
アネ☆モネ 生花店
Retrouvez l'histoire Mono Seaki, lycéenne au visage de bébé qui tombe accidentellement amoureuse... d'un élève de primaire ! :D
ハルの雨 -  Spring Rain (MINAMI Maki)
Yuina can't figure out why her boyfriend keeps avoiding her.
You're My Girlfriend -  キミはガールフレンド
Hatsune Sugina est une lycéenne au cœur tendre qui n'a jamais réussi à se faire le moindre ami pour la simple et bonne raison qu'elle est incapable de se comporter ou de formuler une phrase sans que celle-ci ne tourne à l'arrogance. Malgré tout ses efforts pour contenir cette pulsion, sa langue fourche inéluctablement. Rejetée de tous et obligée d'intégrer un club, elle se retrouve au Maiden's Club, dirigée par Kirie Koganezawa, un président gay obsédé par le relooking féminin ! Saura-t-il remédier au "léger" problème d'Hatsune enfin qu'elle puisse atteindre son rêve, se faire un tas d'amis fille ?
こももコンフィズリー, 胡桃的糖果
S・A ─場外乱闘─ -  S・A(スペシャル・エー) ─場外乱闘─ -  Special A - Street Fight
声优志愿, 声優かっ!, 真的是声优吗!, Seiyu Kaa!, Seiyu Ka—!, Seiyuu Ka!, Seiyuu Kaa!, Seiyuu-ka!
Kino Hime is a 15 year-old girl who just started her first year in a high school for voice actors (Seiyuu) called Hiiragi Academy. She dreams of becoming the voice of the main character in one of the most popular series in Japan, "Magic Fighter Lovely Blazers". The academy is the number one school which allows students to make their voice acting debuts and also includes other departments such as general education, sports, music, acting, and art.Of course this Academy is full of celebrities, too. Two of Hime's upperclassmen are none other than the two rising idols of the group "Idol Unit AQUA".But Hime's dream is hard to fulfill. Her voice is not really suitable for a voice actress and her new classmate Kudou Senri doesn't waste time in pointing that out. Will Hime prove everybody, especially Senri, what she is capable of despite the first appearance?
シアワセ食卓 -  Happy table
S・A スペシャル・エー, S・A Lớp học ưu tú, S・A(スペシャル・エー), S.A特优生, SA, Special A, S•A
Her whole life, Hikari Hanazono has been consumed with the desire to win against her school rival, Kei Takishima--at anything. He always comes out on top no matter what he does, and Hikari is determined to do whatever it takes to beat this guy!At age 6 Hikari lost to Kei in an impromptu wrestling match. Now, at 15, Hikari joins "Special A," a group of the top seven students at a private academy, for the opportunity to trounce the guy who made her suffer her first defeat.