
Konya Kimi ni Ai ni Iku -  Tonight -  I will Meet You -  Tonight -  You belong to me -  今夜、君に会いにいく -  今夜你属于我 -  今晚、我会去见你
Yorika Senoo prend une photo de Yousuke Shiiba, le garçon qu'elle aime en train de jouer au football sur son téléphone. Elle est alors frappée par la balle lui donnant la chance de pouvoir enfin lui parler. Elle retourne à la maison pour avoir ses rêves brisés car son père est transféré à Londres. Ne voulant pas laisser passer la chance de connaître Shiiba, elle décide de rester au Japon. Ses parents inquiets lui permettent de la laisser faire son chemin dans sa nouvelle maison en collocation avec une fille nommée Yuki Yoshihara... mais quand elle arrive, il s'avère que Yuki est un garçon pas une fille, et son nom est Yutaka Yoshihara. Elle a confondu le kanji...
空想画廊, Art gallery of imagination
The spring when Minori passed her middle-school entrance exams, her granny called her to her atelier and drew a good-luck charm on Minori's back to protect her. But then, her granny passed away without telling her from what she had to be protected from. She only said that when Minori enters high-school she must never ever enter the art-gallery at night. But now Minori is in the art-club. Will she be able to stay away from the Art Gallery as she promised?
Cette histoire commence au paradis, où les âmes, avant de naître, peuvent choisir leur mère. Le protagoniste remarque une fille qui s'est enfuie de chez elle, et il décide de revenir sur Terre pour devenir son fils.
ルードヴィッヒ幻想曲, Ludwig Fantasia
Once again, Prince Lui is on the road, searching for the perfect pair of huge… that is, for a bride, together with his servant Wilhelm and the witch Dorotea. A shipwreck takes him to an unknown kingdom, where he meets a melancholy little mermaid… But of course, nothing is what it seems when Lui unravels the mysteries of another classic fairy tale princess! 
ルードヴィッヒ革命, 路德维希革命, La Revolución de Ludwig, Ludwig Revolution, Lui Kakumei
In this grim and realistic take on classic fairy tales, Prince Ludwig, a female corpse collector, is ordered by his father to find himself a wife more suitable than the women he often brings into the castle. Along with his servant Wilhelm, they travel across the land in search of fair maidens from classic stories in hopes of finding Ludwig a wife.
Lunar 2
Histoire postérieure : Lunar: Younenki no Owari.Lunar 2: Eternal Blue est basé sur le jeu PS2 du même nom. Dormant paisiblement sur l'Étoile Bleue, la déesse Lucia est subitement réveillée. Celle-ci a ressenti qu'un grand danger sous la forme de Zophar est en train de menacer Lunar, la planète voisine. Afin d'éliminer cette menance, Lucia a besoin de l'aide d'Althena. Inquiète, Lucia décide de se rendre sur Lunar en utilisant la Spire Bleue.Sur Lunar, elle fait la connaissance de Hiro, un jeune archéologue passionné des mythes sur Althena. Ensemble, ils entreprennent un long voyage afin de rencontrer cette déesse Althena et de combattre Zophar.
まるごとオレのモノ まるごと☆オレのモノ 独占欲 (花绪莉) You Are Mine (KAORI) You're Completely Mine
Rinka comes back to the town where she used to live during her childhood. She looked forward to seeing Shuta again, who she used to protect from being bullied. Now, Shuta is the school's board chairman and he is very popular with girls. Rinka becomes confused because Shuta is very different from before...
マイネリーベ ~永遠なる夢想曲(トロイメライ)~
Nous suivons Erika Klause qui est à la recherche de son frère dont elle a été séparée durant son enfance. Avant de se perdre de vue, ils avaient un ruban divisé en deux, symbole leur permettant de se retrouver un jour. C'est dans ce but qu'elle entre à l'académie Rosenstolz, où elle fera la connaissance d'un prestigieux groupe de jeunes hommes, dans lequel se trouve peut-être son frère ...
Immortal Rain Complete Strategy Guide -  Kona's Iron -  Meteor Methuselah dj - Meteor Methuselah Perfect Guide -  Meteor Methuselah Kanzen Kouryakubon -  Mete
Takamori Mirai fréquente un lycée de filles situé à proximité du lycée de garçons Aizawa. Elle aimerait bien trouver l’amour mais hors de question de choisir un garçon de ce lycée. Ils sont violents et idiots ! Cependant elle va se retrouver embarquée avec ses amies dans un rendez-vous avec Midori-kun et ses amis qui viennent justement de ce lycée.
