
Dungeon Hoiku
Takashi Koizumi est un homme d'affaires d'élite spécialisé dans les prises de contrôle hostiles. Un jour, il glisse sur une peau de banane et meurt, s'éveillant dans l'au-delà pour découvrir qu'il est destiné à l'enfer. Cependant, si Koizumi peut atteindre la fontaine magique de purification qui se trouve au fond d'un donjon difficile, il sera autorisé à entrer au paradis. Koizumi a la possibilité d'invoquer des monstres pour l'aider dans sa quête, mais le seul monstre qu'il peut invoquer est une gobeline de niveau 1 nommée Gobumi...
ダンジョンシーカー -  The Dungeon Seeker
ダンジョン・シェルパ 迷宮道先案内人
Dungeon Sherpa, a general term for those who make a living by carrying the baggage of adventurers while leading the way for them in their search through labyrinths. Rou is a young but skilled sherpa whose activities are based in Tairos labyrinth. Though Rou lost his father half a year ago and works to support his younger sister who he lives with, he is forcibly dragged into helping the hero who made a name for herself at the royal capital as the, "Twilight Blade."[hr][Español]Dungeon sherpa: Se dice de los sherpas de las mazmorras, que son aquellos que guían y ayudan a las brigadas de héroes veteranos a través de los caminos de los peligrosos laberintos, intentando no llevarlos a la perdición. Un día, el joven, pero capaz sherpa Rou, es solicitado por la famosa heroína de la renombrada brigada ‘La Espada del Crepúsculo’ para acompañarla en su cruzada. Ahora, los aventureros más fuertes, gracias al buen ojo de Rou se abren camino a lo largo del laberinto de Tyros. Y algo ya los está esperando.[hr][url=]Web Novel Raw[/url]
Dès que je mettrai la main sur ces artefacts, ce sera la fin pour vous ! Le début de la vengeance pour un explorateur de donjon tué à tort et ses artefacts ! Les donjons attirent l'esprit humain, se renforcent avec les morts et utilisent des appâts et des artefacts pour attirer plus de victimes. Celui qui a été tué par une ruse dans un donjon, Stetch Atelier. Au-delà du seuil de la mort, il a eu une seconde chance ! Il commence son long voyage pour se venger.


En des temps immémoriaux ou les dieux vivaient encore à la surface,un mystérieux enfant né sans sexe est recueilli par le vieux Utanapishtim et sa femme sur le mont Nisir , terre sacrée protégée par les Dieux ou se déposa l'Arche après le grand Déluge.L'enfant nommé Usumgallu accompagné du dieu Pan vont alors partir découvrir le monde, rencontrer les Hommes et les divinités pour comprendre la véritable nature d'Usumgallu et sa destinée.


デュラララ!! -  Dyurarara!! -  DRRR!!
L'histoire se déroule à Ikebukuro, un quartier de Tokyo. des gangs de Punks et autres se battent les uns contre les autres. Ces voyous ont peur d'une légende urbaine appelée "Dullahan", un cavalier sans tête, qui chevauche une moto noire, sans feux ni bruits de moteur. Ryuugamine Mikado est un lycéen, qui cherche des êtres particuliers. Quand il se déplace dans cette ville, une course contre la montre pour la tête de Dullahan éclate.
休憩中 <3
[url=][img][/img] Artist’s Twitter[/url]
The adventures of a group of demons fighting other demons to protect their city St.Albarn!
ダイナミックヒーローズDynamic Heros
Le Professeur Procyon, depuis son poste au Centre de Recherches Spatiales, détecte le vaisseau de Goldorak se dirigeant à toute vitesse en direction de la Terre. Phénicia semble être seule à piloter la navette, et est poursuivie par des vaisseaux ennemis d'origine inconnue.
From Sugar Oasis: Riria is a middle school girl who is absolutely, hopelessly in love with the guy who lives next door. The only problem is that he is a LOT older than her. His name is Rinpei, and he is 26 and a businessman from a rich family. Although he is nice to Riria, he (rightfully) considers her just a kid, and just treats her like a friend. Poor Riria, she loves Rinpei so much, but he is so much older and doesn't see her as a real woman. To solve the age problem, Riria transforms herself into a totally different person, trying to make herself look older. Now is the test, she decided to find Rinpei on the street and see if she can fool him with her 'disguise' into considering her a real 'woman' and see how he likes her then. Amazingly enough, things go well. Riria, in her new persona manages to make quite an impression on Rinpei! In fact, he really likes her!
Max vient de sortir de l'école, sans diplôme, et se trouve confronté au monde du travail et des adultes. Il partage son quotidien avec Mickei et Morgane, encore à l'école, et Big Al, déjà dans la vie active. Max veut prouver sa valeur aux autres et surtout à son père autoritaire, qui le voit comme un raté... Avec pour seules armes son courage et sa persévérance, il décide de devenir "un homme important", mais en réalité, qu'est-ce vraiment un homme important ?

E-Rank Healer

E Rank no Kusushi -  Eランクの薬師
Healer Carol is an E-rank... even among adventurers, it's the absolute weakest.Even though I was told that I’d be useless... I tried my best for my comrades and continued creating medicines but… in the end, I was still thrown out of the party!I don’t have enough money to get back home and the future looks bleak in this strange town. In the meantime, Carol met a dying adventurer, Kaido, by chance. She treated him with the medicine which she had created for free. While doing that, for some reason, the medicine received extremely high praise---!?
えっ? 平凡ですよ?? -  Ee? Heibon Desu Yo?? -  Eh? Heibon Desu Yo?? -  Eh? It's Ordinary??
Aucun synopsis disponible.

