

嘘喰い -  噬谎者 -  The Lie Eater
Il y a des parieurs qui n'hésitent pas à mettre leur vie en jeu. Pour sécuriser l'intégrité de ces paris, il y a une organisation appelée Kagero, qui arbitre de façon neutre ceux-ci. L'histoire va nous faire suivre le parcours de Baku Madarame alias Usogui. Celui-ci va se battre contre des joueurs démoniaques, afin de les mettre tous hors-jeu et ainsi pouvoir contrôler lui-même la Kagero.
Our Fake Marriage -  ウソ婚 -  我們假結婚吧
Yae is an ordinary 29-year-old temp worker who loses her home and job and is at her wits' end when her childhood friend Takumi appears before her. Takumi is now a handsome, successful architect who offers Yae living expenses and a room in his skyscraper condo in order to act as his fake wife. This is the story of a fake marriage to a confident, dashing architect!
ウソツキ, A Liar, My Most Beloved One Is Still You
Collection of oneshots:
嘘つきボーイフレンド -  谎言男友 -  Boyfriend With The Lie -  Lying Boyfriend
Par son apparence Sasaki Yuma attire toutes les filles malgré lui. Tandis que cela le répugne et qu'il préfère faire fuir toutes les filles, son petit frère Sota se sert de son apparence comme un avantage. Mais voilà que dans le but de gagner 4 millions de yens, Yuma se retrouve à jouer les hôtes tandis que Sota doit se travestir en fille. Lequel des deux va le mieux s'en sortir?
嘘つきくすりゆび, Lying Ring Finger, Usotsuki Kusuri Yubi
Emi "Niko" Nikogawa has just entered Lotus High, a school where new students receive a ring upon entrance. There is, of course, a legend surrounding this ring-- if you trade rings with the person you like, your love with continue eternally. But what happens when Niko trades rings through odd circumstance, and with a boy who says he'll never love anyone...?!
Liar Teacher & Suicidal Boy -  うそつき教師と死にたがり
[From: BL DOT CUM]“Sensei, if you lie to me, I’ll jump off right now.” On the school’s rooftop, a troublesome student threatens to touch him there!? Is this what it means to be a teacher!?Antisocial student Kuramochi, runs away from his future path interview with his homeroom teacher, Matsui. The handsome Matsui is popular with his students, but inside he hates his unrewarding job. Meanwhile, the gay and troubled Kuramochi is trying to jump off the roof!? Matsui immediately tries to distract him by pretending he’s gay, but Kuramochi threatens him with suicide saying, “If you’re really gay, let me touch you.”A moving and heart pounding BL between a yandere gay virgin and a middle aged straight teacher!!
うそつきリリィ, 愛說謊的莉莉, Liar Lily
Hinata Saotome is suddenly asked out by En Shinohara, a gorgeous boy in her grade. What she doesn’t know, though, is that his hobby is cross-dressing! En has always hated men, and whenever he sees his own reflection, he punches out whatever is doing the reflecting (windows, mirrors…). To combat this hatred, he dresses up as a girl. Hinata decides to go out with him anyway, despite his weird hobby.
Lying Mii-kun and Broken Maa-chan: Precious Lies -  Totteoki no Uso -  Usotsuki Mi-kun to Kowareta Ma-chan - Totteoki no Uso -  Yalancı Mii-kun ve Sorunlu Maa-chan -  嘘つきみーくんと壊れたまーちゃん -  说谎的男孩与坏掉的女孩
The setting is a rural city in which kidnapping and series of murders are happening simultaneously. Eight years ago, a boy and a girl were kidnapped and suffered through the hands of their perpetrator. The victims, the compulsive liar "Mii-kun" (the narrator), and "Maa-chan" (Misono Mayu) reunite and start living together, despite the fact that the recently reported missing children were within Mayu's apartment...adapted from the novel series of the same name
うそつきなジェミニ, Lying Gemini, My Fragile Love, Untruthful Gemini, Usotsuki na Jemini
Aoi and Rin are twins who are very close to each other. Aoi is a tomboy who is also a big kendo nut while Rin is a budding designer. Aoi, after losing a fight against a former acquaintance, Izumi, decides to hunt him down for a rematch but somehow Rin doesn't like the idea? What does he really see her as?
Your Lying Earrings
