
Save Point Level 1 -  セーブポイント Lv.1
Join the adventure of Anna, a village girl whose dream is to marry into royalty! She spent her days working in her family inn, stuck in her small village. Her salvation comes when four handsome adventurers arrived at her village, looking for members for their party.
Sawatte Tokashite -  Touch Me and Melt Me -  Kimi to Miru Hoshi ga Kirei -  Sawatte -  Amete -  The Stars That I See When I’m with You Are Pretty -  Flip Flop -  How Do You Think I Feel -  さわって、とかして。
Un jour, le subordonné du père de Tatsuya lui a dit qu'un jour il tomberai amoureux de lui, puis il l'a embrassé de force, mais depuis ce jour, rien de plus n'est arrivé. Cette curieuse aventure a pas mal affecté le jeune Tatsuya qui ne sait plus sur quel pied danser Saejima est toujours égal à lui même malgré cette surprenante déclaration (si jamais cela en était une d'ailleurs ...)Il n'empêche que l'adolescent doit faire avec, Saejima est son tuteur et il le voit quotidiennement, même s'il déteste les études et du coup, ne fait pas grand chose.Au final il se pourrait qu'il trouve une toute nouvelle occupation durant ses temps libre avec Saejima car depuis cet incident, il est loin de le laisser indifférent.
Souta's mom left him and his dad to live by themselves, and suddenly returned when Souta's dad won a rookie novelist award.When Souta and a girl, Sanae, were hiking one day, they run into a dog searching for its lost owner.
Takase est dans cette école depuis un moment. Elle connaît donc bien la malédiction. Aucun contact n’est autorisé les Lundi. Elle explique à Mashiro, une étudiante transférée, qu’il y a longtemps, un couple de filles s’est suicidé. Quiconque touchera une autre personne le Lundi sera maudit par ces filles. Le seul moyen d’échapper à cette malédiction est de réciter un charme…
サヨナラの果てに -  Until the Last Farewell
Masaki doesn’t understand the feelings that are accumulating inside him. When he realizes them, it is too late---his best friend has moved. In the ice cold snow, he weeps and remembers his best friend’s words.
さよならのじかん。 -  告别单恋的时刻 -  Nante Bakana Koi Nanda -  When Saying Goodbye to Love
Recueil de oneshots.
The near future, the afterworld, and the perfectly normal present day. The five stories in this anthology revolve around the girls who deal with the uncertainties of fate; sometimes happy, other times grim.Toki o Kakeru Mae ni (Before Crossing Time)Otouto-kun (Little Brother)Shitsuren Family Restaurant (Heartbreak Diner)Us, you and me (Us, You and Me)Sayonara Watashitachi (Good-bye, Us/Good-bye My Life)
さよなら絶望先生, 絕望先生, ซาโยนาระ คุณครูผู้สิ้นหวัง, Sayonara Monsieur Désespoir, Sayonara Sad Sensei, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Sayonara, Despair Sensei, Sayo
This is a dark comedy about a 'depressed' teacher whose attempts to commit suicide are constantly foiled by his weird (and lovesick) female students.
Farewell, Children -  Good Bye Children -  さよなら、チルドレン
"Abdominal Perforation Syndrome" - when children enter puberty, a hole forms in their belly. It closes automatically as you grow up, and having gone through this experience is a sign of adulthood. This story centers around junior high school student Asahina Chimaki and those around her, as they are torn between childhood and adulthood.
さよなら、ヒーロー。 -  再會了,我的英雄。
Le jour où un garçon se confessa à elle, Yoshinaga se retrouva victime de brimades par sa petite amie et les filles de sa classe. Elle décide de tout endurer seule, jusqu'à ce qu’un élève affronte ses bourreaux et tombe amoureux d'elle. Plus ils se rapprochent, plus elle s’intéresse à lui... mais elle ne sait pas que son héros cache un secret.


