
あやしの君の恋模様 -  Ayashi no Kimi no Koimoyou
あやしの君の恋煩い -  朝露消失時 -  Ayashi Kimi no Koi Wazurai -  Your Love Sickness
From Loveless: The protectors of a certain fox deity shrine happen to be Unka, an overly-serious red fox with a low social status, and Aura, a delinquent, pure-bred white fox. Can Unka, who is unable to express himself honestly, and Aura, who always goes all-out to get what he wants, really fall in love!? For another adult animal-eared series, check out the postscript at the end...


L'histoire se déroule pendant l'Ère d'Edo. Elles suivent les aventures de Jinbe, un policier qui règne sur les rues d'Edo. Reconnu pour être un homme charmant et galant, mais le seul bémol, c'est qu'il a tendance à parler tout seul. Pourtant, il a un secret, sa maison est habitée par un chat à deux queues appelé Nekomata.
A Demotion Isn't That Bad; 左遷も悪くない
Ulises est un brillant mais inflexible soldat. Rejeté par ses supérieurs et rétrogradé à un poste dans une zone rurale il rencontre sa nouvelle épouse : Lea. La punition qui aurais dut être une chose terrible ce transforme en une bénédiction où Lea et sa famille inculque l’amour d’un foyer à Ulises. La vie quotidienne apaisante d’un militaire et de sa jeune épouse maladroite.
死生獄門 -  Life and Death Prison Gate
The gate that leads the souls of the dead into the Underworld – that is called “Shisei Gokumon”. There is a watchman at the front and the back of the gate.The black Gozu and the white Mezu.The only time they are able to meet is during the diminutive span of time when the gate is open. “I want to touch the ox-headed demon dyed in darkness.” “I don’t want to stain the pure white horse-headed demon.” Two beings who can never be permitted to touch each other, despite their mutual affections. So close...yet so far. Those thoughts could only lead to... If they were human,perhaps this could be referred to as “love”.
ストレンジャー, 异乡人, 異鄉人, 陌生人
As the town’s sheriff, Fran was on an errant for his people. Alas, on his journey back, his horse died. Stranded in the middle of a desert with his only transport to civilisation dead to the world, Fran had to endure scorching heat to reach his town. Wandering for days, his weakened body betrayed him, only to be saved by a Native American…