
Ucchare! Goshogawara is a high school sports manga centered on the titular character, Goshogawara. He’s one of the strongest teens in Japan, regularly placing high in the ranks of the individual competition at Inter-High, the major high school sporting event for most athletics that aren’t baseball. The only fly in the ointment is that he’s never been able to join the team sumo competition, because there have to be five members available to do it, and his school’s sumo club hasn’t had that many people for longer than he’s been a member.In fact, Goshogawara is the last and only member of the club, and he’s a senior. After this year’s Inter-High, he’ll have to retire to focus on college prep studies, and the club will be officially closed for good.So what does he do? In his own meek and humble fashion, he decides he needs to ask people from other clubs for help, but his stutter and general shyness make it difficult. Eventually a friend of his from the judo club agrees to temporarily join, as a point of honor, giving up a few weeks of training in his favored sport in the process (the Inter-High competition for judo is about a month after sumo).The second is a ne’er-do-well who’s tired of his slacker friends and sees in sumo a chance to go for the glory. He’s also an inveterate schemer and cheat who has the build of the proverbial 98lb weakling.Third is an upstart in the wrestling club who dreams of going pro in the future, and is sick of the seniority system in his club getting in the way of a good challenge. After he sees the sumo training in action, he decides to switch clubs so he can get in on that.The last is the fattest kid in school, all bulk and absolutely no bite. The others literally kidnap him from the Go club to try and convince him to join.
A Manga About a Stereotypical PE Teacher Who Dies at the Start of a School Horror Movie -  Gori-sen ~The type of PE teacher to die first during a panic~
Hayate Sakura, un lycéen tout à fait banal... enfin tout en lui est normal, sauf le fait que les fantômes sont attirés par lui et qu'il puisse les voir. Un jour, quelqu'un l'a sauvé de ces "fantômes" qui l'entouraient, se faisant appelé Undertaker Riddle, un homme qui peut renvoyer les esprits. Sakura lui a ensuite demandé une faveur, s'il pouvait l'aider à se débarrasser de ces fantômes définitivement, et en échange il fera n'importe quoi pour lui. Riddle lui proposera alors, de devenir "Undertaker" à son tour...
Kiki, an ordinary girl who doesn't like being social. She had to face a big change just a few days after starting her university life. Will she be able to pass through this obstacle this time or will she run away first?!
上手な男の落とし方, How Good Men Fall, Joushu na Otoko no Otoshikata, Joute na Otoko no Otoshigata, Jouzu na Otoko no Otoshikata
A collection of one shots.

