
かりん -  カリン -  카린 증혈기 -  Karin -  Karin Zouketsuki (novels) -  增血鬼果林 -  Cheeky Vampire
Karin's a cute, cheerful high school girl. She loves the sunshine, cooking with garlic, and has a part-time job as a waitress. All in all, she's pretty average... except for one thing. Karin is a vampire, and lives with her parents and two siblings, who are also vampires. But even among them, she's different, for she doesn't take blood but give blood that is increased in her body. Once every month, Karin's blood builds up, and if she doesn't expel it quickly, massive amount of blood will come out her nose (a major nosebleed). And one day at school she meets Kenta Usui and gets the feeling of a nosebleed at first site. It seems Karin never has a "right way" for her problems.
へきかいのアイオーン -  碧海のアイオーン -  碧海のAiON -  碧海的Aion -  碧海Aion
Tsugawa Tatsuya vient de perdre ses parents dans un accident et hérite de plus d’un million de yens… mais il essaie de ne pas laisser paraître son chagrin car il commence l’école secondaire. Tout en essayant d’obéir aux dernières volontés de son père : "devenir un homme honnête", il finit par aider une jeune fille qui a été victime d’intimidation. En dépit de sa nature extrêmement froide, il ne peut tout simplement pas la laisser seule. Ces facteurs ne sont pas forcément à son avantage puisqu’il finit par se retrouver dans un monde où le contrôle de l’esprit et l’incroyable sont choses aisées !
かりん, 增血鬼果林, 增血鬼KARIN, 카린 증혈기, Cheeky Vampire, Chibi Vampire, Little Vampire
Karin is a cute little girl who also happens to be a vampire...with a twist. Once a month, she experiences intense bleeding from her nose--we're talking gushers! In other words, she's a vamp with blood to spare, so rather than stealing blood from humans she actually gives her blood to them. If done right, this can be an extremely positive experience that benefits the "victim" as much as the vampire. The problem is that Karin never seems to do things right!
かりん Karin
Comme son père, sa mère, son frère et sa soeur, Karin est un vampire. Mais, au grand désespoir de sa chère famille, elle n’a rien d’un vampire ordinaire. En effet, à l’inverse de ses semblables, du sang coule dans ses veines et quand il y en a trop, elle saigne du nez, et elle ne craint pas la lumière du jour…Régulièrement, elle se sent prise d’étranges pulsions… d’une irrésistible envie de mordre. Son étrange comportement va attirer l’attention du jeune Kenta Usui, le nouvel élève de sa classe Sans compter que la famille de Karin est bien décidée à faire d’elle, coûte que coûte, une vraie vampire ! Il faut cependant préciser qu’ils sont tous des vampires d’un genre un peu particulier. En effet, leur morsure ne transforme pas leurs victimes en vampire, mais modifie simplement leur caractère : le fainéant devient un bosseur acharné, le dépressif se retrouve avec une pêche d’enfer…
鏡面のシルエット, 镜面的剪影, Kyomen no Silhouette, Silhouette in the Mirror's Surface, Silhouette in the Surface of the Mirror
Elna was entrusted with ruling a country at a very young age when her father, the king of a small kingdom, fell very ill. With such a heavy burden placed upon a mere teenager, the king gave Elna an important piece of advice about how he made his time of rule a success: find your shadow. By finding her double, she will find the will to live and be brave even in the most dire situations. Elna does find a person who looks identical to her, but it turns out fate loves to play games. Teshio used to be a simple peasant who had a problem of always being mistaken for a girl but he is about to go from rags to riches because he becomes the new shadow for princess Elna.
おにいちゃん☆コントロール -  Big Brother Control
Hirose Goushi a un « Sister Complex » si perturbant qu'il quitte sa ville natale pour y échapper. Il s'inscrit à l’Université Myouzen de Tokyo. Trois ans plus tard, sa petite sœur Noa Goushi le rejoint et lui apprend qu'elle va à son tour passer l'examen. Hirose fera tout pour se contrôler... Mais le hic c'est que Noa a un « Brother Complex » de même ampleur (sinon plus) et elle est résignée à le faire échouer...
傻女闯天关, 大正小町事件帖櫻の一番!, 櫻の一番!, Sakura's Best, Taisho Komachi Jikenchou Sakura no Ichiban!
A young girl named Hinomori Asami starts her studies at the Sakura Hill School for Girls in Tokyo, but the capital is a dangerous place, and mysteries abound.
ソラ×リラ ~宙色のリラと臆病な僕~ -  Sora x Lila - Sky-blue Lila and my Timid Self -  Sora x Lila - Sorairo no Lila to Okubyou na Boku
Shou lives out in the country. He has a big crush on his childhood friend Sora, but is afraid that she thinks of him only as a little brother. One day, Sora announces that she was abducted by aliens. Later that day, Shou confesses his feelings for her and she dies shortly afterward. Shou is still in shock from her loss, when an alien girl named Lila comes down from the sky. She has a disk that contains a brain scan of Sora, and she can run Sora's personality in her own body. She also wants to have a child with him. Will Shou be able to cope with all of these sudden changes, and will he be able to keep Sora with him after all?
すとれんじマンション, 怪人公寓, 스트레인지 맨션, bt公寓, Strange Apartment
Sadashima fell in love with a handsome senpai while she was in high school, but didn't have the guts to tell him before he graduated and moved away. When Sadashima graduates the next year, she follows her senpai, Shirahai, to Tokyo and manages to move in next door. She totally believes that the two of them can now hook up, and can't wait to knock on his door to 'coincidentally" find themselves neighbors.She's flabbergasted to find a woman answering Shirahai's door, and then blown away to find out the woman is Shirahai! He's had a sex change!
Kagesaki Yuna
Long ago a magical cat disguised as a human woman fell in love with a human man. It is said that during their time together they even had children. They say that afterwards, the magical cat dwelt happily as a human, that she ascended to the heavens and became a cat-god, and is even now watching over the world of cats and men.Of those descendants, the cats of Cat Forest Town say that they have mysterious powers. The townsfolk care for the cats as their guardian dieties, and the cats, too, have become attached to the humans.