
I Want to Try Something Dangerous ; Abunaikoto Shitemitai
Recueil de 8 nouvelles. (-18)
愛の言霊 (紺野けい子) -  Words of Devotion
from the back cover of vol. 1: "After graduating from high school, best friends Tachibana and Otani decided to move-in together as more-than-friends. Although their feelings are very real, the secret nature of their relationship, and the words that have gone unsaid between them, leave room for doubt. When a chance encounter reintroduces the pair to Yuki, a former classmate, Otani becomes suspicious of Tachibana's close friendship with her. Will rumors from their high school days together spin Otani's insecurities out of control? Or could it be that Tachibana and Yuki really have rekindled an old flame? Vol. 1 also contains two unrelated oneshots, "To the Ends of the Earth" and "Waiting for Spring" and a side story, "Sho-kun" about Tachibana's friend Shogo and his American boyfriend Al. Vol. 2 goes back to high school when Otani and Tachibana became friends and then more. It also contains another side story about Shogo and Al, which is a continuation of their story from vol. 1.
By the end of the 1980s Nae wants to become a journalist more than anything and to leave Japan for the country where everything is possible, the United States. Until she is able to fulfill this dream, Nae shares her passion for American culture with her friends. Where will the road to America, so near yet so far, lead them, halfway between dream and disappointment?America describes the myth of the American Dream for young Japanese people who sometimes regard their traditions as obstacles between them and their dream.
My (Elder) Sister's Marriage
Yori Iwatani is close to her 40s and is giving up on love and marriage. She has decided to live a quiet solitary life in her hometown. But when a handsome former classmate appears, things change for her.
The Rose Princess's Awakening -  薔薇姫の目醒め
La princesse Rose se réveille pour découvrir qu'elle a été kidnappée par Arzel, un homme qui a beaucoup de secrets. Est-ce vraiment un enlèvement ou une évasion ?