Misshitsu (MONCHI Kaori)
Continues the story started in 'Aseru' (also on Manga Fox). Kazuo is obsessed with his friend's older brother, Yuudai. Kazuo tracks him down and keeps him prisoner, taking what he wants from Yuudai's body everyday. Is it love or is it hate? (Warning: confinement, non-con)
ねじ, 螺子, Screw
Neji wakes up only to find himself with white long hair. He died in 1992 and is revived again 2033. He and the girl he loved, Snow White, died in 1992, however only he managed to wake up with special powers. GERA is responsible for not letting the dead lie, and they even lied to Screw about helping the girl he loves. He destroys GERA and meets up with other people and those those in need, fighting against the people from GERA, claiming back his revenge. He soon is joined by his brother's grandson to seek out more adventures.
The beautiful singer Lucille and his orchestra invite you to the city of fear where puppets hunt down humans. The puppets are playing an oratorio of magic and illusions! 
NORN9 ノルン+ノネット
L'histoire a lieu un peu plus loin dans le futur. Guidée par un bruit particulier, la jeune lycéenne Suzuhara Sorata (en l'ère Hersei) est amenée à travers le temps dans un endroit inconnu qui ressemble à beaucoup aux villes de l'époque de Meiji ou Taishou vues dans ses manuels.Dans ce monde, elle rencontre 3 jeunes filles et 9 jeunes hommes et les rejoint à bord du mystérieux vaisseau Norn, un gigantesque globe volant.
おこぼれ姫と円卓の騎士 -  遗落的公主与圆桌骑士 -  Okobore Hime to Entaku no Kishi -  The Leftover Princess and the Knights of the Round Table -  Princesse détrônée et ses chev
Afin de préserver la paix, le père de Leticia décide de céder son trône à sa fille plutôt qu'à l'un de ses deux fils. Cette nouvelle est un choc pour Leticia qui n'a jamais eu pour ambition de devenir reine et ne s'est jamais entourée d'amis au sein des politiques. Elle décide alors de recruter des chevaliers afin de la servir loyalement et de former sa propre 'table ronde' avant le jour de son couronnement. Mais sa quête semble être parsemée d'embûches. En effet, elle se rend bien vite compte que tous les bons et loyaux chevaliers se sont déjà ralliés à ses frères...
Ashina Tomo is your average school girl who somehow constantly has terrible images of a train accident. One day, on her crush’s birthday, her best friend brings her to an isolated print club machine which is rumored to allow prayers to come true. What would happen when your prayers come true, but not the way you want them to be? By a cursed print club machine nonetheless. Present as a side-story in Fairy Cube.
砂礫王国, Gravel Kingdom
A kingdom in the middle of the desert is the last city of humans that were against the Sand People. However, their next king, Kirameki, didn't want to fulfil the throne. The Sand People took the chance to kidnap the prince and replace him with an imposter, Kirameki's half-brother, Saga, who is a half human and half Sand Person. Kirameki was made to do hard labour then. However, he came back on the day of the Water Festival to get back his kingdom with Serafita (Water Goddess)'s help.
Hey Class President -  Highschool Love (German) -  Seitokaichou ni Chuukoku -  學生會長請小心 -  生徒会長に忠告 -  학생회장님께 충고 - 
Chiga, très nerveux, se retrouve à remettre en question les résultats lorsque son partenaire de l'équipe de judo, Kokusai, est élu président de classe de leur école pour garçons. Un président, bien sûr, a besoin d'un second. Et c'est ainsi que Kokusai nomme Chiga son vice-président ! Mais comment un freluquet comme Kokusai a-t-il pu gagner une élection ? ! Il devient rapidement évident que la principale tâche de Chiga en tant que vice-président sera de mettre Kokusai à l'abri, mais est-il à la hauteur de la tâche ?


Shouta et Miwa sont deux amis d'enfance, passionnées de badminton. Miwa, amouereuse de Shouta, essaie de le convaincre d'accentuer ses efforts pour qu'ils intègrent la même école de badminton top-niveau. Cependant, Shouta souhaite que ce sport reste un plaisir, et non une contrainte... Tout va changer quand le destin met sur sa route la jolie et timide Yuushi. Son mutisme (suite à un drame familial) et son incrouable talent pour le badminton (pressentie pour ^tre la numéro 1 Japonaise) intrigue Shouta au plus haut point. Il va alors tenter de se surpasser pour se rapprocher d'elle. il rencontrera Anan, qui deviendra son meilleur ami et partenaire de double.
Yuki no Hi
坏坏小男友, 壞壞小男友, 食べちゃダメ, Do not Eat, Don't Eat
Machi happens to take care of Kanata, a son of her father's boss, for three days. Kanata is younger than Machi and a junior high school student. Machi first considered it an easy job. However, Kanata shows somewhat precocious way of behaving, which makes her startled. She wonders if it is a feeling of love!?
From the Wafflehouse: The 16 year-old Tsukasa moves to Tokyo to start living with her uncle after her mother passed away. It's difficult enough to move to a new place alone, but the second day that she moves in, she finds out that her uncle is an AV (Adult Video) director...
