
星よみの予言者, Hoshi Yomi no Yogensha, Star-reading Prophet
The uncommon fortune-teller Grand is the one who rules Dene, a big country. Tia, an assassin, was sent there to assassinate him! Already lost the will to live and failed her mission as an assassin, Tia was saved by Riis, the head of Grand’s guards. Gradually, Tia starts to regain her will to live, however…?!
風の指輪と光の腕輪, The Ring of Wind and the Bracelet of Light
Our heroine is a girl who was born with magical power, and can give that power to magic users, since magic users don’t have power on their own. But her teacher sealed her power with a ring and a bracelet. She’s traveling to a sacred temple in order to take off the ring and the bracelet, and on the way, she meets two magic users who saves her from those who attempt to steal her money, her ring, and her bracelet. So even though she doesn’t really trust magic users, she still started traveling with them.. What fate awaits the trio?

Lapis Lazuli

Mieru, jeune fille vivant dans un monde où magie rime avec routine rencontre, un jour, Radi, jeune homme aux étranges pouvoirs magiques. Coïncidence ! Il a le même nom que son prince adoré mais au caractère diamétralement opposé ! Elle reçoit de ce garçon le Lapis Lazulis, un charme pour augmenter la magie, mais dans quel but...?
ラピスラズリの王冠, 青金石之王冠, Lapis Lazuli, Lapis Lazuli no Champion, The Lapis Lazuli Champion, The Lapis Lazuli Crown
The assistant to a sorceress with strange powers, Mieru meets Radi on the street. He has the same name as the prince she has admired but he's the exact opposite! From him, she receives the Lapis Lazuli, a charm for increasing magic...
Miyu becomes a reluctant hero along with the vice-president of the student council, Kai. This is all because of Iota, a scientist from another world that came to prevent a dangerous person from unleashing dangerous weapons into Miyu’s world. What? And Kai is no help at all since he’s taken to the hero gig like duck to water. But how could an ordinary high school girl supposed to become a hero overnight?!
知らない国の物語 -  神秘国之物语 -  Tale of an Unknown Country
From Vampire Knights: A story of a Prince from a high-tech country, Ulynia, and a Princess from an evergreen country, Eldela. When the princess' brother makes the engagement without telling her, she disguises herself as a maid in Ulynia's palace...where she meets the prince...
The uncommon fortune-teller Grand is the one who rules Dene, a big country. Tia, an assassin, was sent there to assassinate him! Already lost the will to live and failed her mission as an assassin, Tia was saved by Riis, the head of Grand’s guards. Gradually, Tia starts to regain her will to live, however…?!
不会飞翔的魔女, 飛べない魔女, The Witch Who Can't Fly
Karin and Lisette are witches who trained together when they were younger. After a long absence, Lisette has moved to a nearby forest and seems to be stealing Karin’s customers. Karin really wants to see her old friend again, but she can’t seem to get past Lisette’s apprentice, a young man named Ruin…Volume 2 Extra: Meeting PlaceAbout a student that can't say thanks to her overly enthusiastic teacher; so, she is thrown back in time to figure out that she still can.Volume 2 Extra: Mission SachiyamaAbout an after school program that trains modern day ninjas.
公主的灰姑娘, 私のシンデレラ, My Cinderella
Princess Tsubaki, who loves romantic stories, is told by her father, the king, to choose a guy to date at her 16th birthday party at all costs. Troubled by this, princess Tsubaki asked a favor of Aoi, a boy who’s treated like a Cinderella…?!