
B Grade, B Grade Gourmet Club, B Kyuu Gourmet Club, B級グルメ倶楽部, BGrade
This manga takes place a few years after the two lead males have graduated from high school. One of them came out in high school, and the other was a scary senpai who kind of took care of him. But now they meet at the same office, several years later, where the kouhai has yet to come out of the closet...
B Grade -  B Grade Gourmet Club -  B Kyuu Gourmet Club -  B級グルメ倶楽部 -  BGrade
From Beautiful Soup: "B Grade" is a manga that takes place a few years after the two lead males have graduated from high school. One of them came out in high school, and the other was a scary sempai who kind of took care of him. But now they meet at the same office, several years later, where the kouhai has yet to come out of the closet...
悪人面したB級冒険者 主人公とその幼馴染たちのパパになる
Nitta Arata is a typical 21 year-old junior attending college of science and engineering at Toaru University. He is bright, he's in the engineering program after all, but he definitely is from a working class background. He has been working his way through college for the past 3 years without major incident, so being swept up in a warped experiment of an equally warped professor was the last thing he expected in the second half of his college days.


Arata a 21 ans et est actuellement étudiant à l'université. C'est un étudiant moyen, vivant par lui-même dans un studio et faisant plein de petits boulots. Hatsume a 20 ans et fréquente la même université. C'est la fille d'une grande famille. Elle n'achète que des vêtements qui dépassent le milliers d'euros et est promise à un mariage arrangé. Rien ne les destinait à se parler ni même à vivre sous le même toit, mais voilà le destin en a decidé autrement et nos deux héros se retrouvent mêlés à une drôle d'expérience. L'un de leur professeur leur a attaché une montre B-shock qui explose si la distance des deux montres excède une certaines limite (ici elle est de 1 mètre). Hirota et Hatsume vont alors devoir vivre sous le même toit, travailler ensemble et faire face à la multitude de questions des gens, sans parler du plus important.... ils doivent se SUPPORTER nuit et jour
A story about a boy waiting for his sister.
バビル2世 -  バビル2世 ヨミの復活の巻 -  Babel 2 -  Babel 2-Sei -  Babel 2 Sei -  Babel 2 Sei: Yomi no Fukkatsu no Maki -  Babel 2: Yomi no Fukkatsu no Maki -  Babel Nisei -  Babel
バベルの手紙 -  Babel's Letter -  Letter of Babel
Even after all these years, you’re still the only one I think of… I’ll put all of my feelings into this letter for you.
Letter of Babel, バベルの手紙, Babel no Tegami
Même après toutes ces années, tu es toujours la seule à qui je pense… Je vais mettre tous mes sentiments dans cette lettre pour toi.
Baby Bitch
1-3) Oh My Bitch! WARNING FOR CHAPTER 3: This chapter contains 'golden showers' from children. If this offends you, do not read pages 19 and 20. 4) Father 5) Welcome Back, Darling 6) This is Bad 7) Goodbye Lover
Baby★I Love You
1-3) Baby I Love You After sensing Hirasaka's hidden rejection and anger, the younger brother Akio sets his sights on making the rejected coworker Akio's "bride." Just wait until Papa finds out! 4) Princess and a Dog 5) Say "I like you" Prequel: Papa I Love You
From Lililicious: In "Baby Lips," by Obara Ayako, Noriko reacts badly to Chiharu's new makeup.
A high school senior named Yotaro thought he was an only child — until he met his real mother and discovered that she has 19 daughters, from 0 to 18 years old. He ends up living with his "true family."
Akari is drawn into the exciting world of kabuki theatre, She then spends her time after school assisting the famous actor, Shonosuke Ichimura. In the real world, however, this prince of kabuki is actually a high school cutie named Ryusei. The pair's relationship gets off on the wrong foot but eventually, with the help of a cat known as Mr. Ken, might start to fall in love.
Shizuku Utsugi, an energetic girl who grew up in an islet, left her islet and started her life in the mainland in order to go to high school. There was only one requirement from her mom. That was “for 3 years, just enjoy your school life.” In a totally new life, new days of girls who spend time on Lacrosse began. 
Baka To Boing
Taichi Yamada est le plus grand fan de Shiina Kokoro, une idole. Le destin (peut-être) les a réunis quand Kokoro est tombée du ciel sur Taichi. A la suite de cet événement, Taichi se réveille à l'hôpital et voit l'esprit de Kokoro. C'est alors qu'un shinigami fait son apparition et annonce qu'elle est venue chercher Kokoro. Est-ce la fin pour Kokoro ? Que va faire Taichi pour sauver sa chère idole ?
バカとボイン, 天然呆巨乳, Baka & Boing, Baka and Boing, Baka to Boin, Baka to Boing
Taichi Yamada is what you would call a fan but he is not just any fan, he is a fan of Kokoro Shiina, a gravure model. Maybe it was fate that brought them together that day but Taichi met Kokoro when she literally fell from the sky. Waking up in the hospital, he begins to see Kokoro's spirit and after roaming the hospital premises a "shinigami" arrives to take Kokoro to the underworld. Is this the end for Kokoro? What will Taichi do to save his beloved idol?! 
