
2023 요즘연애 특) -  20화. 비로소 피어난 -  20화. 비로소 피어난 - 영모 작가 23.05.09 -  Finally Bloomed -  Blooming at last -  2023 These Days A special love -  찾았다! 키스존 -  선키스후썸? -  성향 차이 ㅎㅎ -  넌 나의 트렌드 -  내 친구랑 자만추 -  상남자김하율특) -  자만추? 자만추! -  비대면수업! -  조선남자 X MZ여자 -  가짜 커플도 되나요? -  잉어팟 빌런 -  음침찐따와의 데이트 -  내꺼인듯 내꺼같은 너 -  남들 다 하는 연애 -  야, 나 복학생 화석이잖아 -  화요일의 아군 -  좋아요 -  나만 봄 -  어찌저찌 우찌 봄 -  비로소 피어난 -  아날로지 네이밍 -  F와T사이 -  2023 Yojeum-yeon-ae Teug) -  2023 These Days, Dating Special
달콤한 인생
Un recueil d'histoires douces sur les couples et les célibataires, les employés de bureau et les chômeurs. Mais attention : il y a plus qu'une touche d'amertume ici.
Lovely Again Today -  จูบรักปลดล็อก -  今天也可爱的狗 -  每天可爱一点点 -  犬系戀人 -  오늘도 사랑스럽개 이혜
Hana a hérité de la malédiction de sa famille... son premier baiser la transformera en chienne ! Heureusement, ce phénomène ne se produit qu'après minuit. Pour rompre ce charme elle devra embrasser, en tant que chienne, l'élu l'ayant embrassé la première fois.
A week of lust -  Seven Days of Lust: Omegaverse Anthology -  Yogmangui Iljuil -  Неделя желания -  욕망의 일주일
Et si votre ami d'enfance qui vit dans l'appartement à côté du vôtre est un oméga? Il y a 7 histoires


'Je pensais que ce n'était qu'une capacité pratique... jusqu'à ce que ça arrive...' Han Yu-Hwa, gérant d'un café se voit confronté à un tueur en série après avoir sauvé la vie d'une jeune fille dans la rue. Comme si ça ne suffisait pas, il apprend que le pouvoir qu'il possédait depuis toujours attire des créatures étranges nommée 'Autres'. Voici maintenant qu'il est confronté à un monde qu'il ne comprend pas lui-même.
엄미중 둑 -  Mom Addiction -  Addicted to My Mother -  Adicción a Mamá -  Adicto a mi madre -  Ajumma, no me dejes solo -  Mom Addiction -  继母的香味 -  엄마중
« Ne pleure pas ». Yeomra essuya les larmes de Gung avec ses grandes mains. Il fronça les sourcils en voyant les larmes couler sur ses doigts. Il ne pouvait pas croire ce qu’il avait fait. Il sentait que les larmes tombant sur le sol étaient un gaspillage et tendait inconsciemment la main. Ses actes étaient inexplicables. Mais ce n’était pas la seule chose étrange. « Quelle est cette douleur lancinante… » Chaque regard sur l’enfant lui faisait mal au cœur. Yeomra ne pouvait s’empêcher d’être troublé par cette douleur qu’il n’avait jamais ressentie de toute sa vie. Mais curieusement, il ne pouvait pas quitter cet enfant des yeux. Yeoho, la garde secrète du grand roi, Yeomra, qui avait tout vu se dérouler, était en panique totale. « Le ciel nous tombe sur la tête ! » Yeoho regarda son maître avec une expression déconcertante. Yeoho se demandait s'il devait ou non lui arracher les deux yeux. Il ne comprenait pas pourquoi son maître avait agi ainsi.
天行記 -  천행기 -  Angel Diary -  Chunhengi -  Destination Heaven Chronicles -  Nàng Công Chúa Bỏ Trốn (Vietnamese) -  Venue des Cieux (French) -  Diario De Los Angeles
Chun-Yoo-Nim is the one and only princess of the heavens. She ran away from her arranged betrothed with the King Of Hell. Now missing for a few years (give or take 2-5 years) She is hiding in the human world as Dong-Young a BOY with a perverted best friend that likes to grope him, Bi-Wal. The four guardians of the Heavens are ordered to find the angel princess. With some twist and turns, a crossdressing angel, overly protective and super-powered chaperons, and to top it all off- a molesting best friend!? Hilarity ensues as Chun-Yoo/Dong-Young struggles to keep her endangered identity as secret! ~Summary from Anime News Network Summary from Silvermagic: Chun-Yoo-Nim ,the only princess of Heaven, has run away from home because of her arranged betrothal to the king of Hell, whom she believes is a perverted old man. For the last few years she has hidden in the human world as a boy named Dong-Young and has a friend that is a guy,Bi-Wi, that likes to mess around with him/her. The life she has built is now in danger now the four guardians of Heaven have been ordered to capture her.


Le contenu suivant est destiné à un public mature et peut contenir des thèmes sexuels, gore, violence et/ou un langage fort. La discrétion est conseillée.Un charmant jeune homme avec un emploi dans l'une des meilleures entreprises en Corée, Param est un piège par les normes dechacun. Cependant, il a quelques secrets qui pourraient renverser son statut d'élite durement gagné : Param est gay, et a un corps trop sensible qui se met en allume au moindre contact. Jusqu'à présent, il est fait face en cachant son béguin pour son patron et en prenant soin de "urgences" dans la salle de bain du bureau. Mais un jour, il est pris en flagrant délit par le nouvel entraîneur personnel à la salle de gym de l'entreprise. Est-ce que ce jock chaud et souriant ruinera la vie de Param, ou s'avérera être son remède ?


