
月の砂漠, The Lunar Desert
Armageddon. The powerful weapon "Messiah" has ended the long war, leaving behind a barren wasteland. A boy wanders to the west, seeking the paradise that lies at the edge of the world. The man who created the weapon runs from those who would use him. Scattered by the winds of destruction, they meet and meet again.
The story takes place in approximately the year 3000, when humankind arrived at the peak of its civilization, but is losing its will to keep living. It follows a girl, called "princess" by those around her, living on a small island with a fifty person colony and a shinning coral reef. She is descendent of Moon people, and it focuses upon how her ancestor supposedly came to Earth.
Parfois, Usagi semble totalement inutile, et désespérante. Il est certain qu'elle est douée pour préparer des remèdes avec des herbes, mais là s'arrête ses compétenses ; hors elle est la petite fille, du chef d'un village ninja très réputé. Mais elle est totalement incompétente dès qu'il s'agit de s'entrainer pour devenir un ninja, et perd confiance en elle. Son grand-père, exaspéré par cette calamité, decide de lui confier une importante mission, que Usagi s'empresse d'accepter. Son grand-père, lui déclare alors que sa mission et d'épouser le seigneur local, et de lui faire un enfant.Hors, celui-ci n'est pas du tout enclin à se marier, et encore moins à avoir des enfant. Usagi décide alors de donner le meilleur d'elle-même et de capturer le coeur de son amour !!
待到月落之时, 月の沈むまで, Until the Moon Sets
"My father's last words were a curse, binding me even after his death."Genkyou is a city-state ruled by status and comprised entirely of nobles. Crime and underhanded deals seem to be an everyday occurrence and one in which many turn a blind eye. To fulfill his father's dying words, Iori travels to Genkyou determined to do whatever it takes to extract his father's revenge. However, their may be more to Iori than meets the eye.
月の吐息 愛の傷 -  月之叹息爱之伤 -  Tsuki no Toiki: Ai no Kizu -  Tsuki no Toiki: Natsu no Yume
[From The Sylphs] : Contains 2 stories: 1) Tsuki no Toiki: Ai no Kizu - Feudal Japan: a girl is found among the bamboo with a slash wound on her back. Having no memories of her identity she is taken into a local brothel and put in charge of babysitting and housekeeping duties. One day, a frequent handsome customer, who also happens to be the head guard of the local castle, notices and wants her as his partner. Having none of that, the girl whacks him across his face, but he does not give up that easily. 2) Tsuki no Toiki: Natsu no Yume - To protect Hanzou's homeland from attack by her family, Sara must infiltrate the ninja town of Iga and steal their secret gunpowder formula. As an added bonus, she gets to marry Hanzou in the process. There is just one's not the Hanzou she thinks it is! And when our lecherous Hanzou from the first story comes around to visit, he gets quite a surprise. Prequel to: TSUKI NO SHIPPO
月の吐息 愛の傷; 月之叹息爱之伤
Japon féodal. Une jeune fille est retrouvée sans connaissance par des villageois au milieu d'un champ de bambous, une large blessure dans le dos. N'ayant aucun souvenir de son identité, elle travaille désormais comme bonne à tout faire dans une maison de passe. Un jour, un habitué fort séduisant, qui est également le chef de la garde du palais voisin, l'ayant remarquée, demande à la voir dans sa chambre. N'ayant pas l'habitude qu'on la prenne pour une prostituée, elle n'hésite pas à le repousser rudement. Le lendemain, le jeune homme revient s'excuser et commence une douce romance. Mais c'est alors que les souvenirs de la jeune femme refont surface et la poussent à s'éloigner de lui.
