
The King's pawn shop
Amy a toujours été nulle pour juger les hommes, donc elle tombe toujours amoureuse des mauvais. Son premier amour a fait d'elle son esclave, le deuxième l'a rejetée, et le dernier en date lui a été infidèle... Un jour elle tombe sur le bureau d'un prêteur sur gage géré par un homme nommé Shuu. Elle décide de travailler pour lui pour améliorer son jugement sur les choses...cela va-t-il l'aider?
オズの摩天楼; Oz no Matenrô; Skyscrapers of Oz
Mari Kudoh et son partenaire Yoichi sont deux superbes "hommes à tout faire", comme ils préfèrent s'appeler eux-mêmes. Leur dernière mission vient de la femme vindicative d'un important PDG. Elle est bien déterminée à humilier le concubin de son mari, un beau jeune homme nommé Yu Kaito. Mais avant même de débuter sa mission, Mari sauve sa future cible d'une embuscade... et lui offre refuge dans son propre appartement.
Another new series from JUMP SQ! By the end of the chapter, you'll understand where the title PAT-KEN comes from. This manga is about a boy named Hayabusa, who dreams of becoming a hero in the name of justice. Which is why he took up a part-time job acting as a costumed hero for a children's stage show. But, when the real villains, the Darkside Arms (DA), attack, the real heroes of the city, the Armored Guardians (AG) are called in. Will Hayabusa be allowed to join the Armored Guardiands and attain his dream of becoming a real hero? Many themes in the manga are borrowed from television sentai series, so fans of Power Rangers might enjoy this! (From Mangahelpers.)
Penguin Revolution -  ペンギン革命
Fujimaru Yukari, en première année de lycée, possède le don de voir l'aura des stars potentiels sous formes d'ailes d'oiseaux. Un jour, elle en voit dans le dos de Katsuragi Ryoko, la vice présidente du conseil des élèves. Elle découvre tout à fait par hasard que Ryoko est un garçon, un jeune talent du monde du spectacle de la compagnie PAON. Pourquoi alors se travesti-t-il?
Based on Persona 4. Each chapter follows a member of the Investigation Team as they lead their lives in Inaba.
How a young woman, romantically and professionally broken, will once again get a taste for life when she leaves the city to live in the countryside... 
Pink to Mameshiba
n&b + couleurs
Ken est un fan invétéré du groupe de musique Planet. Alors qu'il réserve en magasin les derniers produits à sortir de son groupe préféré, il s'aperçoit que le vendeur est un élève du lycée où il enseigne. Ken lui demande alors de ne pas révéler ses hobbies. L'élève accepte mais demande que Ken devienne son chien de compagnie en échange de son silence.
プラス20cmの距離; 零距离的爱; +20cm的距离; Just 0.5cm Away From You; Plus 20 cm no Kyori; Just 20cm Far From You; Just Four Days Away From You; Just Twenty Centimeters Far From You; Laugh at Tomorrow's Sky!; Plus 20 cm; Plus 20cm; Plus 20cm no Kyori; The Melting P
Hidaka Atsushi et Sasaki Yôïchi se connaissent depuis la prépa et vont désormais dans la même université. Ils entretiennent une "relation étrange", selon les termes d'Atsushi qui a cédé une fois à la tentation et a finalement couché avec son ami. Dégoûté d'être le dominé (puisque Yôïchi mesure 20 cm de plus que lui), Atsushi cherche un nouvel amant avec qui il pourra jouer le rôle du dominant.
First Come -  First Served
This is a sweet story about a rough-looking girl that can only be her girlish self with her blind girlfriend, and her feelings when her girlfriend is getting a corneal transplant to see again.
PM Club -  Souri Club
The long-awaited new serialization drawn by the author of "Hetalia World Stars". Protagonist Daigo Hinata, a modern high school boy. One day, he was suddenly invited to a secret club in the basement of the Diet Building. It's the Prime Ministers Club...?! Hetalia Mangaka Hidekazu Himaruya returns with another historically inaccurate series about bi-shounen Japanese Prime Ministers in this comedy manga.
