tosca -  トスカの狗
Will it hurt or will it feel good? The Kuroda clans and Kirigaya clans, are rival yakuza gangs that control parts of the Kanto region. A certain incident leads to a volatile situation between the two groups. Tomoya Nishida, the second in command of the Kirigaya clan, who wants to avoid the conflict at all costs, makes a proposition to Fuyushi Kuroda. The price is his own body. In order to keep his mouth shut, Nishida offers his body to Fuyushi as if to seduce him, but... In the world of men with moral code, tactics and pleasure intersect!  With an additional story (Nishida's backstory)
Eien Kamoshirenai
From Esthétique: Kosumo has a serious medical condition that has kept her in the hospital ever since she was a child. Since Kosumo's blood type is rare, it impossible to find a donor. While Kosumo is on the verge of death, out in the city, the 99th Generation Miko, Himiko-sama, gets into a terrible accident while trying to save a child. She is rushed to the hospital, and there her fate crosses with Kosumo's. When the hospital discovers that Himiko has the same rare blood type as Kosumo, they decide to make her a donor, since Himiko is sure to die as a result of the accident. Kosumo recovers and moves back to Tokyo, but later finds out that Himiko's blood isn't the only thing flowing inside her…
ツマヌダ格闘街 -  Tsumanuda Fuaito Taun -  Tsumanuda Kakutoumachi
Summary By WolfXenos The 18 year old Mitsuru Yaegashi arrives in Tokyo planning to become a professional Illustrator. While searching for cheap apartments he suddenly gets wrapped up in in the Town Renewal Project, becoming part of the Fight Town. He fights his first fight against a boxer to defend the boxers grandmother and prove him wrong. After becoming part of fight town he wants to leave but after registering there is a penalty fine and he'll be charged by the police for the fight!
ウソツキ, A Liar, My Most Beloved One Is Still You
Collection of oneshots:
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き, 魔法提琴手, Cây đàn kỳ diệu, Hamelin no Violin Hiki, Hameln, The Violinist of Hamelin, The Violinist of Hameln, Violinist of Hameln
Pandora's Box led a cursed existence. Through the curiosity of a woman, evil was unleashed and very nearly covered the world in darkness. Miraculously, humanity managed to seal Maou Kestra back into the box, but only with immense sacrifices. Even without their lord, the demons are still a formidable force that has only grown stronger with time, locked in the abandoned capital of the North, Hameln. Fifteen years have passed since that fateful battle...Enter Hamel, a travelling minstrel who is so self-centered that he'd sooner cook his guardian crow (and family friend), Oboe, than go hungry for even a minute. Welcome to the world of music and hilarious insanity that is the Violinist of Hameln. Watch as Hamel takes cheap shots at his opponents and bashes pigeons with his giant violin and turns them into dinner.How WILL the world be saved from Maou Kestra (it's a pun for orchestra, if you haven't noticed) with a hero such as this?
ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き ~シェルクンチク~ -  The Violinist of Hameln - Shchelkunchik -  Hameln no Violin Hiki - Shchelkunchik
This is the sequel to Violinist of Hameln. So read that first. This series takes place in a fantasy world with famous composers' music, magic, friendship and dark secrets. Our main character of this story is a young ambitious, energetic boy named Schel. (Scale, as in the musical term) Because of the general of the MagiCorps saved Schel from a Mozoku (Monsters of this world) he has a dream to become the greatest magician ever. So he travels to the capital Sforzando the magic city and enters the MagiCorps School of Magic. There he meets Great, a violin magical music user, who is also the son of the great hero Hamel, who defeated the Demon King Chestra. As Schel tries to become the greatest magician, he also holds some secrets of his own. But how will Schel survive magic school with so many rivals to compete against?
Continued Violinist of Hameln -  Zoku Violinist of Hameln -  続 ハーメルンのバイオリン弾き
In a dreamworld-turned-reality, the 5 Great Hopes from the original Violinist of Hameln series find themselves in the grimdark nightmare world governed by the Fairy King Balalaika. They discover an alternate story of themselves as well as their past memories from the original prequel.
湾岸ミッドナイト, 湾岸竞速