
Matsuda-kun feels Omoshiro-san is ignoring him, so he finds an interesting way to make him pay attention.
다정다감 -  Sweet and Sensitive -  Sweet Sensitive
From ADV: Life is tough for lovesick teenagers! Meet Ee-Ji, a high school freshman suffering from—or is, perhaps, the cause of—an adolescent love triangle. Torn between two men, she is racked with grief over her own indecision. The first man in the running is Han-Kyul, a classmate since elementary school and Ee-Ji’s longtime lovable crush, or the safe bet. But, his competition is a far cry from his sweet and sensitive demeanor. Sae-Ryun is crude, offensive and constantly bullies Ee-Ji and her friends, but he has managed to catch her eye anyway. To make matters worse, these two contenders are best friends. This situation has the potential to explode into a sordid mess, but Ee-Ji will have to pick her favorite man first!
Harumachi Platform, Itoshii Anata e, Kira Kira Frozen, SWEET16, Totteoki no Uta
Collection of oneshots• Sweet 16Kataoka Nanami had made a promise with her childhood friend Eiji that once she celebrates her sweet sixteen, they are to marry. However, nowadays Eiji only seems to be interested in surfing and has forgotten all about the promise. Will Nanami be able to revive her childhood promise?• Kira Kira FrozenNakazato An has always loved ice skating since she was young and dreams about becoming a professional. But when it comes to being accepted into a school in America and leaving her boyfriend Ya-chan behind, how will An be able to handle this situation?• Harumachi PlatformIt's spring, which means a new school, new semester, and new challenges for high school student Riko Kurosawa, who is not looking forward to this troublesome period of time. That is, until one day, a boy hands her a "magical" train ticket, and suddenly, Riko's mornings are a lot brighter. And at the center of it all is the boy who shares her train rides...• Itoshii Anata eChiharu writes letters to her sensei, Akiyama, who never returns her feelings. But after one day when Akiyama tells her he has a beloved, he accepts her letter...?• Totteoki no UtaHYBRID is a newly formed band that hit the charts really high because of their lead singer, Aki. Yuri's been friends with Aki since they were kids, and, obviously, she's grown feelings for him. With Aki's band hitting it high, and getting really popular, is Yuri REALLY happy about all this?
Un prince vampire insupportablement arrogant tombe amoureux d'une humble roturière humaine ! Dans un jeu interdit du chat et de la souris, vous ne pouvez pas arrêter cet amour ensanglanté. En prenant doucement une bouchée, tu es ma possession.
スイート ビター キャンディ; Amai to Nigai Candy
1-3) Sweet Bitter Candy - Kawaguchi a passé toute sa vie de lycéen en tant que "'tit gros" : un ado petit et obèse. Son seul secret était son admiration pour Kanaya, un garçon rebelle et ouvertement gay. Cinq ans se sont écoulés et maintenant que Kawaguchi a perdu du poids (mais est toujours aussi petit), a-t-il une chance de capter l'attention de Kanaya ?4-5) Attends Encore Un Peu - Président du conseil des étudiants Tone est réputé pour être un véritable dictateur, et il est persuadé que se retrouver coincé avec Ninomiya, un kôhai un peu trop persistant, est juste une autre croix à porter. Après tout, Ninomiya lui a déjà déclaré sa flamme à lui et il n'a rejoint le conseil des étudiants uniquement dans le but de se rapprocher de Tone. Mais alors que Ninomiya se révèle être un travailleur sérieux, Tone commence à se détendre auprès de lui ...6-7) Comme Dieu L'A Dit - Deux amoureux de longue date font face à une rupture déchirante quand l'un d'eux décide de se marier.8) La Main Gauche - Un mangaka ne veut pas que sa nouvelle assistante tombe amoureuse de son amant.

Sweet Black

スイートブラック -  黑澀甜蜜 -  Kamen No Pianist
Sagiri est l'amie d'enfance d'Haru. C'est un mannequin célèbre et la distance entre ces deux là devient plus grande. Sera-t-elle capable de lui avouer ses sentiments ?
Sweet Blood -  Sweet Blood (KIM Se Young) -  달콤한 피
Suho est un lycéen ordinaire qui mène une vie compliquée parce que ses parents ne s'intéressent pas à lui. De plus, après un rêve bizarre, il se réveille avec d'étranges blessures au cou et au poignet.Ailleurs, le roi du Fantasy World du sud fait face à un sérieux problème : le manque de sang, manque qui réduit drastiquement son pouvoir combatif. Il doit donc trouver des humains afin de s'emparer de leur sang. Par conséquent, son serviteur et son dragon sont à la recherche d'un humain pouvant satisfaire leur maître.Ils finissent par trouver Suho, qui possède un sang particulièrement doux. Lorsque le dragon lui demande de le suivre, Suho accepte de fuir sa misérable vie. Mais il reste un problème : le roi déteste les garçons. Le dragon suggère donc de déguiser Suho en fille, espérant que le roi ne remarquera rien.
Back in his high-school year, Saganoshima has always dreamt of being a professional boxer and joining the lightweight division ever since he went to watch a match with his old friend, Natsu. The pair, Natsu being a wonder chef, and Saganoshima being clumsy and always getting injuries from training, has always been taken cared of by Natsu. Fast forward into the future when their dreams have been achieved, the two start drifting apart from one another. Will these two get the courage to confront each other, or will they let their emotions push them further away?
Tartaglia x Aether x Zhongli
Masaki Aoi is a high school student with a sweet tooth. All her life she has been treated like a boy but change is on the horizon for this tomboy! Yuase Takumi is a third year middle school student. He's also the president of the Confectionery Club, and he's extended an exclusive invite to Aoi to join his club....too bad he thinks she's a HE! But pressure from her classmates forces Aoi to play along and she finds herself joining the Boys-Only Confectionery Club.What will await her?

