

アームズ -  Project ARMS
Ryô Takatsuki est un lycéen japonais qui mène une vie ordinaire. Mais son univers quotidien va pourtant être ébranlé. Tout commence avec l'arrivée, dans son école, de Hayato Shingû, un nouvel élève. Sans que Ryô comprenne pourquoi, Hayato s'en prend à lui et tente même de le tuer. Il découvre alors que Hayato n'est pas un garçon comme les autres : ses membres ont la capacité de se transformer en armes télescopiques meurtrières...
ドライブ!!, D-live
Ordinary high school student Satoru Ikaruga, while he doesn't look like it, happens to be a genius vehicle user, kinda like a MacGyver of vehicles. And he's extremely good with all vehicles like jet skis, trucks, fighter planes and helicopters. If you can name the vehicle, he knows how to work it. Ikaruga works as a vehicle expert for a multinational specialist organization called the Almighty Support Enterprises (ASE) while trying to maintain his high school life as much as possible.
ピースメーカー, Peacemaker
Tale of a lone gunman named Hope Emerson, the son of legendary gunfighter Peace Emerson. Known for the Spot Burst Shot, a technique that involves the firing of multiple bullets at a rapid pace while fanning the revolver's hammer.Emerson gets drawn into a mysterious conflict when he defeats a gunslinger named Hans "Grim Reaper" Giles in a duel after surviving a gunshot due to his bulletproof jacket. Hans had been part of a private mercenary force known as the Crimson Executioners, raised by millionaire Phillip Crimson.