The story follows Baku Ryosuke, also known as Bakudan, a fresh-out-of-juvy punk and a dangerous street-fighter who is scouted by a yakuza syndicate and dreams of becoming the greatest yakuza in Japan. However, to teach Bakudan a lesson, the yakuza send him to the gym of a retired heavyweight boxer named Ken Tamaki to get him to sign away his property. But after fighting Bakudan for the property, Tamaki becomes impressed by Bakudan’s fighting skills, and from then on devotes himself to helping Bakudan follow his true destiny… to become the first heavyweight world champion boxer from Japan!
Otokojjuku - une école privée pour les jeunes délinquants qui étaient auparavant expulsés des écoles normales. Dans cette école, la chevalerie japonaise est enseignée à travers les bases féodales et militaires. Semblable à un film d'action, les classes sont submergées par la violence. Seuls ceux qui y survivent deviennent de vrais hommes.
The prequel to Otokojuku focusing on the early life of Edajima Heihachi, principal of Otokojuku. Ran for 10 volumes in Super Jump from 2003 to 2010. The story covers his university days, his war efforts, and much more about this mysterious man among men.