Sweet Guy

Il était une fois fois une fois une fois un loser qui, un jour, acquis une capacité. Vous demandez quoi ? Eh bien....... C'est dur à expliquer. Il peut remettre dans " le droit chemin " les filles qui s'en sont éloignées.
Katsuhiko and Youji enjoyed their life of living together. Suddenly, Youta, Youji’s son, came to visit and stayed with them. Katsuhiko’s not happy about it at first; then eventually he saw himself through Youta, a child who’s grieved over his parents’ divorce… Besides the main story, this book also enclosed two stories about Katsuhiko’s past relationship with other men.
Suiito 2 - Kowareruhodo Dakishimete -  SWEET 2 - 壊れるほど抱きしめて -  Sweet 2 - Embrace Me Until I Break -  Sweet II Kowareruhodo Dakishimete 1 -  SWEET2 壊れるほど抱きしめて
A collection of short stories: 1) 10 Days - High school senior, Aiko, and 30-year-old Shirakawa are to have an arranged marriage, so they decide to try being a couple for 10 days... 2) There's No Logic To Love! - Mayu can't get over her big shock from being dumped. But then a transfer student came to her class, and... 3) Happy Happy Letter - Aiko is extremely thrilled to receive her first love letter. But the sender didn't include his name... 4) The Prince's Maid - She's only in high school, and having an arranged marriage!? Plus her partner may be rich, but he's her classmate... 5) An Adult's Love / A Child's Affair - Norika is going out with a working man. She's only in high school, but she lied, telling him she's working too... 6) My Sweet Honey - Kimi has fallen in love with the school's "prince", Ken. All she could do was just gaze at him, but he suddenly became her boyfriend!?
Natsuo is suffering from a weak heart, and is mostly confined to the infirmary, the taste of bitter medicine in his mouth. Chiaki is a girl with horrible baking skills, yet dreams of becoming a baker whose cakes will be loved by everyone. Can this girl with bitter cakes sweeten a boy's bitter medicine?
Mutsumi et sa mère mangaka viennent d’emménager à Sutsuji Gadai. Pour son premier jour d’école elle se fait embrasser accidentellement par Daimaru. Hélas cette scène est vue par son premier amour Daigoro qui n’est autre que son professeur. Va-t-elle continuer de haïr Daimaru ? Comment vont évoluer ses sentiments envers Daigoro ? Et pourquoi ne restent-elles pas plus d’un an au même endroit ?
Sweet Peach!~スイートピー!~ , Сладка прасковка
Sweet Peach is a manga about Kisaragi Touka. Her special techniques are getting attacks, getting saved from getting attacked, and getting attacked by the people who saved her from getting attacked! If Shinjo Mayu ever made a yuri manga, it would probably be something like this.
スイート・リベンジ -  Suiito Rebenji
Sara is filled with anger whenever a picture of Don-ya-ye's new model appears, because he made a mistake and a model she knew was injured badly. Don-ya-ye, not only does he control the camera, but his models as well, by making them fall in love with him. Sara will try to get revenge, a sweet revenge by getting as close to him as possible.
Sweet Sweet リベンジ -  SweetSweet美人陷阱
After 5 years of leave, Hikari Minamoto returns to a prestigious school that lasts from kindergarten to university she used to attend. Why ? To get revenge on the five boys who used to bully her because she wasn't pretty. In order to do so, Hikari made a total makeover and mastered ninja skills to set traps.Espanol:[spoiler]Hikari Minamoto desde pequeña ha recibido las burlas y humillaciones de parte de 5 compañeros,luego de un trágico incidente decide abandonar esa escuela,Años más tarde ella está de regreso con el firme propósito de tomar venganza por todo el daño que le hicieron,Cada uno de ellos merece pasar por el mismo infierno que la sometieron a ella...Con una nueva apariencia y con habilidades Ninja,¿Será capaz de lograr su venganza?[/spoiler]
One Heart -  Otoshimono -  Lost Property -  Long Way Home -  スウイ-ト. ワ-ルド; Sweet World; Sweet Tale
Takeshi, hétéro, tombe un jour sur l'un des "sex friends" de son colocataire, Kazuya. Suite à leur rencontre assez spéciale, Takeshi couche avec Kazuya. C'est alors qu'une relation commence entre ces deux-là.
Sweet Desire
Risa finds herself intrigued by a girl whose family runs a bakery.
スウィート・ヴァレリアン -  Sweet Vallerian
[From Condensation]: About three girls who transform into rabbits to save people from the Stress Monsters.
スウィート・バーサス・ホーム -  First Love (Sweet VS Home) -  Sweet vs Home - First Love -  Sweet vs. Home
Dans Sweet x Trouble, on suit un lycéen maladroit en amour, mais depuis quelques mois il sort avec l'une des filles plus populaires de son école, celle ci va s'avérer être quelqu'un de très spéciale.


