
とある魔術の禁書目録 -  Toaru Majutsu no Index
Tôma est victime d’une mauvaise blague jouée par le destin : il dispose d’un don extraordinaire, celui d’annuler tout pouvoir surnaturel. Mais dans la Cité Académique, la ville fourmillante d’étudiants en sciences occultes où il vit, cette capacité pourtant incroyable ne lui attire aucune estime. Comble de l’ironie, à chaque fois qu’il utilise son pouvoir, une terrible malchance s’acharne sur lui ! C’est peut-être cette malédiction qui lui fait croiser le chemin d’Index, une jeune nonne poursuivie par d’inquiétants magiciens. Étrange mélange de courage et de naïveté, Index a mémorisé 103 000 ouvrages de sorcellerie interdits pour le compte de l’Église. Fragilisée sans le savoir par les secrets qu’elle abrite, la jeune fille est sur le point de voir se refermer sur elle un piège mortel. Science ou magie, qui l’emportera ?
とある科学の超電磁砲 -  某科学的超电磁炮 -  某科學的超電磁炮 -  A Certain Scientific Railgun -  To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjibou -  To Aru Kagaku no Choudenjihou -  Toaru Kagaku no Choudenjih
A Certain Magical Index, To Aru Majutsu No Kinsho Mokuroku, Toaru Majutsu No Kinsho Mokuroku, To Aru Majutsu No Index
he story is set in a world where supernatural powers exist through science, and magic exists through religion. In the story, Touma Kamijou is an ordinary high school boy with terrible academic scores and a power called Imagine Breaker. Imagine Breaker can defeat any other power, but it also undermines Kamijou's own good luck. His Imagine Breaker's immense strength is literally immeasurable, so hapless Kamijou is listed at the supernatural level of 0. He happens to meet a girl in white hanging off his window balcony. The girl says she is being chased by sorcerers, and Kamijou learns that the girl is a Church of England nun whose memories have been forcibly replaced by Index-Librorum-Prohibitorum — the 103,000 forbidden texts of the Church.
A Certain Magical Index - Endymion no Kiseki, A Certain Magical Index - Endymion's Miracle, To Aru Majutsu no Kinsho Mokuroku - The Miracle of Endymio
Just before the completion of the Academy City space elevator "Endymion", the main characters Kamijou Touma and Index encounter a level 0 girl named Arisa. The Magicians are after Arisa, and they attack Academy City. A female leader named Shattoaura leads a unit from Academy City against the attack. Kamijou and Index learn from Stiyl that Arisa is key to a brewing war between the sides of Magic and Science. When science and magic cross paths, the story begins with Endymion as its stage! 
とある魔術の禁書目録 エンデュミオンの奇蹟 -  A Certain Magical Index - Endymion's Miracle -  A Certain Magical Index - The Miracle of Endymion -  A Certain Magical Index: The M
Just before the completion of the Academy City space elevator "Endymion", the main characters Kamijou Touma and Index encounter a level 0 girl named Arisa. The Magicians are after Arisa, and they attack Academy City. A female leader named Shattoaura leads a unit from Academy City against the attack. Kamijou and Index learn from Stiyl that Arisa is key to a brewing war between the sides of Magic and Science. When science and magic cross paths, the story begins with Endymion as its stage!
A Certain Everyday Index-san -  とある日常のいんでっくすさん -  Toaru Nichijou no Index-san
A Certain Magical Index Side Story - A Certain Scientific Accelerator, To Aru Majutsu no Index Gaiden - To Aru Kagaku no Accelerator, To Aru Majutsu n