
大日本天狗党絵詞, Dainichi Moto Tengu Toukaishi
A tengu is an utterly proud and arrogant creature (so much that the Japanese saying, "to become a tengu," means to preen conceitedly) that is said to steal young children away from their homes. In this story, the fractured and disgraced remnants of the tengu species come together from all over the country to rise up, reclaim their pride, and rule over the nation of Japan, as is their right. What kind of effect will the "Tengu Party" have on the humans of Japan, and more importantly, what exactly makes a tengu?
茄子, Andalusia no Natsu, Summer in Andalusia
Short stories all related through a common medium: Eggplant.
She calls herself Sexy Voice. To most of the world, she's just Hayashi Niko, an ordinary schoolgirl - but when time permits, she lives a double life as a hired investigator/spy. To help her, she has recruited the rather unlikely assistant she calls Robo, a geeky lump of a man who doesn't really know why he feels the need to do everything she tells him to. He just does it. Together, the odd team solve a number of cases for Sexy Voice's employer, an aging gangster.
A somewhat surreal take on a Japanese child's position in the Cold War.