
A boy riding on a bicycle is always observed from the bus at the same time of the day and the same place. One day, a girl happens to meet his gaze. Her eyes met his. Though it is a usual bus running everywhere, it is always carrying different feelings of passengers, such as painful love or one-sided love. 
Stars in Heat -  発情ポルノスター -  발정 AV 스타
Popular adult film star tops Daiki and Sogo can't stand each other! Even so, the two are thrown together in an upcoming feature! They're tricked by a cunning director into taking a role where one will need to be the bottom. First, they'll have to learn to get along, and to make sure they do, they've been handcuffed together and forced to stay that way for one week! They'll have to shower and use the bathroom together... and what's more, nothing's stopping them from taking on other scenes...!! (source: Renta)
ヘタレ女神, ヘタレ女神(ヴィーナス), 害羞维纳斯, Elevator That Takes You Into Darkness, My Venus Lady, Yami e Hakobu Elevator
Her classmates were always intimidated by her height, hence she received the nickname of "Big Sister" for sixteen years. But this is far from the truth! She not only is a coward who doesn't dare to say what's on her mind, she's also super scared of horror movies! Like every girl in love, for the sake of the guy she likes, she volunteered to be on the committee of the school's cultural festival.Unfortunately, her class then chose "haunted house" as their theme; how will she get through this now?Contents:• Hetare Venus• 1 Day, 1 kiss• Tsuki ni Todokutou • Yami e Hakobu Elevator -"There's something coming from the other side of the darkness..."A teenage girl is recommended by her friend to take the test of courage at an unused hospital, but something sinister is going on there...• Watashi no Sweet Love Taiken
ひきたて役の恋, 最佳女配角之恋, Hikitate Yaku no Koi, Sehnsuchtssplitter
A collection of short stories:
Recueil de trois histoires :1) Sanae a un fiancé et en plus, c’est le jeune patron d’une grande auberge japonaise. Elle commence son apprentissage pour pouvoir s’occuper de l’auberge en compagnie de son mari, mais lequel du manager ou du mari l’intéresse le plus… ?2) Récit relatant une histoire d’amour entre deux lycéens : elle est maniaque et veut tout savoir sur la personne avec qui elle sort ! Le jeune garçon chamboule son monde et sa façon d’envisager une relation amoureuse. Elle s’étonne d’être capable d’aimer ce garçon alors qu’elle ne connait rien de lui…3) Mimura est une jeune fille rêveuse passionnée par un roman racontant les aventures d’un héros nommé Mantle Man ! Elle emporte ce livre partout avec elle, même à l’école, ce qui provoque les moqueries de l’un de ses camarades dont elle est amoureuse, Miyamoto-kun. Ne sachant pas comment avouer ses sentiments à celui-ci, elle se met à prier pour que son héros vienne lui porter secours…
いかさま海亀のスープ, Mock Turtle Soup
A colored single-volume manga, that consists of 8 separate stories, filled with avante-garde illustrations and poems.
犬カタログ -  Dog Catalog
The school public-health doctor, Ren, is often called a "small pet" by the students. Then one day he was shocked dead when he bumped into two students who were about to do some kind of "impure" association in the school's backyard! Not to mention, one of those two was the charismatic model Midori whom Ren had always been longing for. Ren was even more shocked when Midori made him grab his "certain something" then came right in Ren's hands. After that, when Midori confessed that he liked him, Ren felt so pissed-off thinking that Midori took the word "like" too lightly, he punched Midori with his own fits. Midori was so moved by that hit that the following day he began to seduce Ren happily and relentlessly... Sweet lovemelody between the indulged beautiful model and the tough public-health doctor.
A Moment's Moon
Mizuho, jeune lycéenne est folle amoureuse du petit-ami de sa soeur Megumi. Alors qu'une nuit, elle vole un baiser à celui-ci, une tragédie inattendue se produit...