Rin avait abandonné la calligraphie à la mort de sa mère. Aors qu'elle a décidé d'entrer dans le club de calligraphie de son lycée, elle se rend compte que ce n'est qu'un fan club dédié à un autre élève, Dôgen, un senpai qui malgré sa jeunesse est déjà maître en calligraphie et donne des cours de calligraphie. Le club étant menacé de fermeture, devant la passion de Rin, Dôgen décide de participer au club, si Rin en devient le capitaine.
お江戸はねむれない!; Edo không ngủ yên; Edo Never Sleeps; Oedo wa Nemuranai
Sous l'ère Edo (dans l'ancien Japon), une oiran(= une très haute courtisane) se joint à un groupe de voleurs qui volent aux riches pour donner aux pauvres. Ensemble, ils se battent contre un ennemi qui utilise des "Eleki" ( c'est à dire des gadgets électroniques et des poupées) comme armes.
お江戸はねむれない!, Edo Never Sleeps, Oedo wa Nemuranai
In Edo (ancient Japan), an oiran (high-class courtesan) joined a robber gang that stole from the rich and gave to the poor. Together, they battled against the enemy who used ‘Eleki’ (electric gadgetry and dolls) as weapons.
Four Shōjo Stories
An anthology of oneshots:Story 1: Promise by NISHI KeikoStory 2: They Were Eleven by HAGIO MotoStory 3: The Changeling by SATO ShioStory 4: Since You've Been Gone by NISHI KeikoThe two stories by NISHI Keiko were also published as a separate book in English called "Promise." Those stories were originally taken from "[url=]Mizu ga Kooru ni Naru Toki[/url]."Read [url=]this[/url] to find out why the book was pulled off the shelves.
Hana wo Meshimase -  Please Buy a Flower - 
Après la mort de sa mère, Shion est laissée à la "garde" de son père qui est un joueur invétéré et fuit ses responsabilités de père. Suite à une énième fuite de son père, elle se retrouve sans logement et sans revenus pour continuer sa scolarité. Un fleuriste, Shun Mamyuuda, la prend comme employée à demeure, lui offrant toit et travail. Alors qu'elle apprend la valeur des fleurs et de la vie, apprendra-t-elle aussi ce qu'est l'amour?
樱之未若花之华 -  花は桜よりも華のごとく -  นิราศรักใต้ต้นซากุระ (Thai) -  Flowers Are More Like Blossoms Than Sakura -  Hana Wa Sakura Yorimo Hana No Gotoku
A Edo apparaît un très bon danseur de Noh, du nom d'Hakubi. Pourtant elle cache un terrible secret qu'elle ne peut révéler à personne...
- Happy Tomorrow:Kunieda, who recently entered SMP High School, was immediately antagonized by her classmates. She was bullied by them everyday. Trash was piled on her desk, and her pencil case was filled with thumbtacks. Kunieda even has to eat lunch in the girls' bathroom to avoid being harassed. Among the classmates who didn't bully or mock her, there is a guy who cares a lot about her. He helps her through the crisis, as well as invites her to eat at his usual table.Contains four short, sweet stories by Suenobu Keiko.
春は君にささやく -  春天向你轻声耳语
Chijiwa was a promising university athlete, but after an injury leaves him unable to play, he lives a listless and idle college life. Then he meets Izumi, a pub owner who also happens to be gay. Izumi is curt and speaks bluntly, but he has a kind heart. As Chijiwa and Izumi get to know each other, Izumi’s past heartache begins to resurface...
My First Love's World -  初恋の世界
Kaoru Komatsu acaba de cumplir 40 años, lo cual para ella es un duro golpe ya que "la mitad de su vida se ha ido"; es soltera, hermosa y una gerente diligente en una cadena de cafeterías. De repente se le da notificación que debe transferirse a una sucursal en la zona rural para mejorar sus ventas. Allí encontrará un nuevo reto, a pesar de ya tener 40 años... ¿Su vida da un nuevo comienzo?
Hikari to Tomo ni...: Jiheishouji wo Kakaete -  With the Light, With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child -  Đi cùng ánh sáng ~Nuôi dạy trẻ tự kỉ~ -  与光同行, 光とともに? ~自閉症児を抱えて~ -  光とともに… -  光とともに・・・, 사랑하는 나의 아들아
Hikari est un enfant pas comme les autres. Atteint d'autisme, sa jeune mère va devoir faire face aux défis de l'élever tout en maintenant sa famille unie, malgré les critiques et ignorances de son entourage.
Naoyuki is a kindhearted person who likes to take care of others. Unfortunately, his hopeless romantic nature often ends in rejections, and his bad taste in men leads him to untrustworthy lovers with bad taste. Meanwhile, Naoyuki’s childhood friend and next door neighbor Yowu continues to harbor a one-sided crush for him, and watches sadly from the sidelines...