Ea Koi

Air Koi ; エアコイ
Niina est amoureuse d'Hayashino sempai. Toutefois, elle ne pourra le voir que lorsqu'elle aura terminé le jeu auquel il l'a invitée à jouer. Ce jeu consiste à prendre en photo les mêmes choses ou paysages que lui. Tarô, son camarade de classe, ne voit pas ce jeu d'un très bon œil et le trouve beaucoup trop dangereux. De ce fait, il décide de l'assister dans sa tâche.....................................................................
EAR'S GIFT –みみかき先生-
The infirmary is the entrance to Yumegen.Wataru Sannose, a high school girl at her own pace, dreamed of being a “friend” who jumped off the roof every day.One day, when I used the key of the infirmary of the old school building that my friend gave me, there was a beautiful and mysterious woman in the infirmary that should not have been used.JK x Youth’s original fantasy tale, which is released with overwhelming visuals, starts !!
エアリセ, 莉莎的天空, E.A.r.T.h, Earise, Earth (KAMIYA Yuu)
It all started out with Jain, an old man. Not many people really know his past except for, well, a mafia boss,and a few others. At the beginning of our story, Jain finds a girl,bloody and knocked out on the sidewalk(not the most pleasing place to be knocked out eh).So ,unlike most people, he decided to shelter her in his home. But what is she, and does Jain know what he's doing by feeding, loving, and caring for her? Well you'll just have to read to find out.
Chikyū kiroku 0001 -  地球記録0001 -  地球记录0001
Astronaut Mawatari encounters a humanoid creature during a moon surface investigation. Because they are both lonely, they promise to teach each other about the universe and the earth...!?
エアリセ∞ -  莉莎的天空∞ -  E.A.r.T.h ∞ -  Earise ∞ -  エアリセ∞ -  莉莎的天空∞ -  E.A.r.T.h ∞ -  Earise ∞
Les anges nous observent depuis la nuit des temps. Sur ordre du seigneur Michael, atterré par les actions des humains, ils nous jaugent, comptant les plus et les moins qui décideront si oui ou non les humains seront détruits. Chihaya et Kagetsuya font équipe sur Terre; le premier comptant les plus et le second les moins. Au cours de leur mission ils s'investissent dans la vie de beaucoup d'entre eux. Mais que faire lorsque les sentiments s'en mêlent alors que les anges condamnent l'homosexualité de mort ?
Rakuen Sekai楽園世界
Deux aventuriers de l'espace retournent sur Terre des siècles après leur départ.
이스트 코스트, Soul to Seoul
Kai and Spike are best of friends. They have a common background, the fact that they are both half Koreans. They both feel alone and mistreated, angry towards the world, and uncomfortable in their own house. One day in the middle of black Harlem, they accidentally encounter a Korean foreign student, Sunil, and both become interested in her...
イートマン, Eatman
Bolt Crank is a wandering explorer who eats everything, from radios to swords to a chaser of gasoline. In particular, he eats things that may come in handy later, when he can transform the flesh of his arm into the mechanism he's consumed!
ebisu - Tamon kun no Nayameru Nichijou -  Ebisu―多聞くんの悩める日常 -  Tamon kun no Nayameru Nichijou
When Masachika Ebisu arrives to stay for the first time in a dorm at a remote boarding school in the mountains, his attendant Shibazaki calls on the roommate Wataru Tamon to take care of master Masachika-sama. It's a burden Tamon did not want, but one that he reluctantly embraces even as he realizes he is not acting like himself by doing so. Ebisu is a spoiled cheeky brat, totally inept and a liar, all of which angers and frustrates Tamon to no end. But, there is also a naïve vulnerability to the boy whose only friend up to now has been his servant, Shibazaki. From his fear of thunder that has him crawling into Tamon's bed to his never-ending mentioning of Shibazaki's name, Tamon grows angrier and colder towards the source of his frustration. But, Ebisu wants Tamon to pay attention to him; he wants to get along with his roommate and become best friends. It's so easy for Ebisu to express his feelings freely, unlike Tamon who keeps his growing infatuation for his roommate a secret. But keeping his emotions to himself leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Can the two of them find the courage to tell each other their true feelings before it's too late?
恵比寿学園中等科日曜補習組探偵団 -  Ebisu Gakuen Chuutouka Nichiyou Hoshuukumi Tanteidan -  Ebisu Gakuen Sunday Class Detectives
A long-awaited comic series which is a collaboration with the rising stars “EBiDAN39”! A teenage prodigy… and also a dropout?! Follow the school life adventures of six unique and unconventional students! Due to his excessive absences, Riku Rokuoin , who is a genius with an IQ of 270 ,ends up needing to go to a special “ Sunday Remedial Class” but the students he met there were ones of his kind!
Kizuki Akira and Satou Nanki's Ebisu-san and Hotei-san is about two office workers. In chapter 1, Hotei is not pleased when Ebisu is transferred to her branch.
エビスさんとホテイさん, Ebisu and Hotei, Ebisu-san and Hotei-san
'Ebisu-san and Hotei-san' is about two female office workers. Initially Hotei is not pleased when Ebisu is transferred to her branch, but gradually those feelings begin to change.
Noya Itsuki just started his school year at the Ebisugawa High School and since he has always had a fascination with space, he decides to join the astronomy club. However, he mistakenly walks into the all girls Otaku Club. He notices that the members are really weird, but Itsuki has yet to realize that he isn’t in the astronomy club. His life is about to get complicated by being surrounded by so many girls.
エッチな気分になっちゃう…!~草食カレにめちゃくちゃに抱かれて~ -  突然变得H的气氛...!~被草食系男友弄得神魂颠倒~
On a échangé nos corps après avoir baisé ?! -  We Switched Our Bodies After Having Sex!?