
いかさま海亀のスープ, Mock Turtle Soup
A colored single-volume manga, that consists of 8 separate stories, filled with avante-garde illustrations and poems.
A Funeral Procession of K, Funeral Procession of K, Kの葬列, The Funeral Procession of K
The funeral bells are ringing the day that Mikaya moves into his new apartment. However, once he arrives, he learns a startling fact: the room he's moving into belonged to the dead man, K. Strangely enough, no one ever found K's body. Where is the body, and which of his eccentric neighbors was the one who killed K...?
By Vanderguard: A very old shoujo manga. Kanon, lead singer of Die Küsse (German for 'the kisses'), falls for his bassists' little sister. Pretty much it's the adventures of the two and his band. If you like Visual Kei bands, you'll like this series. If you know the band PENICILLIN, the lead singer Hakuei made a PV story of this manga.
Ren Ai Tan -  Ren-Ai-Tan -  Ren~Ai~Tan
A decadent, poetic, obscure and serious love story.
T.V. Eye
Three short stories. A refrigerator, a camera, and a pair of twins... What do they all have in common? A little darkness and obscurity never hurt anyone...