Miku a de nouveau rencontré son premier amour des années après avoir été rejetée par lui. La fille innocente du passé existe toujours, mais Miku porte son moi actuel comme une armure. Son premier amour pourra-t-il l'aider à se retrouver ?
うそつきパラドクス, Liar's Paradox - You Can Never be Mine, Usotsuki Paradox - You Can Never be Mine
Youkadou, a young man working at a certain office is in love with Seiyuu, an extremely beautiful coworker of his. She is in a long distance relationship with her boyfriend, but she agrees to go out with him with one condition: they'll never have sex.
Liar's Paradox -  UsoPara
Youkadou, a young man working at a certain office is in love with Seiyuu, an extremely beautiful coworker of his. She is in a long distance relationship with her boyfriend, but she agrees to go out with him with one condition: they'll never have sex.
嘘つきはだれだ, 愛情騙子, Usotsuki wa dare da, Who's the Liar
Ichita and Hiromu are childhood friends and neighbors. But when Hiromu sees Ichita making out with another guy, he calls it "disgusting" and stops speaking to Ichita. Does Ichita just want his friend back? Or does he want something more from Hiromu?
Lying is the Start of Hell -  嘘つきは地獄の始まり
うたの プリンスさまっ, うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪, 咏歌王子, Uta no Prince-sama Debut, Uta Pri, Uta-Pri, Uta no Prince-sama
Nanami Haruka wants to be a song writer, so she attends an idol training school filled with beautiful bishounen. The school pairs each aspiring songwriter with an aspiring idol, but Haruka finds...
うたの プリンスさまっ
Nanami Haruka souhaite devenir compositeur. C'est la raison pour laquelle elle suit une formation dans une école pour les idoles, qui s'avère être pleine de bishonens. L'école forme des duos contenant un compositeur aspirant et un idole. Mais Haruka va se retrouver avec trois d'entre eux ! Et pour couronner le tout, la jeune fille n'est pas autorisée à sortir avec l'un de ses magnifiques partenaires ! Va t-elle résister ? Cédera t-elle à la tentation ? Comment le vivra t-elle ?
Uta no Prince-sama - Kitakaze no Taiyou, Uta no Prince-sama dj - A North Wind and the Sun, Uta no Prince-sama dj - Kitakaze no Taiyou
Pairing: Otoya x Tokiya
Uta no Prince-sama dj - Little Darling
Pairings: Natsuki/Shou, Satsuki/Shou
Uta no Prince-sama dj - Ring a Ding Dong
Pairings: Natsuki/Shou, Ren/Masato, Tokiya/Otoya
Uta no Prince-sama dj - Engagement Ring -  うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ dj - engage ring
Appariement : Tokiya x Otoya
Uta no Prince-sama dj - A North Wind and the Sun
Couple : Otoya x Tokiya
Uta no Prince-sama dj - Wolf Boy -  うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ dj - オオカミショウネン
Couple : Ichinose Tokiya x Ittoki Otoya
うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ dj - prism night jelly kiss
Appariement : Tokiya x Otoya
うたかた, うた∽かた, Uta∽Kata
The story follows Ichika Tachibana's life over a summer holiday when she meets Manatsu Kuroki.The series then details their summer activities and the use spiritual creatures called Djinn, non-cardinal elemental creatures that lend their powers to Ichika to help her and her friends when they invariably find themselves in danger, and eventually for their own motives.

Utaenai Fairy

Une histoire sur une chanteuse sur internet qui a peur que les gens sachent qui elle est .


歌姫 -  Song Princess -  The Princess Of That Song -  Utahime - Princess Song -  Utahime The Songstress
La Princesse de la Chanson possède le pouvoir de protéger le royaume avec sa chanson. Bien que le rôle soit transmis de mère en fille, la Princesse de la Chanson actuelle, Cain, est en fait un homme, chantant à la place de sa sœur décédée. Le seul au courant de ce secret est Thomas, le chef du village où ils vivent. Un jour, ils tombent sur une femme inconsciente qui est pourchassé par la Garde Royale. Pourquoi s'est-elle enfuie ? Et pourquoi est-elle venue pour voir Cain ?
Bonsai in the Rain -  雨天の盆栽 -  雨天的盆栽
The story of two extra-ordinary people in ordinary love. Original webcomic