
This is the first manga collection by Kuno, an active animation artist who previously worked on films such as Airy Me (2015) and The Case of Hana & Alice (2015). This is actually a collection of four works: Tomei nin- gen (Invisible Person), which throws doubt on having to adjust to the opinions of others at school; IDOL, which questions the value of being a girl; Hebi ichigo (Mock-Strawberry), about a boy who wears a snake costume for a girl he is in love with; and AMAGI Yuiko no tsuno to ai, the three-installment story of a girl who grows a horn and her big brother. In these stories portraying little girls, Kuno’s animation experience, including the unique use of perspective and camerawork, is put to effective use, and the theme of metamorphosis appears frequently in each story, connecting them as well as linking them to her earlier animation work.