
Shirayuki est une jeune fille du peuple qui est née avec une particularité ses cheveux sont rouge. Beaucoup pensent que la jeune fille porte malheur et ne veulent pas s’approcher d’elle. Elle attire ainsi l’attention du prince Raji de Tabarun, qui tombe amoureux d’elle au premier regard et qui aimerais bien l’avoir comme concubine. Ayant nulle part où aller, Shirayuki décide de se couper les cheveux et s'échappe vers un pays voisin. Tout en traversant par la forêt, elle tombe sur un groupe de 3 personnes, dont un jeune homme de son âge, Zen, qui décide de l’aider à s’enfuir et lui propose de venir avec lui. Après lui avoir courageusement guérit ses plaies, celui-ci ce fait empoisonnée par une pomme qui lui était destiné. Pendant ce temps, Prince Raji envoie ses sbires à sa recherche. Elle découvre une fois arrivée à destination que Zen est non seulement un noble mais surtout le second roi de ce royaume. C’est ainsi que Zen amène la jeune fille au château, cette situation va lui permettre de faire ces preuves entant qu’apprentie pharmacienne. Malheureusement cela va entraîner de nombreuses rumeurs et les deux jeunes vont se retrouver dans des situations délicates. Qu'adviendra-t-il de-Shirayuki? Comment va évoluer cette relation ? Une histoire rafraîchissante entre une héroïne optimiste et un prince qui reste constamment sur ses gardes.
僕らをつないで。 -  Bind Us -  Bokura o Tsunaide -  Bokura wo Tsunaide
Toshiya has died and now has permission to go back to Earth to check on things. He finds that his best friends are the same as they always were- in love, but afraid to get together because it might break up the friendship that the two of them and Toshiya had. Toshiya is depressed when he sees this, and hopes that his friends will move on and live in happiness.
A collection of short, bittersweet love stories, including several incestuous ones.
Kizuki Akira and Satou Nanki's Ebisu-san and Hotei-san is about two office workers. In chapter 1, Hotei is not pleased when Ebisu is transferred to her branch.
エビスさんとホテイさん, Ebisu and Hotei, Ebisu-san and Hotei-san
'Ebisu-san and Hotei-san' is about two female office workers. Initially Hotei is not pleased when Ebisu is transferred to her branch, but gradually those feelings begin to change.
エレベーターを降りてまっすぐ, 爱情升降梯
Story 1) Having grown up together in the same apartment building, Hasumi and Souichirou are like brother and sister. But one day, Souichirou suddenly confesses to Hatsumi! They start going out, but their story is filled with the confusion of first love.Story 2) Rainy Day Children: Rumi is a very bored 3rd grade girl. What can one do when all it does is rain, rain, rain? The answer, of course, is to go outside, enjoy the rain–and just maybe, find an interesting new friend.Story 3) Love Machine: Natsuki has a crush on a boy a year younger than she is. She thinks she can find the courage to confess, if only he would see her as a girl instead of just his senpai.Story 4) The Sun Adventurers: Legend has it that beyond the two mountains in the west where the dark forests ended, there was a place that could make wishes come true… People called it: Sunlight. Tulip, a young female of the Persian tribe, has a very important wish…Story 5) Fly into the Blue Sky: A young girl learns to fly–but not too high.Story 6) Awful Boy: Miwa knew Takumi already had a girlfriend. He feels friendship for Miwa, while she feels the pain of unrequited love. But sometimes, the pain is worth it.
Vahlia no Hanamuko
Alza habite seul dans la toundra jusqu'au jour où il trouve une fille évanouie dans la neige.
はかなくも -  Fleeting
Miogi tries to take his life after hearing his lover is engaged.
針とオレンジ -  Needles and Oranges
Collection of short stories: - Needles and Oranges: The protagonist believes that she and her female lover understand each other despite a language barrier, but realizes she was wrong when her lover disappears one day. - A Fun Summer Vacation: A very short story about two friends who go on vacation together and make an unexpected discovery.
Ai Seyo Bakemono
カンペキな彼女, The Perfect Girlfriend
Suwa is perfect. She has perfect grades, perfect looks and is the idol of everyone at her school. However this "perfection" has created an odd distance between her and her fellow classmates. That is except for Takeda, the boy who sits in front of her in class. It seems Takeda is the only person that is able to speak to Suwa normally and much to her chagrin he is starting to think she is not all that perfect.
モン・スール, My Only
Ikeda Masaki, called Ikeuchi by his friend, is a college student living alone with his little sister, Minami, who is in grade school, after their father suddenly left one day leaving only a note behind. After thinking about dropping out of university to work and support himself and his little sister, Ikeuchi was encouraged by his best friend, Kanda, who currently has a job after dropping out himself, to continue his studies, and if ever the need arises, Kanda would be there. Ikeuchi believes that even if misfortunes come, as long as he has friends and family, they will be happy.As time goes on, Ikeuchi gets any part-time job he can get to pay the bills. He eventually forgets Minami's birthday, but is saved by Kanda, who not only remembered it, but bought a gift that the little girl really liked. Ikeuchi notices strange behavior on Kanda's part sometimes, however, he pays it no mind.
夏休みゼロゼロ日目 -  暑假第00天 -  00 Day Of Summer Holiday -  Natsu Yasumi 00 Nichime
Une salle pleine de bulles au début de l'été, et des sentiments inavoués qui peuvent s'exprimer ?
Dans un village lointain, il y a un arbre sacré où la Déesse de l'Eau habite. C'est la tâche de Sasara Yuukei de tracer les lettres qui se décolorent du contrat entre la Déesse de l'Eau et les gens du village. Un jour, en effectuant sa tâche, il a soudainement rencontré la Déesse de l'Eau elle-même! Et peu à peu, il a découvert que ce qu'il fait tous les jours est en fait...
L'enfant du dragon Kito et la prêtresse Shuen attendent le jour où Kito deviendra le dragon céleste.
แผนพิชิตใจวัยสะรุ่น (Thai) -  青春攻略本 -  Fuyu Hodoki -  Manual to Teenage Life -  Seishun Kouryaku-bon -  Youth Strategy Guide
Isezaki, un second année de l'école supérieure de garçon Kamiyama, a eu le coup de foudre pour une fille qu'il a vu derrière une fenêtre dans l'école de fille voisine. Le trajet de l'école d'une madonne! Après 2 mois, il est temps pour elle d'être diplômée...?!
L'amour et le sexe sont deux notions liées et dissociées à la fois. Certaines personnes voient le sexe avant l'amour et d'autres l'inverse. Pour chaque être humain, chaque couple, l'expérience du jeu de couple devient vite complexe.Sex Nanka Kyouminai est une série de oneshots mettant en scène ce questionnement.

shita, Shinu.

明日、死ぬ。; B's-LOVEYアンソロジー 明日、死ぬ。; Will Die Tomorrow -  Ashita Shinu
Une anthologie regroupant plusieurs histoires suivant des personnes pour qui la mort arrivera le jour suivant.
A chance encounter in the forest between a girl who can wield fire and a boy who can conjure stars ignites a series of extraordinary events that ends with more than just new changes in their lives.
Boku ga Otto ni Deau made
Basé sur un essai célèbre d’un activiste gay japonais, ce manga raconte l’histoire de sa vie, de son enfance jusqu’à son mariage avec son mari.
Liar's Paradox -  UsoPara
Youkadou, a young man working at a certain office is in love with Seiyuu, an extremely beautiful coworker of his. She is in a long distance relationship with her boyfriend, but she agrees to go out with him with one condition: they'll never have sex.