(私的)探偵物語 -  (Shiteki) Tantei Monogatari
"À partir d'aujourd'hui tu seras mon détective !" "T-Très bien".Rudy est un détective sous-couverture... Spécialisé dans l'espionnage d'un certain noble... Lorsqu'il était enfant, il accepta rapidement de devenir le "détective" d'Elise, en pensant que les détectives étaient des personnes de confiance. Il n'imaginait pas à quel point il avait raison... car Elise réclame son aide pour tout et n'importe quoi... et ses ordres impliquent souvent d'enquêter sur Albert... qui n'est autre que le grand frère de Rudy ! Albert est beau, adroit, et riche. De nombreuses femmes tombent sous son charme, Elise y compris !Mais tout le monde a un côté caché. Des rumeurs courent sur le fils aîné d'une riche famille qui se faufilerait dehors et s'amuserait la nuit (sous-entendus inclus). Albert semble cacher quelque chose et c'est à Rudy qu'il incombe de découvrir quoi !
リード・オア・ダイ -  R.O.D. -  Read or Die -  RoD
Yomiko Readman's love for literature goes far beyond any run-of-the-mill bookworm's! In fact, she has a supernatural ability to manipulate paper in the most amazing ways. From turning a tiny scrap into a lethal throwing dagger to making a single sheet hard enough to block bullets, she's only limited by her imagination. She uses her phenomenal power to seek out legendary books containing secret information that, in the wrong hands, could be dangerous. Backed by a Special Operations Division in England, Yomiko has her hands full battling evildoers, saving the world, and trying to find time to curl up with a good book.
From Midnight Scans: Nana, a 16-year-old girl, has had a happy relationship for 1 year with a University student named Shugo. Though, it all comes to a halt, when a doctor tells her that in 6 months, she will become completely blind. While her condition worsens everyday, she decides not to tell Shugo anything because she fears she will be pitied. Will their love be able to survive this tragedy or will it go all downhill?
Alice in Astigmatismland -  乱視の国のアリス -  乱视之国的爱丽丝
Book-loving student Mitake Alice is a normal-looking girl when she has her glasses on, but when she takes off her glasses... she becomes the most beautiful woman in the world. Alice without her glasses is so beautiful, she has even charmed all of the fictional male characters in the fairy tales that she loves to read. Now, the fairy tale female characters like Snow White and Cinderella are out on a hunt to annihilate Alice to gain back each of their corresponding princes. Will Alice survive the onslaught of princess assassins?

Rare Ji

Momoe est du genre à accepter toutes les critiques des autres, qu'elles soient positives ou négatives. C'est pourquoi, tout le monde la considère comme la reine des idiotes jusqu'au jour où Takasugi, l'idole de l'école, le lui fait remarquer...
Read or Dream, also called Shin Read or Die, is the sequal to the Read or Die four volume manga. It does not feature Yomiko Readman as the main character, but rather new characters from the Division of Special Operations of the Royal British Library. From Viz: Michelle is a romantic daydreamer and hardcore book collector. Maggie is a soft-spoken bookworm who always gets mistaken for a boy. Anita is an athletic tomboy who doesn't have time for reading. Together, they're the Paper Sisters, three very different siblings united by a strange power--the ability to control paper in any way they desire! And from their Hong Kong detective agency, they solve any and all cases involving books! p/s slight shoujo-ai
リターナーズ 〜赫の奇還者〜 -  Returners - Kigensha
Thirteen years ago a disaster occurred. Out of nowhere, a meteorite fell from the sky, and that's when everything started. First of all, there is said to be numerous people who vanished when the meteorite fell. Afterwards, according to certain reports, this was known as "spirited away". At the same time, strange things happened. The sky filled with clouds, and a red mist shrouded the streets. And those terrible monsters had started to appear. A monster, in other words, a slave beast, one who has sold his soul to the evil king. However, we must not despair, they have returned from the depths of the red hell, and in order to defeat the impending disaster they carry with them a gift in their hands. "They have returned, the ones who posses the flash have returned to tear apart the fear."
ルームシェア -  分租男子天堂 -  同居密友
From Attractive Fascinante:After his parents passed away, Aizawa Kyouichirou, a middle third year high schooler, rented out the 6LDK apartment in the form of room sharing as suggested by his guardian, Yagi Akira. The occupants were Rio Forest - a foreign college student, Mutou Keigo – a National Literature college student, Kawakami Shinji – a top host and Tachibana Jinpei – a workaholic. After they started to live with each other, they learned how to love and care for each other.
