
A short oneshot about the effects of time travel on Nobita from Doraemon.
Shigeo est un élève d'école primaire très stressé qui vit avec sa mère. Son seul souci est d'avancer dans la vie en réussissant à l'école. Il méprise son père Hanao (qui est séparé d'eux), qui est un esprit libre idéaliste et un enfant dans l'âme, entiché du sport du baseball. La mère de Shigeo l'oblige à prendre le temps de rendre visite à son père, et c'est ainsi que Shigeo commence à apprendre qu'il y a autre chose dans la vie que d'exceller dans les études (grâce à son père très enfantin).
日本の兄弟, Brothers of Japan, Nihon no Kyodai
Collection of miscellaneous short stories.
ナンバーファイブ, ナンバーファイブ 吾, ナンバー吾, 넘버 파이브, No. 5, Number 5, Number Five
In a world that has become 70% harsh desert, the Rainbow Council of the International Peace Keeping Forces, a team of super-powered global security guardians, have a growing crisis on their hands. No. 5, one of their own and known within the council as their top marksman, has left his post and gone rogue. It's up to the other guardians to track him down--but No. 5, with his mysterious companion Matroshka, won't go down without a fight.
ピンポン, 乒乓
Ping pong. Table tennis. Fast, furious. You might have seen it - even played it - but never anything like this! The action is centered around Tsukimoto ('Smile') and Hoshino ('Peko'); childhood friends who have been playing the sport ever since they were elementary students. Tsukimoto - the impassive, bespectacled, seemingly-emotionless boy described as a robot by everyone who knows him, plays "to kill time". Hoshino, the passionate, out-going, charismatic 'hero' who Tsukimoto idolized during their childhood, plays because he "loves ping pong and hates to lose". How will the cold, cruel world of competitive sports treat these two who are so different? And what will happen upon their inevitable meeting as contenders for the High School Men's Singles Trophy? 
A baseball manga about Araragi and Amakusa, two genius rookies on the Osaka Tigers who are exact opposites.Matsumoto Taiyou's first serialized work.
The story of an orphanage, the children who live in it, and the beat-up old Nissan Sunny 1200 which provides them with a means of escape from their boring everyday lives.
The story of an orphanage, the children who live in it, and the beat-up old Nissan Sunny 1200 which provides a trio of boys with a means of escape from their bleak everyday lives.
Tokyo Everyday -  東京ヒゴロ
A requiem for the anguished, lost, and wandering in life over 50.With Japan entering a new era, the story centers on Shiozawa, a former manga editor for a major publisher.After going into early retirement, he now finds himself wondering about what the world of manga means to him: is it work, a form of expression, or friendship?