
Flag Fighters

Reppa est un flag fighter, qui combat pour collectionner des drapaux dans des combats de rue, car une légende raconte que pour conquérir le Monde il faut collecter mille drapeaux...
鋼, Hagane - I Am Steel
When forcibly injected with the DNA of Musashi--the legendary swordsman--by the "Akai Umi" (Red Sea) secret organization, Hagane Yakushimaru becomes a master fencer with supernatural powers. She sets off to rescue her parents, who have been abducted by Akai Umi, making friends and foes with supernatural beings (parasite projects) who have also been injected with the DNA of other historical figures. What is Hagane's secret? Why is she the only successful female DNA injection recipient? What exactly is the project called the "Revelations of the New Millennium"? A veteran artist depicts a futuristic battle manga on a grand scale.
重機甲兵ゼノン -  Heavy Metal Warrior Xenon -  Xenon -  Bio Diver Xenon
A dramatic story set in contemporary Japan, about a guy with amnesia, who finds out he was turned into a super-cyborg in a corporate weapon research program. He goes on a mission of revenge. A little shallow, perhaps, but a good example of shounen SF/action manga. The manga ended abruptly, because the magazine it was being serialized in changed its target public and it was decided that Xenon didn't fit in anymore.