La guerre entre les deux clans s'intensifie. La plupart des Genji (Clan Minamoto) sont tombés, et ont été faits captifs. Parmi eux se trouvait le jeune Yoritomo, un héritier survivant du clan Minamoto. Yoritomo a été gracié par le chef du clan Taira et fut exilé à Hirugakojima, une petite île dans la province d'Izu. Yoritomo vit paisiblement et a une vie heureuse dans son exil, ne pense jamais à prendre sa revanche.Un jour, un moine est envoyé sur la même île, apparemment banni pour insolence envers l'Empereur. Par hasard, ce moine sans manière appelé Mongaku est une connaissance de Yoritomo. Mongaku croise Yoritomo et essaye de le convaincre qu'il est temps pour lui de se venger du clan Taira. Cependant, Yoritomo réfléchit aux mots de Mongaku....
Kobayashi-san wa Jimi Dakedo -  Plain Girl and Concerned Guy -  地味女子×おせっかい男子 -  小林さんは地味だけど。
Sudai Takashi is an employee of a candy company. After three years, he is promoted together with his new co-worker Kobayashi Chikako. Kobayashi is a person who is not sociable, is dull and shy. She also hides her chest since that caused her some problems in the past. Sudai will try to change this negative girl, and maybe he will start to harbour some feelings for her along the way.Pixiv pre-serialization: [url][/url]
A Funeral Procession of K, Funeral Procession of K, Kの葬列, The Funeral Procession of K
The funeral bells are ringing the day that Mikaya moves into his new apartment. However, once he arrives, he learns a startling fact: the room he's moving into belonged to the dead man, K. Strangely enough, no one ever found K's body. Where is the body, and which of his eccentric neighbors was the one who killed K...?


Kanokon est un manga ecchi dont l'histoire tourne autour de Kouta Oyamada, étudiant en première année de lycée. Celui-ci quitte sa campagne et emménage en ville, il se voit alors transféré au lycée de Kunpo. Lors de sa première journée à sa nouvelle école, une belle deuxième année nommée Chizuru Minamoto demande à le voir dans la salle de musique une fois les cours terminés. Intrigué, Kouta va la rejoindre. Lorsqu'il il arrive, celle-ci lui saute littéralement dessus et lui révèle qu'elle est en fait une divinité renard ... Nozomu, elle, est une élève de première année tout comme Kouta et est en fait une divinité loup, celle-ci est amoureuse de Kouta, et par conséquent devient une rivale de Chizuru. Laquelle arrivera à séduire Kouta-kun ?
カノン, 愛琴海, 爱琴海
Collection of 4 short stories:1) KanonKanon Matsukura is a high school sophomore. Her name is based on her father's favorite classical "Kanon"... One day in school while she was walking down the hallway she hears "Kanon" being played. It was her math teacher Azume playing it on the piano awkwardly. Since then, "Kanon" keeps playing in Kanon's head. A touching story of a high school girl in love!2) Happy RainTsubasa can't confess to her basketball player Sugita directly, so she asks his teammate to pass him a present instead. Later, she takes shelter from the rain and runs into Sugita's teammate again. Can fifteen minutes in a waiting shed be enough to change one's course in life?3) Bang!!Shinyama sees Daiyumi holding a gun to her head and jumps down the stairs to stop her from committing suicide; but it is only a toy gun... Shinyama hurts his right hand and Daiyumi feels obliged to help him taking lesson notes. What does Shinyama feel towards Daiyumi, is it only pity or is it something else?4) Santa is ComingInaba is always teasing Ayumi about not being able to get a boyfriend. In anger she lashes out that she does in fact have plans to meet a boy the next day; when she is really only baby sitting her nephew. What shall she do when she runs into Inaba taking her nephew to the game center!?
完璧☆彼氏彼女 -  Perfect Boyfriend -  Perfect Girlfriend
Natsu, 16 ans, pense qu'Ichijou est le petit ami idéal. Quelle n'est pas sa déception lorsqu'elle se confesse à lui et qu'il lui répond "J'aimerais sortir avec une fille plus mignonne que toi".... Natsu est alors déçue.... Ichijou n'aime que les jolies filles ayant une grosse poitrine.... Toutefois, elle ne désespère pas pour autant et fera tout pour lui plaire !