Niwatori Faita -  Niwatori Fighter -  Rooster Fighter -  Savaşçı Horoz -  Боевой петух -  الديك المحارب -  ニワトリ・ファイター
Ce manga d'action de combat raconte l'histoire de l'humanité menacée par des monstres à la puissance écrasante appelés "Kijū". Alors que les villes sont détruites et que les gens tombent dans le désespoir, un coq se lève pour faire face à la menace. C'est l'histoire sur la façon dont un seul coq sauve l'humanité.
Residents in the Romantic Villa -  Roumantei no Jyuunin ~ Shinonome -  Roumantei no Shujin -  浪漫亭の住人 -  浪漫亭の住人~東雲~ -  浪漫亭住人- 东云篇
From Attractive Fascinante:Sakuya, a high-schooler, went to a place called Romantic Villa Hakuou to look for Shinonome to fulfill his grandfather’s final wish. This is a place where only those with power and money can come to buy a man’s night. Shinonome is the most beautiful and the number one oiran there. Sakuya had wanted to leave once he settled the issue. However, he was forced to stay because of Shinonome’s stubbornness. And that night, he witnessed the number two oiran, Asagi, serving his benefactor. What will he do from then on?
流転のテルマ -  The Wheel of Life
Tokumaru Tokuda is a medical student who is taking a leave of absence from school and spending every day lazily. To search for his big brother who went missing after sending an e-mail saying "Help me", Tokumaru ends up going to "Western Tibet". Using the photo that his brother sent as a hint, Tokumaru and two male guides, Sonam and Namgyal head toward a certain valley. However, it's a valley that not even the locals go near since it is said that the valley brings disaster on anybody that comes near… The three men embark on their long journey on foot in Western Tibet, the land high above the world.
审判之门, 裁きの門, The Gates of Judgement
Lance is a devil punished to guard the gates of Heaven and Hell and to lie to souls to get them into Hell. He can never tell the truth because to do so would mean he will disappear. He has to send one more soul to Hell before he can finally be free from his punishment. For a devil, lying is easy, right? But what happens when the soul of the person he cherishes walks up to the Gates for judgement?
砂漠の王子様 -  Prince in Desert -  Prince of the Desert -  The Desert Prince
From Blissful Sin: The third Prince of the Ababida Kingdom is being pressured to marry. The Prince detests the idea and after deciding to run away, he finds himself stranded in the desert. Here he's rescued by Haruto, a kind Japanese tourist in search of the Rose of the Desert. The Prince is instantly smitten and Haruto leaves with no idea of how his life is about to drastically change.
寂しがりやは夢をみる -  Sabishigariya wa Yume wo Miru
While searching the forests for a sage, Achille stumbles upon a beautiful boy named Raphie. While he is mesmerized by Raphie’s mysterious charm, Achille feels a sense of familiarity. Who exactly is Raphie? This is a tale of pure and eternal love.
さいたまチェーンソー少女 -  Saitama Chainsaw Girl
From Horobi no Michi: Kirisaki Fumio's just an ordinary highschool girl in love... ...but then she finds out that the guy she's fallen for happens to like someone else. And then she gets into a fight with a friend... that and various other things are getting her really down... she decides to go out and get a chainsaw. And take it to school. And kill the boy she likes, and herself afterwards. Along with anyone who happens to get in the way.
Gensomaden Saiyuki, Saiyuuki
Having been assigned by the human elders the mission of stopping a mystical plague that has afflicted the Youkai with madness, Genjyo Sanzo assembles his team of Youkai warriors, desperately hoping that the disease will not affect them. He sets up qualifying tests that will help him determine the loyalty and worth of Cho Hakkai, Son Goku and Sha Gojyo. The team then journeys west to rid the land of madness.
Saiyuki ~Dice of Destiny~, Saiyuuki - Dice of Destiny
An illustration series, in which the illustrations' contents are decided by dice.
Il y a 500 ans... De la montagne des "Fleurs et des fruits" naquit un jeune garçon aux yeux couleur or. Découvert, il est conduit au Paradis Céleste pour être présenté à la Bodhisattva Kazeon...

Saiyuki Ibun

最游记前传 -  最游记异闻
La jeunesse de Houmei, futur Komyo Sanzo alors sous l'autorité de Maître Jikaku à Taisouji. Dans ce temple, l'enseignement y est réputé comme étant le plus difficile, et ce afin d'atteindre le même but, devenir le successeur de Triptika. Ce titre très convoité confère à son porteur la tâche de protéger le "Tenchi Kaiken" qui permet de sauver le monde .