スキャンダラス; Sukyandarasu
Lorsque sa mère décide de se remarrier, Honaka accueille au sein de sa famille la nouvelle star du show business, Masaki Izumi, dont elle est folle amoureuse. Elle s'imagine déjà que sa vie va ressembler à celle présentait dans le drama de Masaki... Seulement, le garçon en question est loin de ressembler à celui qu'elle imaginait. Dans la vie, c'est un séducteur un peu brut et il est bien décidé à faire Honaka sienne !? Mais alors, ce serait... SCANDALOUS !
Tsukamoto Tenma is a second grader in high school who, like other girls her age, falls in love. However, she could not bring herself to confess her love to her classmate Karasumaru. She discovers that Karasumaru will transfer out next year and, with the help of her friends and her little sister Yakumo, tries to confess her love. Tenma also uses unorthodox methods such as disguising herself as a nurse or shooting arrows with a love letter attached to express her feelings for him. On the other hand, Harima Kenji, a delinquent, has feelings for Tenma. Unfortunately, Tenma's preoccupation with Karasumara ensures that she doesn't notice Harima's affection, much to Harima's dismay. To make matters worse, one day, he sees Tenma and Karasumaru having lunch together. This causes him to skip school and embark on a journey of enlightenment.
スクールランブル Z
On prend les mêmes et on recommence ! C'est donc la suite de nos amis déjantés de School Rumble qui reprennent du service pour nous en faire voir des vertes et des pas mûres !
Watashi wa Yakyuubu no Manager -  スコアブック 小箱とたん作品集 -  スコアブック~小箱とたん作品集~ -  私は野球部のマネージャー
The baseball club has only two members. These two guys are at their wits' end, fearing that their club will soon be disbanded. Enter a weird girl who claims to be the "No.1 High School Baseball Manager". Her goal?To get to "The Land of Baby Cows" - or as a more sane person would put it - Koushien!
System Engineer
About an awkward encounter between a 22-year-old university graduate, a middle school student and a sex sleeve?!
セカンド・キス, 第2个吻
A new teacher enters are the girls basketball coach and Miho can't help but look at him other than a teacher. Fate however has a different idea
Yoshino’s family moves frequently due to his parent's job transfers. He’s finally made his first true friend, but has to move again. Before he leaves, he makes a promise to come back and visit her—before she gets married.
視線 -  Gaze
Every day, a young man will take the train and be assaulted by his chief. But there's a conductor who watches him...
正義 研究会 セレナード
Pas de résumé disponible pour le moment.
His tale begins with Shino who was in love with a girl called Maruyama. Shino asked his best friend, Akira, to set him up with Maruyama, but instead Akira betrayed Shino. Depressed, Shino goes to spend the rest
聖純少女パラダイム -  Holy Girl Paradigm
L'académie pour filles Paradigme est un établissement scolaire réputé, regroupant un collège et un lycée. Aoi espère une vie scolaire entourée de demoiselles vertueuses qui sauraient la transformer en grande dame classe et gracieuse. Riri a rejoint cette académie, pensant y trouver l'amour. Leurs rêves rencontrent une dure réalité. C'est le début d'une belle amitié (?)
Il y a longtemps, il existait deux groupes de clan différents. l'un avait du sang rouge et l'autre avait du sang bleu. Ils ont coexisté paisiblement, mais finalement ils ont commencé à se haïr et une guerre a éclaté. L'armée massive des rouges sanguinaires a d'abord acculé les sangs bleus mais avec l'aide de la nouvelle technologie développée par Kodo, le prince des sangs bleus, les sangs bleus furent victorieux. La nouvelle technologie, appelée le Haguruma, est un mécanisme puissant de type robot capable de destruction dévastatrice.