恋爱朵朵开, 枯れ気に恋を咲かせます, Heavy Crash!!, Kareki ni Koi wo Sakasemasu, Love Service!, The Juicy Game
1) Kareki ni Koi wo SakasemasuRitsu is a normal high school girl, who everyone thinks is cold. One day, she met a weird looking guy by chance, who turns out to be the new transfer student...but for what reason is he there? And why is it that she can't help but care for him?2) Heavy Crash!!Two girls who are always tagged as a problem child, even though they aren't. Still, they don't care, their friendship is the best. But...what if one of them falls over heels in love?3) The Juicy GameAfter too many unrequited loves, Natsuko finally gets herself a boyfriend. But...not everything is pink and flowers, her thick-headed brother won't let this go easily...4) Love Service!Miku is a girl with no interest in school, who is always out of it. Then, on the streets a guy suddenly saves her from being tossed by a car, but...breaks her phone?!! Who is this guy?!
Kawaii dake ja nai Onnanoko -  Kawaii Dake Janai Onnanoko -  Kawaii Dake Janai Shikimori-san -  Miss Shikimori Is Not Just Cute -  Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie -  That Girl Is Not Just Cute -  That Girl Isn't Just Cute -  คุณชิกิโมริไม่ได้น่ารักแค่อย่างเดียวนะ -  かわ
Shikimori and Izumi are high school sweethearts. They hold hands walking home from school, they flirt in the halls, they tease each other. But Shikimori knows what she wants, and how to get it, and she can turn from cutie to cool in an instant!(Source: Kodansha)Original Web Comic
Gundam SEED Destiny the Edge
Retelling of Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny's story from Athrun Zala's point of view.
I Give to You -  きみにあげる。
Quand Ryoichi est trahi par son petit ami qui le laisse avec ses dettes, il prend la fuite et fini par prendre refuge dans une boutique de thé lors d'un violent orage. Ren, le propriétaire, l’accueil et lui permet de travailler en échange d'un toit. Petit à petit Ryoichi ne peut plus ignorer les liens profonds qui commencent à naître dans son cœur blessé. Est-ce que ces deux hommes au terrible passé peuvent réellement se rendre compte de leur propre sentiment ?
キミのうなじに乾杯! -  キミのうなじに乾杯! -  乾杯! -  Cheers To Your Nape! -  Kanpai!
From ANN: What with humans killing, exorcising, and otherwise getting rid of them all the time, monsters and demons have become endangered species. Someone has to look out for them, and that's what Yamada Shintarou is training to do- he's going to become a monster guardian. Armed with a two-by-four and a talking rabbit, he goes out to fight the demon hunters, hoping to defeat enough of them to get his monster guardian license. It is while he is doing this that he meets Nao, a normal (if unusually pretty and violent) high school girl, and instantly falls in love... with her neck. Now Yamada has a new mission in life: to protect Nao, and keep anyone- monster, ghost, demon hunter, or otherwise- from getting in the way of his view of her nape.
キミは「ポチ」だ!~大学生編~ -  Kimi wa Pochi da! ~Daigakuseihen~
Soushi, the son of a respectable and very wealthy family, starts to have feelings for his bodyguard, Yamanami. They are both well aware of their class differences which places an obstacle in their quest to be together. however, how will the arrival of a new love interest, Aoyama, affect their relationship?? this funny manga will reveal a deeper angle on their feelings.
君は「好き」の代名詞 -  妳是「喜歡」的代名詞 -  Kimi wa Suki no Daimeishi -  You are Synonymous for "Love" -  You are the Pronoun for Love
Contains 3 oneshots: 1) Kimi wa "Suki" no Daimeishi From Midnight Scans: I didn't think you'd still remember me once you'd gained fame. When you're supposed to pick me up, you don't even think to come. That's why, when there's someone who even slightly resembles you... Ten years ago, you left me to become a kabuki actor. But I still remember the promise from that day... You have become famous and are called "the most beautiful high school student in Japan". I'm living in a different world from you. That's why you won't even think to meet me once again...? 2) Hetakuso Kata Omoi (Hopeless Unrequited Love) All Yuri wants to do is talk to her crush in her art club, Yano-kun, yet she's able to do anything but. Getting an idea, she asks Yano's best friend, Kimidzuka, for some tips on how to make her ideal for Yano. Though reluctant, Kimi-kun helps out... 3) Eien ni Nemure (Eternal Sleep) Jin's just a lowly pirate with an incredibly handsome face and loves playing with women, but this annoying female brat, who he was going to sell as a slave with the rest of them, somehow feels different from everyone else.
