
"Au moment où la lettre est ouverte, la malédiction est lancée. Après sa lecture, vous devez en faire deux copies et les envoyer à deux ami(e)s proches dans les 24 heures qui suivent."
Your Lying Earrings
Miku a de nouveau rencontré son premier amour des années après avoir été rejetée par lui. La fille innocente du passé existe toujours, mais Miku porte son moi actuel comme une armure. Son premier amour pourra-t-il l'aider à se retrouver ?
ビタミン, 爱的维他命
Ostracism and mistreatment at school. How can one stand alone against the all-too-powerful group? Sawako finds a way and she starts drawing manga.
From Anime Monitor: Yamada’s passionate storytelling is realized through her star character, Reiji, a violin prodigy with a troubled childhood. Reiji turns to music in order to escape his abusive family, and is enrolled in a prestigious music school. There, he meets his mentor Mitsuko whose own dreams of becoming a professional musician were lost due to a tragic injury. Mitsuko’s fun-loving nature and enthusiasm for living comes up against Reiji’s intense, single-minded passion for music. But together they find a common goal in Reiji’s dreams of success. Intense rivalries unfold against the backdrop of the musical world, while Reiji’s turmoil provides heightened emotional drama.
わいわいっ★Hey! Say! JUMP -  Wai Wai Hey! Say! Jump -  Wai-wai Hey! Say! Jump -  Waiwai— Hey! Say! JUMP