月のうまれる夜, Moonlight Night, Moonlit Night, Night of the Moon's Birth, Sinh ra dưới ánh trăng, We Are Born on a Moonlight Night, We Are Born on a Moonlit
When Akitsu Makoto was a child, he tripped and fell at a shrine and was comforted by a strange being he believes was the god of that shrine. Years later when visiting a festival with his cousin Shou, he sees the god in the crowd and chases him to a shrine to thank him. The god, who is actually a kitsune spirit, tells him that because humans are destroying the environment and the shrines, and no longer believe in him he has lost his power. Jump forward to high school, and Makoto and Sho have inherited abilities as the descendants of the Akitsu clan to communicate and fight with demons and ayakashi.
Moon Light Dream -  Waltz of the Moon -  Itsuka no Tsuki de Aimashou -  Hoshi Yuki yo -  Zenbu -  Hajimete. Bangaihen -  Once a Blue Moon -  Petit Lesson
1. Itsuka no Tsuki de Aimashou2. Tsuki no Waltz - Asakura Nariko est la fille d'une riche famille de l'ère Showa. En tant que successeur de la famille, elle est très strictement éduqués pour devenir une femme bonne, et son professeur est Sawa Keiichirou, le fils du maître d'hôtel de sa famille. Pour Nariko, Keiichirou est comme un frère, ou peut-être même plus que cela, mais il est de son devoir d'épouser le chef d'un autre éminente famille un jour...3. Une fois la lune bleue4. Petite leçon
Asahi-kun est un jeune lycéen insouciant, qui ne s'attache jamais à aucune fille, ne faisant que s'amuser avec elle. Mais, quand l'élève numéro 1 de l'école, Mitsuki Konoo, surnommée le "Cyborg" lui demande de sortir avec elle pendant un mois, en échange de billet de concert de son chanteur préféré, il accepte immédiatement. Après tout, il a juste à lui montrer ce que c'est que de sortir avec un garçon non ? Il est tout ce qu'il y a de plus préparé pour ça... cependant, ce qu'il n'était pas préparé... c'est aux réactions de son cœur ....
Shangri-la for moon & diamond -  Thiên thượng nhân gian -  Tsuki to Kin no Shangurira -  月と金のシャングリラ
Don’t ever leave me.The year is 1945. At a monastery in beautiful Tibet, two boys met…Unknowing of the harsh fate awaiting them…Dawa is on a long journey with his father to find ‘Shangri-La’.However, at the monastery, his father leaves without him.Left all alone, Dawa, along with a boy he meets at the monastery, Dorje, become novice monks together…A pure and fleeting love, set in Tibet before the upheaval.(From
月と水の夜, A Night of Moon & Water
Meet the volatile Nakichi and peaceful Seita, the two water sprites that live in a river in the remote countryside. A chance encounter with the human child Yoshiharu reawakens the half -forgotten ties between water sprites and humans, and an amazing friendship is forged. Yet can this relationship survive the test when humans once again threaten the lives of these mythical beings?
The Moon and the Lake -  Tsuki to Mizumi
From Shogakukan: Kazuna's late grandfather was a writer, and his unpublished novel depicting his private life was found among the articles left by him. He had written down his affection to his lover, while he was a devoted husband. Kazuna felt perplexed, and went to see his grandfather's lover. Hinako Ashihara depicts sweet, painful love in this collection of her long-piece love stories.
月と太陽のピース, A Piece of the Moon and Sun, Piece of Moon and Sun, Tsuki to Taiyō no Piece, Tsuki to Taiyo no Piece
During her 1st year of High School at Christmastime, Mimi met two handsome boys with really bad personalities. After advancing to 2nd year, all three of them ended up in the same class where they became the class representatives.