ホープ -  أمل
Hikari est une lycéenne qui rêve de devenir mangaka. Mais le chemin pour y parvenir est semé d'embûches. Un jour, Hikari va faire la rencontre de deux garçons : Yû Sanada et Kazuki Hôjô. Cette rencontre va alors être le premier pas de la jeune fille vers son rêve.
氷結キスメット -  Hyouketsu Kiss Met
Yamato est le fils d'un humain et de la fée des neiges la plus puissante. Un jour, une jeune fée des neiges nommée Hiori vint pour le ramener au village des fées des neiges. Il est dit que le baiser d'une fée des neiges peut geler le corps d'un homme. C'est ce que Hiori a l'intention de faire pour ramener Yamato au village. Mais comment Hiori accomplira-t-elle sa mission quand Yamato, qui n'est pas fasciné par le charme habituel d'une femme, ne laisse pas Hiori l'approcher ?
神明大人×本大人×夫君大人!, カミサマ×おれさま×旦那様!?
可愛いひと -  Kawaii Hito (yaoi I)
From Storm In Heaven: It's all the little things that Ikeuchi does that makes Shinoda want him. Shinoda's been gay for as long as he can remember, but he's still a virgin. Then he falls in love with Ikeuchi, a younger man on the same basketball team. However, Ikeuchi has a girlfriend... is there any way Shinoda can make him want him?
Il Poema del Vento e degli Alberi (Italian) -  La Balada del Viento y los Árboles -  Poem of Wind and Trees -  The Poem of the Wind and the Trees -  The Song of the Wind and the Trees -  The Song of the Wind in the Trees -  風と木の詩
L'histoire se déroule en France fin du XIXè siècle. Serge Battour, 14 ans, fils d'un aristocrate et d'une gitane, rejoint l'académie Lacombrade en cours d'année, mais la seule chambre restante est celle de Gilbert Cocteau, un jeune garçon de 14 ans aux mœurs étranges... En plus de sécher les cours, Gilbert a l'habitude de coucher avec n'importe quel élève (ou professeur) plus âgé que lui.La cohabitation sera conflictuelle et difficile pour Serge, qui est un garçon noble et généreux, contrairement à Gilbert qui n'a pas un caractère facile ! Mais Serge voit bien les problèmes de Gilbert, et ne peut le laisser sans rien faire. Il tentera par tous les moyens d'aider ce dernier et de devenir son ami, à ses risques et périls...
君によりにし -  Kimi ni Yorinishi -  Want to Depend on You
DMG: Be it a sudden, painful revelation or a slow ballad, second love carries the hope of happiness again. Two tales of love experienced twice unfold in Want to Depend You. A professor of literature has died, leaving his son Yamato and his assistant Onodera to put his affairs in order. To Onodera, Yamato constantly echos his beloved professor; his grief grows desperate. Will Onodera’s past memories consume his chance for future love and break Yamato’s heart in the process? Ten years ago, friends Yuuya and Arata became lovers, but their crushing love died as soon as it began. Yuuya fears the past will repeat itself... but could a song feel different when it’s played a second time?
A conventional tale of "friendship becomes something more" when one friend secretly falls in love with his best friend who’s quite a womanizer. Things start to change when that friend knows that his friend likes him, and they find themselves feeling awkward with this discovery.

Kizuna Baton

Kizuna fait partie de l´équipe de basket, et ses meilleurs amis sont ses coéquipiers, cependant elle va bientôt changer d´école...
恋と軍艦, Love and a Warship
Endou Kana is a cheerful school girl who has a secret crush on... the mayor, Minato Kouichi, a perfect gentleman and well-liked leader of the post-war town. With the help of her friend Akira, she investigates him, until the trail leads her to an abandoned-looking house where a strange and scary foreigner lives. He and Kouichi seem to have some kind of relationship, but what is it? Kana's and Akira's take on that question are completely different and there's still a chance both of them are wrong!
恋×カギ, 恋X钥匙, Key of Love, Koi x Kagi - Kono Koi wa, Sekai o Kaergu Kagi desu ka?, KOIKAGI, KoixKagi
Hinako's parents died several years ago, leaving her alone. Since then she has been passed from relative to another. Now she finds herself about to move to another new home, with a child her own age called Subaru.
コンビニ -  Kombini
It's about two guys who are working in the same convenience store, and one of them seems to be strangely attracted to the other. (taken from the Evil Empire)
Aya Kakurai, suite à des réprimandes après un horrible événement, a décidé de devenir "invisible" aux yeux des autres et donc de s'isoler. Les seules personnes capables de voir la véritable personnalité d'Aya est sa famille. D'ailleurs, sa passion est le dessin et la peinture et elle souhaite pouvoir en faire en son métier plus tard. Un jour, la classe entends l'arrivée d'un nouvel étudiant tout droit revenu de France : Aimu Sada, garçon resplendissant à la chevelure blonde, qui n'hésite pas à faire dans l'extravagance et la surprise quand il se présente. Voyant qu'il s'assoit à côté d'elle, Aya pressent ce qui va arriver malgré tous ses efforts pour se cacher derrière son livre : il lui demande de lui faire visiter l'école. N'ayant pas d'autres choix après voir vu une facette "effrayante" du garçon, elle accepte. Mais Aimu va se rendre compte de son comportement et va faire en sorte de savoir ce qu'il se cache derrière cette façade...


L'histoire d'amour d'un robot féminin nommé Kudrayvka possédant un "coeur" et de son technicien Sergei.
A collection of cute shonen-ai oneshots.