
Normal city se situe dans un futur lointain où le genre humain existe sur d’autres planètes. L’existence de l’ESP est acceptée, mais uniquement en tant qu’instrument de l’armée.Un scientifique nommé Troll créa un bébé, une fille, grâce à la manipulation génétique qu’il nomma Kitty 101. Cette petite fille est issue d’un croisement de plusieurs ADN, biologiques et synthétiques, mais elle possède également un chromosome XY qui la transforme périodiquement en homme.Un des scientifiques de Troll kidnappa Kitty 101, alors qu’elle était encore bébé, pour la sauver de toutes ces expérimentations. Lui rappelant sa fille perdue, il l’éleva comme sa propre fille et lui donna le nom de Mars Haven.Mais au fil des années, Troll continua ses expériences sur l’ESP….
Alisa's lived on an island her entire life. She's the illegitimate child of a rich, old man. When he dies, he leaves her 10% of his money, donates 85% of it, and leaves the remaining 5% to his 3 ex-wives and their children. Obviously, the families are annoyed, after all, the millionaire hasn't even seen Alisa in 10 years! As she comes for the first time off of her island, they plot to get her money in any way possible.
What Do You Need -  What Do You Want? -  무엇이 필요하십니까 -  무엇이 필요하십니까?
A jobless woman who feels no sense of aim, a student who fears attending school due to bullying, and a worker who just can’t seem to confess her love to her coworker are all people who are tired of daily life and want to run away from responsibilities. This is a story about what these people need the most.