
This is a short comic by Kago that portrays a dystopian future where human beings are mostly mostly manufactured instead of born, except for in ghettos where they are mostly abandoned at birth. The story starts with a woman complaining to her doctor/ therapist that her husband won’t have sex with her and then it goes off on a tangent explaining what happened to her husband and how it came to pass. Involves a car accident that set lose a dangerous breed of genetically engineered hyper-intelligent killer babies. (from Brolen)
アナモルフォシスの冥獣, Anamorphosis, The Dark Beast Animorphosis
A sort of horror-mystery, Anamorphosis revolves around a group of people invited to a contest wherein they have to stay in a supposedly haunted set for 48 hours after an evil murderous spirit is summoned to produce a recreation of the murder scene.Over half of the book features this story and the rest is a collection of bizarre shorts designed to make you go 
A oneshot about women collecting aborted fetuses.
Танцевать! Кремль Дворёц -  踊る!クレムリン宮殿 -  Dance! Kremlin Palace
From MangaUpdates: A very surreal, episodic manga about Russia. This entire manga is very NSFW, so beware. It contains nudity, violence, and bad taste. Read at your own risk.
???????? -  Dream Toy Factory
A 1-volume long manga containing various ridiculous and twisted oneshots. 1) Head Prolapse Elegy 2) White String 3) Mr. Urashima 4) Dream Toy Factory 5) Drafting a Water Goddess 6) Closed Hospital 7) The How and What of Excretion in the Future 8) The How and What of Future Sports 9) The How and What of a Space War 10) The How and What of Earthquakes and Volcanoes