
AKB0048 Episode 0, AKB0048: Episode 0
Set in the same universe as the AKB0048 anime. Star Calendar, Year 41. Hoshina Furea is a student at the AKB Academy, training to be a legacy member of AKB0048 with her best friend, Noa. It seems that Furea doesn't have any confidence, but then she is chosen as...???
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Hai-Yue-Ji-Nai is a girl who never liked learning, and her test scores are naturally at the bottom of the class. Even most of the tutors don’t really know what to do with her. One day a young handsome tutor named Yi-Tiao-Xiao-Ye came. His ways of teaching are different; When Hai-Yue-Ji-Nai is learning from him, learning felt just like talking to a friend. Hai-Yue-Ji-Nai also had developed a secret love for Yi-Tiao-Xiao-Ye that she is trying her best to hide. Could Yi-Tiao-Xiao-Ye possibly have the power to change her test scores?
嘘つき王子とニセモノ彼女 -  The Liar Prince and His Fake Girlfriend -  The Lying Prince and the Fake Girlfriend
Narumi Luna est une collégienne qui ne veut pas se faire d’amis, son apparence fait peur. Quand elle sauve et recueille un chat noir, elle se fait expulser de son appartement. Elle a nulle part où aller, elle fait la rencontre d’un garçon qui, va changer sa vie ?