
オーウマイティX10, 時限王子 No.10, ALMIGHTY×10, Omighty x 10
Being left alone on Christmas Eve, Ten is mad; her brothers have all cancelled on her. But then a strange boy comes to the rescue and claims that his name is No. 10?! After the strange night, she wakes up to find a name tag of the boy who is named Tohga. With determination to find him in her mind, she sets foot to find him and eventually ends up in the very school that he is from.
Go! Banjinaru Hanayuki -  Go! Virginal -  Go! Virginal Prostitute Story -  GO!ばあじなる花遊記
From Nekohana: It all starts when Tomoe's hair gets caught in Kouga's button. Like a red-string of fate they're tied together. Through a twist of that fate Tomoe is forced to work in a house of prostitution lead by the Yakuza (Japanese gangsters/mafia), and who might be one of the Yakuza heads, but Kouga. Funny and dramatic, but more innocent than you think. ^_~
One night, a girl named Rikuri follows her childhood friend named Ron, only to be told to keep away from him. Of course, she doesn't listen, and when that happens...
Koigokoro Fantasia (AQUATIC WORLD 2) -  Love Fantasia -  Aspirasi Cinta (Malaysia)
[Summary by Vickstar taken from Akuma-Corp website]: Nine years ago, while on holiday, NONOZUMI Kanata received her first kiss from a boy named Haruka. Now age 15, Kanata has continued to love him and treasures a photograph of them together, which she always carries with her. Finding that she will be spending the Summer Holidays alone, she decides to find Haruka using the address on the photograph as her only clue. As she has never travelled alone before, she nearly boards the wrong train, only to be "saved" by KASUKABE Kairi--a very cute and popular boy from another class at her school. As they travel, she tells Kairi of her dream and he decides to help her in her search! Will Kanata be successful in finding the true "Haruka"? And when she does, will he return her feelings? And what about Kairi who's been helping and protecting Kanata on her journey? The path to true love is never easy.
Koigokoro Fantasia (AQUATIC WORLD 2) -  Koigokoro Gensoukyoku -  Aspirasi Cinta -  Love Fantasia -  恋心幻想曲
3 jours, c´est la durée qu´à duré la rencontre entre notre héroïne, Kanata et son premier amour, tous deux étant des enfants à cette époque. Bien incapable d´oublier ce garçon malgré les années, nous retrouvons une Kanata adolescente prête a tout pour retrouver cet amour qu´elle n´a jamais cessé de chérir. Son seul indice est une carte de vœux avec l´adresse du garçon, elle décide alors de partir pour en voyage afin de le revoir, sur la route elle fera la rencontre Kairi, un jeune homme qui va dans la même direction qu´elle. cette personne qui semble n´avoir aucune attache va se lier à notre jeune héroïne, mais à la fois est bien décidé à l´aider a concrétiser son rêve.
M★G★ダーリン, M★G★达令, M. G. Darling, Meteorite Guardian Darling
Ouri is a girl who dreams of getting married to someone who will protect her, just like her dad protected her mom. When she refuses an arranged betrothal to someone she doesn't know, her mom insists she attends Clover Academy, where there are plenty of fiancee candidates. Rumors about her quickly spread around the school, causing many boys to swarm around her.Then, caught in a pinch, she's suddenly rescued by a "Meteorite Guardian" named Knight, who is now contracted to Ouri to protect her...
ミルク クラウン, ミルククラウン, Cô nàng quản gia
Oto Tachibana, a 17-year-old, good-natured and caring girl, decides to earn her own school fees from now on, so she takes a job at her new school as a dormitory maid for "Class Z," an elitist class full of people with special talents. As such, she starts her new life away from her family in the dormitory, surrounded by (mainly) boys that are all a little different. Among them is Jin, the dormitory head, a boy who is amazingly strong and who keeps a "cuddly" pet at the dormitory's swimming pool - a pet shark! The quite charming and funny story revolves around the daily lives of the people in the dormitory, and in the middle is the relationship that Oto and Jin are starting to build. Related Series Milk Crown H! (Sequel)
Milk Crown High! -  Milk Crown New! -  ミルククラウンH!(ハイ!)
Dans Milk Crown, nous découvrons les aventures de Oto TACHIBANA, jeune orpheline de 15 ans. Pour payer elle-même ses frais de scolarité elle décide de s’inscrire à l’internat Ryuugasaki où elle dort et travaille comme femme de ménage. Elle est affectée au « Palais Ryu », dortoir exclusivement réservé à la classe Z, constituée d’élèves venant de tout le pays avec tous des talents et des personnalités hors du commun. D’abord surprise et un peu effrayée par leur accueil (qui inclut une course poursuite avec un requin !) Oto s’habitue à sa nouvelle vie. Rapidement elle tombe amoureuse de Jin GORYUUKANDA, le responsable du dortoir - et le plus énigmatique d’entre tous. Pourra-t-elle percer son secret ? Pourrait-il être amoureux d’elle ? Après de nombreuses épreuves (voir Milk Crown vol. 1 et 2) Jin et Oto sont enfin ensemble et se préparent à savourer leur deuxième année au lycée. (D’où le « h » pour « High » de Milk Crown H, et non hentai >.<) Cependant tout n’est pas rose pour eux : Ise, le «petit frère» de Oto débarque au lycée comme délégué de la nouvelle classe Z, bien décidé à reconquérir Oto. De plus, Jin apprend que le règlement interdit toute relation entre élève et employé(e) ! Que vont devenir nos deux tourtereaux ? Entre larmes, rires et situations abracadabrantes ; suivez leurs aventures !
Milk Crown is a story about a 15-year old girl named Tachibana Oto who leaves all her brothers and sisters at the orphanage to go work as a maid in a high school with a dorm (naturally, she will also be taking classes at this school, like everyone else). At this new high school dorm she's staying at, there are some pretty crazy people.
Title Story - After falling asleep in the snow Atsuki meets the fun and intelligent Kai who seems to be a bit sick. Darling Smoker - Asahi decides to give up on all guys that smoke because of her previous cheating boyfriend and meets respectable clean Itsuru the class president, but shock, he smokes!


天神爛漫紀ORIGAMI -  Tenshin Ranmanki ORIGAMI
Bien qu'orpheline, Yuna n'est pas malheureuse. Elle a son grand frère, et sa chance imbattable ! Son extraordinaire chance lui vaut d'être le centre d'interêt de toutes les filles qui lui demandent de l'aide en amour. Une vie tranquille, jusqu'à ce qu'un graçon étrange mais très séduisant lui demande de but en blanc de lui céder le seul souvenir qu'elle possède de sa mère, et non sans rapport avec sa chance.
Tori Ichihashi, a 10th grade student, has a strong sense of justice, and hates bad guys. Every night, burglars hover around the school which Tori goes to. Tori can't let it go unchallenged. 3 separate stories in all: 1. WANTE-D 2. First Step 3. The Wish Under Blooming Sakura Trees
ゆめゆめ煌々堂 -  Yume Kira Dream Shoppe -  Yume Yume -  Yumeyume-Kirakira-Do
There's a bright and shiny magical place up in the sky where people's dreams come true. For a fair exchange, the shop's proprietor Rin will gladly turn those dreams into reality. But be careful what you wish for, dear reader. Sometimes the most passionate desires can bring about the biggest heartbreak! Four short stories of fantasy and imagination--recommended for everyone who's ever wished for a dream to come true.