You're My Girlfriend -  キミはガールフレンド
Hatsune Sugina est une lycéenne au cœur tendre qui n'a jamais réussi à se faire le moindre ami pour la simple et bonne raison qu'elle est incapable de se comporter ou de formuler une phrase sans que celle-ci ne tourne à l'arrogance. Malgré tout ses efforts pour contenir cette pulsion, sa langue fourche inéluctablement. Rejetée de tous et obligée d'intégrer un club, elle se retrouve au Maiden's Club, dirigée par Kirie Koganezawa, un président gay obsédé par le relooking féminin ! Saura-t-il remédier au "léger" problème d'Hatsune enfin qu'elle puisse atteindre son rêve, se faire un tas d'amis fille ?
Sparkly LION BOY
Miwa est s'est réfugiée dans les mangas romantiques depuis qu'elle a été harcelée à l'école il y a des années et s'immerge tellement dans les histoires qu'elle lit, qu'elle a perdu toute foi en l'amour dans la vie réelle.Mais cela pourrait changer alors qu'elle rencontre Kiriatsu, qui ressemble trait pour trait au héros de son manga préféré. Il n'y a pas que son apparence extérieure qu'elle trouve fascinante...
By Vanderguard: A very old shoujo manga. Kanon, lead singer of Die Küsse (German for 'the kisses'), falls for his bassists' little sister. Pretty much it's the adventures of the two and his band. If you like Visual Kei bands, you'll like this series. If you know the band PENICILLIN, the lead singer Hakuei made a PV story of this manga.
Key to My Heart -  Kizuato ni Kuchizuke -  傷あとにくちづけ
Self-conscious gay, Seto, encounters well-dressed Kurusu while he was in the middle of crying from a broken heart. Which progresses to Seto following the man to his flat, where he confesses the reason behind his tears, among some other developments…
傷だらけの箱庭 -  满是伤痕的盆景
Yuito didn't have a good first impression of the new transfer student, Tagasaki Mitsu, who bit him on their first encounter. There are a lot of rumors about Mitsu's violent ways, will Yuito find out whether they're true or not?
KOHARU HARU! -  こはるはる!
A geta-sandals wearing girl from Kumamoto at a high school cheerleading club.
恋におちた王子様 -  Koi ni Ochita Ouji-sama -  Prince in Love -  The Prince Who Fell In Love -  Temani Aku (Malaysia)
Collection of short stories: • Koi ni Ochita Oujisama (The Prince Who Fell In Love) "Just thinking about it makes me want to cry. Do you know the kind of love I'm talking about?" Shiho lives next door to a prince. Toshiki-sama is the heir of a Noh music master. They shouldn't have been anything more than childhood friends, but... - ShoujoMagic • Cinderella no Tegami (Cindrella's Letter) • Busu (The Ugly One) • Iroha ni Hoheto • Pizzicato
恋*音 -  Koi*Oto -  Sign of Love -  Sound of Love
From Rebellious Love: During her summer break before entering high school, Mimori Ichigo goes to her grandmother's house near the ocean. There, she helps out at her grandmother's shop. One day while walking her grandmother's dog in the evening, she meets a boy named Kouki. They meet again, but this time she also meets Kouki's cousin named Taika. For some odd reason Kouki has no memory of when they met and Taika begs her to not tell him either. Later, she and Kouki sneak out to watch the fireworks, but they separate dramatically. When Ichigo goes to high school, coincidentally, Kouki and Taiga are also there, but they have no memory of her. Is it true or are they just faking it? If so, why lie?
Koi Suru Heart de Taihoshite -  Arrest Me With Love -  It will heal eventually if you lick it! -  How much does it cost ot love? -  恋するハートでタイホして
Recueil de 4 oneshots.Asuka, une femme détective souhaite arrêter le voleur fantôme Cerberus dont on parle beaucoup en ville, parce qu'il l'a embrassé de force... !Outre le titre de l'histoire rempli d'amour et d'action, découvrez également les deux autres séries romantiques et humoristiques de Nana infirmière et du médecin Himura !