Tsuki Tsuki!

つきツキ! -  守护灵露娜
Un jour, Shinobu se réveille et trouve une fille nue, blonde, en train de dormir à côté de lui. Il n'a aucun souvenir d'elle. Qui est-elle ? Pourquoi est-elle dans son lit ? Pourquoi est-elle nue ? Pour aggraver les choses, sa sœur arrive et les voit dans cette situation. Que va-t-il se passer maintenant ?
月は闇夜に隠るが如く; 月如隐于闇夜中; As Though the Moon is Hidden by the Dark Night; Castilla
La rumeur raconte que parfois, tard dans la nuit, un monstre blanc apparaît et que si vous deviez le regarder vous seriez dévoré. Une nuit Tetsu arrive à entrevoir l'homme derrière le monstre et décide que cet homme lui apprendrait à manier l'épée, pour lui permettre de prendre sa revanche. Toutefois le maître des épées Shino n'est guère intéressé pour prendre avec lui un apprenti. Comment va faire Tetsu pour se venger et qu'est-il arrivé à Shino dans le passé pour qu'il soit devenu comme ça... ?

Tsuki Yadoru

Keiji-san ressent énormément de pression pour prendre la descendance du Dojo familial surtout qu'il est en compétition avec Naoya, son demi-frère. Les choses vont encore plus se compliquer quand Naoya viole Keiji-san...
Please Go out with Me -  憑き合ってください
A young high school boy falls in love with the ghost of a student.
The story of a couple who hasn't changed since their dating days -  Супруги -  которые не изменились с момента первой встречи -  付き合ってた頃からちっとも変わらない夫婦の話。
Mei et Tomohisa sont un jeune couple de concubins qui se sont aimés au lycée. Beaucoup de leurs situations quotidiennes ont un air de déjà vu, mais il y a une constante ininterrompue depuis ces jours heureux : leur amour l'un pour l'autre.Une suite de Defense Line, le troisième chapitre de Akujo Kousatsu.


Kuroe un vagabond et voleur est retrouvé à moitié mort sur le bord de la rivière, on le transporte à l’hôpital de la ville ou travaille Azuma. Il se trouve que Kuroe est en fait l’ami d’enfance d’Azuma, qui avait quitté la ville quelques années auparavant. Malgré le fait qu’ils se connaissent, Azuma a du mail à regarder en face Kuroe. Qu’a-t-il bien pu se passer entre ces deux hommes, pour que Kuroe ait envie de partir le plus rapidement de l’hôpital ?
殺憑 さつき, Shingetsutan Tsukihime dj - Cursed Killer Satsuki, Tsukihime dj - Cursed Killer Satsuki
A tragic tale about Satsuki's misadventures, piteous overthrows.
Tsukihime dj - Ren's Picture Diary
月影ベイベ -  Moonlight Baby
Moonlight Moratorium
La historia de Saku Tsukimiya, un joven estudiante de secundaria con rasgos delicados, a menudo es confundido con una chica. En la noche de su cumpleaños número 17, escucha una voz extraña que lo llama "princesa" en sus sueños. Y cuando despierta, se sorprende al descubrir que su cuerpo ya no es el que era el día anterior...
月見月理解の探偵殺人 -  月见月理解的侦探杀人
There's a new wheel-chair bound student at school who has returned after an illness, and she immediately kisses Tsuzuki Ui, who she calls "Rei-kun." He soon deduces that she is a daughter of a wealthy family, and a person he once beat at an internet murder mystery game. She is apparently fixated on him, since he was the only one who ever beat her, and she has now come to see him in person. Her plan is to have a real-life murder mystery game, and her current focus is on the supposed suicide of Tsuzuki's father. For some reason, she suspects his little sister Haruka...
When elementary schooler Watanabe is cleaning out his late mother's belongings, he finds a skirt that talks and moves on its own. The skirt, which the mother never wore, wants him to wear it, soon followed by other articles of clothing that can also talk.
From SP: Suou, a warrior, is indebted to a demon called Sakaki, who saved his life.
Moon Night's Fromage, Tsukiyo No Cheese
A guy is pulled into an neo-classical world through his dreams, however he has become an eroge's heroine.
Série de cinq oneshots : La sorcière de la forêt fleurie / La grive écailleuse à la lumière de la lune / Le martin-pécheur du courant / Le lapin morose / Lointaine Phan Thiet
月夜田定の世界の救い方 -  Tsukiyoda Sadame no Sekai no Sukui Kata
Tsukiyoda Sadame is a high-schooler and hypocrite who plans to use his charisma to take over the world. Through his machinations, he is able to become instantly popular as soon as he transfers into his new school, to the point where he's nominated as the class rep! However, there is another manipulator at work in his class, also trying to claim power: a girl named Kokoro. While following her after school (totally not stalking her, though, nothing creepy), Sadame runs into a weird old man. It seems he's been getting "missions" on his smartphone, and if he doesn't complete them, the world will be destroyed. Soon Sadame is recognized as a "messiah" as well, and he gets his first mission-- to steal Kokoro's panties. Could these missions really be from God, and how can he possibly complete them and save the world without utterly ruining his carefully designed public persona!?