
赤ずきんエリーザ; Red Hood Eliza; Red Riding Hood Eliza
La grand-mère d'Eliza repousse constamment les prétendants qui tentent de l'approcher, avant même qu'elle n'ait le temps de leur parler.Aura-t'elle cette chance lorsqu'un jour elle croise seule un beau garçon dans la forêt, accompagné de son familier... un vers géant ?
From RebelliousArt: The following stories are included within this collection: Black City, Two Keita's, Proto One, and Jewel of Love.
Herzklopfen am Sommerstrand / Summer Beach / 心跳 Summer Beach
Durant ses vacances à Okinawa, Ken est soudainement forcé de faire un duo avec une fille.
鏡の国の針栖川, 镜之国的针栖川, Harisugawa in Mirror World
"Boys are creatures whose sight will follow the girl they like wherever she is. And if there it comes the chance that the boy realizes that the girl is in danger, if he is able to save her they will feel the ultimate bliss in life" is something that Harisugawa Tetsu has pointed out, and true enough he has always been following with his eyes the girl named Satomi Mao.Thanks to certain details in their childhood, Satomi has always been friendly with Harisugawa and she has a friendly budding relationship, completely unaware of Tetsu's feelings for her. Tetsu for his part preferred to play the friend part and keeps his feelings hidden for the sake of not endangering the closeness that they already have, ever since he was young Tetsu had believed that if he can build little by little a good relationship with Mao, he will get to the point where he can confidently confess to Mao and not get rejected, Tetsu has always been waiting for his one true chance without getting too close to Mao by accident.At first it seems that this "stalemate" will never be broken; however, one day Mao sees a strange mirror in an thrift store and for some reason she feels that she must have that mirror. Mao buys the mirror without thinking twice about it.... But she is completely unaware that the mirror will change forever Tetsu's life as well as her own.
ループ -  Loop
Jean, the sole heir to a fortune and mansion, is stuck in an endless loop, repeating his brutal murder over and over again. As the 100th time comes, he brings forth incredible determination to fight back and save his servents from their needless murder.
Loop nous raconte la mésaventure d’un riche héritier, victime d’un cambriolage. Malheureusement pour lui, il a eu vite d’être capturé, enfermé, pour enfin être assassiné de sang froid par ses bourreaux.L’histoire aurait pu s’arrêter là…si seulement il ne revenait pas inlassablement à la vie pour revivre encore et encore la scène de sa mort, avec toujours la même conclusion…Réussira-t-il à sortir de ce cercle infernal ?


During a flashback, an interviewer inquires Kuzumi Taiga, a prospective student for Seinagi Private High School, on what he would do if he could use magic, during his entrance interview. He replies, "take over the world", with an outburst of laughter, from an attractive girl, following his answer.After the entrance exam, the school rejects his application; although he recalls almost nothing after this event, he does recall the girl, and believes the cause of his school of choice rejecting his application involves her.Wandering around outside of the school the next day, Kuzumi tries to enter, but an invisible barrier blocks him. A teacher, Mr. Hiiragi, confuses Kuzumi for a student of the school ditching class and pulls Kuzumi into the school through the barrier.Seinagi Private High School is actually a magic school and Mr. Hiiragi has just accidentally pulled Kuzumi, a teenager with no magical skill, through the barrier into this school. 
Wajah cantik -  プリティフェイス -  漂亮脸蛋
Due to a terrible bus accident, Randoh (the main character) wakes up one day to discover he has the face of an attractive girl thanks to a rather perverted plastic surgeon. But not just any girl's face--it's the same girl that he has a crush on. To make matters even worse, he runs into the girl and she thinks it's her long-lost twin sister. When Randoh moves in with her (quite willingly) he is torn between helping out this girl by pretending to be her sister, and wanting his old face back.
スノウ イン ザ ダーク -  Snow in the Dark 叶 恭弘短編集Ⅲ
Collection of One shots, include 1) MP0 2) She Monkey 3) Snow in the Dark A one-shot fairy tale which shares many elements of the traditional story of Snow White but is certainly unique and complex enough that it is more than just a reinterpretation. 4) 桐野佐亜子と仲間たち
トウキョウ アンツ
1) Tokyo Ants -Un groupe de sécurité spécial constitué de membres hautement qualifiés délivre des otages.2) Enma 1 & 2 -Deux histoires différentes sur des personnes qui détectent les mensonges.3) Butterfly: Swallow Tail -Un garçon voit des papillons à queue de pie autour des gens qui vont mourir.