Leesu vient d'une famille pauvre mais ne s'est jamais préoccupé de l'argent ou de son status.Être le plus puissant combattant de l'école lui donnait l'impression d'être le meilleur du monde à ses yeux.Malheureusement, un accident de voiture lui fit perdre ce qui était le plus précieux à ses yeux; sa capacité à combattre !Nostalgique de sa gloire passée, il se tourne vers l'escrime avec l'espoir de retrouver ce qu'il avait autrefois.
外星阿凡達, 아바타르
Is there such a thing as a perfect human, and if there is, are they really human or an human in disguise
지독하게 끌어안고 지독하게 키스하고 -  Awfully Damn Hug, Awfully Damn Kiss
새끼손까락, Pinky
After serving his jail sentence, Yongho is determined to start anew for the sake of his single mother... However, he learns of an existence of a girl who is bedridden because of him.

Bad Boy

나쁜소년 -  Nappeun Sonyeon -  Плохой мальчик -  坏少年
J'ai essayé pendant 10 ans de devenir son type idéal d'homme "bon" mais soudain, elle dit qu'elle aime un délinquant... À partir d'aujourd'hui, je renais comme une racaille.
나쁜 비서
Heters are humans who have gained superpowers. Each heter has super regenerative abilities and one additional power. Miru is a man who hunts heters, these hunters are known as Closers. It is clear that Miru has a past with heters and will stop at nothing to hunt them down.
比愛更美的誘惑 -  사랑보다 아름다운 유혹 -  Seduction more Beautiful than Love -  Plus beau que l'amour (french) -  Verführung & Liebe (german)
A new teacher, Miss Jung, has a student she particularly worries about. Ryu Min is the top student in the school; he's tall, smart, and handsome. He shocks her by telling her that he wonders what it would feel like to kiss her. What is she to do about him?
개를 낳았다
Happiness, joy, bitterness, sadness that I learned by raising a dog.
There was a legend about a blind goddess who fell in love and was left heartbroken... "Why did you leave me? I vow this life and every life after I don't want to ever hear your voice again! I will forever take you as my enemy..."
블루버드 -  파랑새훔치기 -  Stealing Blue Bird
From NOIR: When the blue bird sings, it brings its owner happiness. However, when the blue bird dies... It can only be resurrected when the owner sacrifices something that they cherish... The cycle repeats until the owner has nothing left to offer as sacrifice, leaving the owners with nothing to cherish and no blue bird to sing to them. Yuria is the owner of a blue bird... a blue bird someone wants to steal away from her. Will Yuria be able to protect her blue bird and find her own happiness?
By Kyouria: After her parents passed away, Eunsu was able to stay at her mother's friend (Ajuhshi's) home. She was about to get attacked as soon as she arrived in Seoul, but was saved just in time by the second son of Ajuhshi. And she later discovers Leewon wasn't at all a caring person...
Balgeun Mirae -  밝은 미래
A brutal attack as a child leaves Hyun-Tae emotionless and numb with the inability to feel pain. His condition allows him to become a ruthless gangster that everyone fears. As he begins to hunt for the truth about his past, he also sets his eye on finding a missing jewel worth millions that puts his life at risk.


Dans un futur proche, les humains ont créé la technologie pour leur permettre de rêver tout ce qu'ils désirent. Ceux qui cherchent à devenir des dieux dans ce monde de rêve sont appelés "les Builders". Une jeune fille utilise cette technologie pour la première fois pour le même but. Pourquoi veut-elle devenir un Builder ?!
シャンパンは恋の媚薬, One Night with the Tycoon
Rebecca really is unfortunate. At first her fiancé gets stolen by her stepsister and then she even has to attend the wedding of those two. At the wedding tycoon Graydon Gallagher approaches and comforts her. The next morning she wakes up next to him and is not so sure what might have happened the evening before...After that Gray proposes to take her on a business trip with him and Jessica agrees, thinking it might be the starting point to a new life... plus Gray assures her that it will only be those two weeks and after that it will simply be just a memory, nothing more.
Chew & Swallow -  Chew Swallow -  Ssib-eo Samkida -  Проглоченная ласточка -  씹어 삼키다
Minjae Kim was the kind of guy who caught your eye. That’s where all the trouble began for Taehwa Lee. The two met in high school, hit it off and then some. All the rumors said that they were together. Intimate. Abuse, betrayal, lies and love, if that was the only truth, they wouldn’t be in this mess.
아기장수 이야기, Die Legenden vom Traumhändler, Once Upon a Time..., The Baby Merchant's Story, The Tale of the Child Pedlar
A police story about two very different types of men teaming up to fight crimes in high places. The combination turns out to be one-of-a-kind. The story is based on the adventures of a pair of policemen, Hashiba Shigemi 26 years old and Keiichi Sasaki, 22. The two handsome young men are somewhat nonconformist and often act of impulse; especially the impetious Hashiba. They solve crimes with "less-than-orthodox" methods and push themselves to the limits of the legality; Often engaging themselves more on hunches and "faith" than for the same law; but after all they are the best "Combination" that can be found. thus the title of the series. They prefere to take action against the politically corrupt and the dealings of the yakuza. The Japanese Robin Hood?