Sophia Lenish, the Baron’s daughter, was eventually kicked out of her home after the Countess abandoned her engagement.When I woke up in the forest where I was tired of walking, crying and sleeping, I had nowhere to go …Did she have a sword at her throat!?“You should live by my side.”“But I… will just be a burden.”This is the magic knight, Marquis Gilbert Forster, called “Black Knight” and Sophia was picked up by him.A story of sweet and sweet love that takes back what you lost!
時間を止めた少年たち -  Jikan wo Tometa Shounentachi
England, 1918 year. Rupert enrolls to his new school just a few days after the murder of a maid called Noelle. He's the type that just can't sit still, so when he meets Noelle's sister, he's determined to help her find out who murdered her sister...
東方死神 -  東方死神 メテオ・メトセラ外伝 -  Immortal Rain: Shinigami of the East -  Meteor Methuselah: Shinigami of the East -  Shinigami of the East -  The Grim Reaper of the E
A miniseries prequel about the encounter between Rain and Zol. This is a prequel to Immortal Rain set before Machika's birth. Machika's grandfather Zol, who works as a bounty hunter by the name of Grim Reaper, encounters Rain, who turns out to be Methuselah, the most wanted man in the world. Why did fate bring these two men together and what is hidden behind Rain's clumsy and kind personality?
You are my only sunshine!宇宙の果ての真ん中の宇宙尽头中央的우주의 끝의 중심에
Mirai Tsukishima, qui vient d'entrer au lycée, est une lycéenne maladroite et seule.Un jour, l'un des garçons les plus populaires de l'école, Rin Mashiba, l'invite à rejoindre le club d'astronomie avec trois autres membres : Nagisa Shiramine, Aki Furuya et Ginji Souma.Même si dans un premier temps elle refuse sa proposition, elle finit par accepter face à l'insistance de Rin.Démarre ainsi une aventure pour les cinq lycéens en club d'astrologie.
わがままキッチン -  一厢情愿
From DMP: Handsome Kumaki holds a terrible secret. This serious salary man appears to be quite the ladies man, but in fact, Kumaki constantly finds himself head-over-heels in love with straight men. His secret crush of the moment is Naoto, a young artist he meets on his rounds as an office repairman. Will this be yet another disappointment in a never ending series of heartbreaks? Or can Kumaki convince the doubting Naoto that true love lies within his embrace?
やまとの羽根, Yamato no Hane Badminton Story
Daichi Yonekawa thinks that badminton is a girl's sport and is forced to practice with his twin sister, Yuki. Daichi finds himself playing Taka Tsubahara, the Japanese Junior Champion, because he is too bored "practicing" with his sister. He soon discovers the thrill of playing badminton and even quits his soccer team to practice badminton full time. He now aims to play against Taka Tsubahara once again but this time on equal grounds...
Blood Hound -  Blood Hound Deluxe -  Bloodhound -  Nocturnal Lover Speciality Shop -  Nocturnal Lover Specialty Store -  Nocturnal Lover Specialty Store: Bloodhound -  Vampire Host (French) -  Vampire Host Club DX -  Vampire Host: Bloodhound -  Yorugata Aijin Senmonten -  Yorugat
Rion is on a mission to find her missing friend Shihoko. Her only two clues are a card given to her by Shihoko and a confession that her best friend was in love with a vampire. Thus she heads down to a club filled with pretty male escorts whom she insists are vampires. Suou, the owner of the club, insists that he doesn't know a Shihoko at all and claims that they are not vampires. So, he decides to chase her out of the club. In order to obtain the truth, Rion throws a very, very expensive bottle of wine onto the ground to prove that she is not leaving, for now she has to work part-time at the club. Later, she realizes that Suou and gang are not the vampires that kidnapped Shihoko. However, in the nick of life and death for both Shihoko and Rion, another group of vampires comes along to save them. So, who are the real vampires now?
そのときティナは過去を見た, ブランシェ, 残酷な童話たち, 舞台裏の魔術師, Backstage Mage, Blanche, Cruel Fairy Tales, Cruel Fairytales, Sono Toki Teina wa Kako wo Mita, Teina Who Can S
Also contains three other one-shots.• Blanche -Blanche's life was perfect. Her father, the mayor, was rich and she got everything she wanted. But one day her house blows up and she's left as the only survivor with no money at all. She vows revenge on the person who blew the house up and plans it with a strange boy she meets...• Backstage Mage -Lying on the floor after being beaten by his father, Aleister's mother died after saying "I will be reborn. Wait for me until then" and leaving him her precious ring. 17 years later Aleister bumps into a girl and the ring reacts...• Sono Toki Teina wa Kako wo Mita -Teina has the ability to see the past and because of her ability, Sergeant Kaiji has requested for her help in in solving a case involving the sudden brutal killings of policemen. Teina realizes that Kaiji was actually her past life’s lover and agrees to help him. As she tries to see the past, a sudden dark force seems to be stopping her, and she realizes that these murders are more than what they seem.