Wakusei Honey

Blind x Doll -  Sakai Mayu Tanpenshuu -  Saigo no Bansan -  Puri☆Bari -  2-banme ja Dame nan desu ka -  Torikago Kyoushitsu -  Planet Honey -  Wakusei Honey -  Blindoll -  Flag -  Blind Doll -  BlindxDoll -  酒井まゆ短編集 メリーバッドエンド
Recueil de oneshots.
ワンダル・ワンダリング!, 魔童历险王顽达, Wandal Wandering
The long-eared people has always lived harmoniously in their community. One day, a child of the fearsome round-eared people suddenly appeared in their village. Due to a misunderstanding, the child became infuriated and transformed into an adult with tremendous strength. The usually peaceful village was thrown into chaos due to the child's presence.
Nankoufuraku no Maou-jou e Youkoso ~ Debuff wa Fuyou to Yuusha Party wo Oidasareta Kuro Madoushi -  Maou-gun no Saikou Kanbu ni Mukaerareru ~ Nankoufuraku no Maoujou e Youkoso Welcome to the Impregnable Castle of the Demon King Welcome to the Impregnab
“The Hero defeated the Demon King in the war of men against demons…” Those kinds of stories are a thing of the past. Nowadays, adventurers, demons, Heroes, Demon Kings, and so on are all occupations that no longer involve putting one’s life on the line. Peace has returned to the world, and dungeon exploration has now become a form of entertainment. Adventurers and monsters now all fight using clones they’ve created with magic in an extremely popular form of dungeon clearing where nobody dies. The footage of the dungeon getting cleared gets broadcasted all across the continent, and I’m a member of a Hero’s party that was ranked the 4th most popular in the world… but not anymore. Parties had a limitation of 5 members, and I was told that an unpopular job like Black Sorcerer would only get in the way of getting to 3rd place or beyond.Now that I became unemployed, I was forced to find another party but I just couldn’t find one. One day, I encountered a beautiful blonde red-eyed woman who told me she had a job for me. After being so touched from having someone recognize my abilities far more than my past comrades, I ended up agreeing to take an interview without asking for the details. When I arrived at my destination, I was at the world’s hardest dungeon where no party has ever reached the final area, the Demon King Castle, where the Big Four and the Demon King were waiting for me. This is the story of a Black Sorcerer that was kicked out of a Hero’s party and joined the side of the Demon King Army to repel the Heroes.
ウッドストック, 神秘搖滾, Woodstock
Its about a 21 year old guy without any self- confidence that is in love with music so he made up a Fake band called "The Charlies" and he made a blog where he uploads the covers for the songs and one day dreams to do a live concert.
家賃半分の居場所です。, A Place for Half a Rent, Romantic Roomate
1-3) A Place for Half a RentSiraishi, a hardworking college student who smiles even when he's upset, is openly gay. His family and coworkers have a hard time accepting him, with the exception of his part-time job manager, Kanzaki, who doesn't smile even when he's happy. When Shiraishi can no longer force himself to keep living with his friendly but unfaithful boyfriend, Kanzaki makes him an offer: “Want to come to my place?”Shiraishi accepts the friendly offer, which may have been made with some more-than-friendly intentions.4-5) I'm Serious in My Own WayYukito Shibata is in a pickle. He has 1... no, 2 problems! His ex-boyfriend, Yoshioka Seiji, wants them to come back together, but it was Yoshioka who betrayed him in the first place. So he's having second thoughts. Now his step-nephew, Utsui Keigo, confesses his love for him! Keigo is 7 years younger, but he's very persistent. Which one should he accept? The whole story is told from two points of view. The first part is from Yoshioka's point of view, and the second part from Yukito's point of view. A sweet story about letting go of an old love and finding a new one.6) Don't Be So StrictIs it so easy to have an affair? Megumu wonders in pain, when he finds Keiichi has cheated on him for the fifth time in three years. Being poor, with no money and only a part time job, it's already hard enough for him to keep living, and taking care of Keiichi's needs. But he runs away from it all... just to learn - the hard way - of how an affair can blossom, and what consequences it might bring! Will the experience keep their relationship alive, or will it separate them in the end? A romantic story about how a love can endure even the greatest ordeal in life.
Love Me Darling -  The Promised House -  Winter Walk -  冬の散歩道 -  約束の家
Fresh-faced artist, Kojima Yoshimi, used to be the lover of the art gallery’s owner, Shibano. While diverting more of his attention upon his work, another man suddenly steps into the picture, and he apparently cares very deeply for Yoshimi… other than the titled story, “Yogoto no Tsuki,” this book also includes the expressive, heartfelt tales of young players; isolated, top-class businessmen; and the thin and fragile love between males.
A collection of short stories.
Sono te wo Toretanara -  YuatariShisou na Koi dakara -  湯あたりしそうな恋だから
[*] Sono te (w)o Toretanara (If You Grasp That Hand)
夢から醒めても恋してる -  Falling in Love Even if I Wake from the Dream -  Falling in Love! -  Yume kara Samete mo Koishiteru
From PresenceDear: Marika is impulsive and hates to lose. She's also a woman who falls in love easily. She falls for a sexy older man, a cool classmate, and a beautiful wealthy man. And the man she chooses in the end...? A romantic love story, from the love of her student days to her marriage.
There's No Way A Side Character Like Me Could Be Popular, Right?
"Je t'aime tellement, Senpai !"Je m'appelle Tomoki Yuuki, je suis un lycéen de deuxième année. Je dirais que je suis un étudiant assez normal, sauf que tout le monde m'évite comme la peste parce que j'ai apparemment l'air d'être en manque de sang. Ike Haruma est le seul à ne pas m'éviter. C'est le type même du "gars parfait" dans tous les sens du terme, le protagoniste sans réels défauts que l'on retrouve dans toutes les histoires.La vie à l'école continuait comme d'habitude... jusqu'au jour où la petite sœur super populaire d'Haruma m'a avoué son amour sans crier gare ! Bien qu'elle précise ensuite que ses sentiments à mon égard sont tout sauf romantiques et qu'elle a une arrière-pensée, je finis par accepter mon nouveau rôle de "faux petit ami" pour rendre service à Haruma.Croyez-le ou non, au moment où je commence à sortir avec elle, l'amie d'enfance d'Haruma, qui est une idole, et mon professeur super sexy s'intéressent aussi à moi !Attendez une minute. Ça ne peut pas être un scénario de comédie romantique de rêve qui se met en place pour moi, n'est-ce pas ? ! Je veux dire, il n'y a pas moyen qu'un personnage secondaire comme moi puisse être populaire, non ?
There Was a Cute Girl in the Hero’s Party, so I Tried Confessing to Her -  勇者パーティーにかわいい子がいたので、告白してみた。
Youki was reincarnated in another world. However, instead of being reincarnated as the hero or the demon lord, he was instead reincarnated half-assedly as a minion of the Demon Lord. One day, the Hero's Party attacked the Demon Lord's castle with the intent of defeating the Demon Lord. Of course, Youki was able to repel their attempt with ease. In spite of this, he ended up falling for the cleric, Cecilia, at first sight... The super popular love comedy fantasy set in another world! (Source: Gaugau)


Zipang présente l'histoire d'un bâtiment de la marine japonaise à la pointe de la technologie en armement notamment. Alors que le vaisseau est dépêché en Amérique du Sud pour assurer la sécurité de ressortissants japonais, il se retrouve pris dans une dépression climatique étrangement importante. Le bateau va alors se retrouver soudainement en 1942, en pleine guerre du Pacifique!Tout l'équipage devra donc faire face à ce dilemme: participer ou non au conflit avec toutes les conséquences que cela suppose.
Zone City souffre d'une mystérieuse pandémie qui transforme les gens en monstres tentacules.