He abhors foolish and slow person. -  Kou Miete Junai -  馬鹿で愚図は大嫌い
Depuis tout petit, Haru est amoureux de Soudai, le meilleur ami de son grand frère. Il passe son temps à le suivre et l'imiter, espérant ainsi captiver son attention. Malgré tous ses efforts, leur relation n'évolue pas dans le sens qu'il voudrait. Et rien ne s'arrange avec la décision de Soudai, quitter sa ville natale pour intégrer une prestigieuse université sportive, une fois diplômée. Haru, bien qu'horrifié à cette idée, abandonne et décide de le laisser partir. Il essaie alors, d'oublier ses sentiments envers Soudai...
バカとボイン -  Baka & Boing -  Baka and Boing -  Baka to Boin
バンビ, Bambi and Her Pink Gun
The word is out on the streets: a reward of five million dollars to the opportunist that wastes the courier calling herself Bambi and returns her living cargo. Chainsaw swinging psychos, gold-toothed Elvises, Derringer-packing grannies and all the other scum in these badlands could care less whether Bambi is kidnapping this toddler she christened "Pampi" or if she's snatching him back from his captors. With a pink gun in one hand, and a leashed Pampi in the other, can antihero Bambi's huge ego and formidable gun skills hold off an army?
Bambi and her pink gun / BAMBI 血色班比 / バンビ
SpanishBambi es una asesina descarada y segura de sí misma que no teme el peligro empuñando su pistola rosa y no oculta su cruel violencia ni siquiera al silencioso niño que la acompaña en sus constantes viajes. Una enorme recompensa se cierne sobre ellos, por lo que muchos están tras su pista... ¿Por qué Bambi siempre lleva a Pampi? Su singular emparejamiento no es más "original" que el grupo de individuos que les pisa los talones, todos a sueldo de un mandamás cuyas verdaderas intenciones están rodeadas de misterio...
バンブーブレード ビー
Bamboo Blade B est un spin off de Bamboo Blade.
バナナブレッドのプディング -  Banana Bread Pudding -  Banana Bureddo no Pudingu
Now that Ira's older sister is getting married, who will take her to the bathroom after ten p.m. and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" outside the bathroom door in order to protect her from the beautiful, androgynous, child-eating clown? Will marrying a closeted gay man help?
One day, I suddenly became a 'big brother' and everyday I am called out of my bed by a sweet and tender voice. The person who's been preparing my bentos and making me snacks is my adorable...little brother. That's right, he's much cuter than a real girl and he's actually my little brother! Despite of this grim fact, I still can't deny myself from falling for him...Living together seems like the ideal situation for love games, but it seems like I will have to put a stop to this?!
Now that Ira's older sister is getting married, who will take her to the bathroom after ten p.m. and sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" outside the bathroom door in order to protect her from the beautiful, androgynous, child-eating clown? Will marrying a closeted gay man help?
万能鑑定士Qの事件簿 -  บันทึกคดีของยอดนักประเมิน Q (Thai) -  Case File of All-Round Appraiser Q
Yuto works for a magazine company known as "Kadokawa". His current project revolves around a mysterious phenomenon occurring inside the city. Someone or something has been placing stickers of a sumo wrestler's face all around the city in various places. No one knows who is placing the stickers or what their objective may be, but these stickers have been showing up in places for a while now. Yuto now needs the help of an appraiser to solve this mystery. Searching through the web, he finds an appraiser known as the "Appraiser Q". Her name is Rinda Riko, and she has the ability to appraise anything (or anyone) and solve any mystery thrown her way. [DrCoke]
Rose Petals
Arashidani admire son gentil collègue Shirakesawa, mais lorsque son patron Hosaka découvre ses sentiments, Arashidani se retrouve entraîné dans une relation passionnée. Indifférent à la profondeur de ses émotions, Arashidani lutte pour réprimer ses insécurités.
薔薇を枯らす手でボクを抱け, My Vampire Princess
Makoto Hourai is given to Alice Kamiya as an "offering" because of a long-established contract between the two families. He is there in order to assist Alice, who is actually a vampire. As an offering, Makoto is supposed to give Alice his blood, however, he is anemic. How does Alice manage to drink blood, if Makoto can't provide for her? How does Makoto feel about all this?
The Rose Princess's Awakening -  薔薇姫の目醒め
La princesse Rose se réveille pour découvrir qu'elle a été kidnappée par Arzel, un homme qui a beaucoup de secrets. Est-ce vraiment un enlèvement ou une évasion ?
ばら色の頬のころ, Time of Rose-Colored Cheeks, When I was Thirteen
Paul, a serious honor student, meets the violent and rebellious Andrew in their all-boys school. What follows is a story of the struggles of youth and painful but powerful self-discovery.