Sekirei raconte l'histoire d'un jeune lycéen nommé Sahashi Minato dans le Tokyo moderne.Après sa 2ème année consécutive ratée, il ne sait plus ce qu'il doit faire et pense peut-être à rentrer dans son village natal avec sa famille qui l'attend là-bas.Plongé dans ses pensées, il n'entend pas le cri féminin tandis qu'une jolie jeune fille tombe des airs sur lui.Après une petite échappée pour s'enfuir face à deux femmes qui la pourchassait, Minato connaît le nom de la jeune fille : Musubi.Celle-ci se prétend Sekirei et après un baiser ardent, elle lui annonce qu'il est son Ashikabi. Ainsi commence les aventures de Minato dans le monde des Sekireis, toutes aussi jolies les unes que les autres.
Shounen shoujo haru o musabore -  Youth and girl, coveted spring. -  青年少女よ、春を貪れ
-[b][i]"At that time, I still didn't know the special meaning behind it."[/i][/b]Katsuyuki, a junior high school student, who has never known love and Haru, the school's madonna, who moved here from Tokyo. In a strange turn of events, the distance between them grows closer... It's beautiful, it's fragile, it's miserable, and it's painful. A coming-of-age mystery spun by the spell of first love.[*][url=]Mangaka's Twitter[/url]
精灵制造, 精霊プロデュース, Ghost Production, Spirit Produce
Momose Shiina is a down to earth girl who holds a disdain for anything supernatural. One day as she is walking down the road, a strange boy claiming to be a god tells her -If you worship no other god, then, from now on, believe in me!- After that strange things begin to happen. Could there be more to this strange boy than meets the eye, and perhaps more to herself than she ever knew?
Little Miss P, Tsukiichi! Seiri-chan, 生理ちゃん, Гостья М, Сэйри-тян
It's that time of the month, and you know what that means...a visit from Aunt Flo—scratch that—Little Miss P! This pink, anthropomorphized period's not so lean, kinda mean, and a gut-punching, butt- kicking machine! (Just ask Mr. Erection...) Follow Little Miss P as she traverses time advising, harassing, abusing, and comforting women on her (usually) monthly visits in this uniquely weird and surprisingly touching manga!(Source: Yen Press)

Seirou Opera

青楼オペラ -  青楼绮谈
Pendant l'époque D'Edo (ancien nom de Tokyo) à Yoshikawa dans le quartier rouge. Akane, est une jeune fille qui vient d'une famille de samouraïs, elle se retrouve orpheline et vendue à un bordel. Dès son arrivée, on lui demande de ramener un client. Elle rencontre un homme très particulier...
聖戦記エルナサーガ -  Elna Saga
The land in ELNA SAGA is called Gimrey, and supposedly in the far past, before magic became a part of every person, a great monster had swooped down from the north and ravaged the world. Fanning great gusts of destructive magical wind, it reduced nearly everything to empty wasteland before a knight appeared to challenge it. Bearing a sacred sword and shield which repulsed magic, this knight finally struck the monster down after a tremendous battle. But this creature would not die, and as it lay immobile, the wind poured forth from its wounds unrelentingly. With the last of his strength, the knight planted his sword high atop the mountain where the battle had been fought, so that it would shield a part of the land from the wind. This was the beginning of Gimrey, and the reason why everyone is born with innate magic. As time passed, people began to fight over fertile ground. ELNA SAGA begins right before the outbreak of yet another war, and tells of a princess named Elna. Born without any magic whatsoever and as such being the only person who can actually touch the sacred sword guarding Gimrey, she becomes a pawn used by her kingdom to threaten other countries with destruction. A rival kingdom's assassination attempt turns rescue, however, when the ones behind this plot reveal that they have no qualms about killing Elna as long as they can maintain a facade using a lookalike. With the help of her would-be assassin, who is drawn to her innocence and compassion, Elna journeys to define herself and stop a terrible war that her country has started. The first thing one notices is the richness of the world in which this series has been set. The ideas behind ELNA SAGA are drawn loosely from Nordic culture and mythology and the story, people, and names all bear a medieval Northern European flavor. There are no gods or non-human races, but Valkyries, Berserks, and the world tree Yggdrasil make their appearance in one form or another, and the castles and towns evoke nostalgic memories of old storybooks.