スイート・ホリック -  爱上妹妹的男朋友 -  I Love My Sister's Boyfriend
Passionnée de judo, Mitsuka est très impatiente de trouver son véritable amour depuis le début du lycée. En se promenant dans le parc un après-midi, elle rencontre un garçon très mignon faisant sa sieste sur un banc. Le lendemain, un nouvel entraîneur arrive au club de judo de Mitsuka. Et qui se présente ? Le beau jeune homme qui faisait sa sieste sur le banc, bien sûr ! Son sourire fait battre son cœur, et son nom sur ses lèvres lui fait rougir le visage. Mais il y a juste un petit bémol.... il s'avère être le petit ami de sa sœur. Que va t-elle bien pouvoir faire ?
S-Tripper -  Sweetest-Tripper
Takeru Hibino, who is working a part-time job at Ugetsu Bookstore, felt so dissatisfied with the sudden ending of a mystery series that he decided to go to the house of the popular writer, Kazumi Kuon, to give him a lecture. That very day, out of the blue, his body was taken by Kazumi. Afterwards, due to Kazumi’s female Editorial Director’s secret intention of getting out a new series, Takeru has become a lover of Kazumi. Somehow, while he’s still unaware of it, not only his body, but his heart as well has started to fall for the arrogant, yet gentle Kazumi…!?
Le festival culturel approche à grand pas et avec lui la participation des élèves... A une dance ! Alors que Kaori demande à un sempai de sa classe qu'elle a toujours aimé pour sa gentillesse, celui-ci refuse. Elle découvre de façon innatendue qu'il a une double personnalité ce qui va la blesser au point de ne plus jamais faire confiance aux hommes et penser que sa vie est un enfer. Jusqu'où est-elle capable d'aller pour remedier à la situation ?
Sweets Concert - Sweet boy's sweet time Sweets Concert - Sweets boy of Extraordinary Sweets Conchert - Sweets Boys of Extra Ordinary スイーツコンチェルト-甘味男子の非
Collection of Oneshots! ♥ 1) Boy of Macaroon Colorful Shounen to Monochrome na Atashi by SHIRAISHI Yuki Naoki and Kiyo have known each other for a long time because they live in the same apartment complex. One Valentine's Day, Kiyo gave Naoki a chocolate cake, but Naoki threw it away and laughed it off. Because of that, Kiyo doesn't make sweets anymore! Because Naoki's dad is Kiyo's dad's boss and they are going on a trip, Kiyo has to make food for Naoki. Will Kiyo re-live the trauma of the past? - From Intercross (Also included in Bokura no Himitsu o Kyouyuu Shiyou ka) 2) Boy of Pudding Puri*Puri by MITSUKI Miko He's giving headaches to the serious student council president. But they are strangely in tune with each other...!? - From Shoujo-Sense 3) Boy of Gelato Gelato no Koi - Ai no Chikara by SAKISAKA Mea (Also included in Douzo, Meshiagare) 4) Boy of Chocolate Un Chocoholic by YAGAMI Rina I thought we weren't living in the same world but then I had to play the perfect girlfriend for that popular boy?! No wait! Don't be that kind with me!!! 5) Boy of Roll cake Koi Lab by NANAJIMA Kana "I'm in love with him but... he's in love with her." How will this complicated love end?
How do you distinguish between the love from a cute neighborhood girl (who’s like a little sister to you), and the love from the hottest, yet quirky, girl in school? This is exactly the question Myung-Ho has to ponder when both his neighbor’s cute little daughter, Ji-Hae, and his school’s most popular diva, Yu-Ri, make him their valentines. Of course he cares for Ji-Hae, because the poor girl’s already been through so much for someone her age, but still, she’s only just a kid. Then there’s Yu-Ri, the girl of his dreams…or rather, she would be if she wasn’t a fortune-telling voodoo witch doctor. Oh and yes, it would also help if her father, the local gangster boss, wasn’t out to kill him.When you’re as lucky as Myung-Ho is(?) choices are very hard to make. On one hand, he could go out with Yu-Ri by turning down Ji-Hae, breaking the heart of a child who’s been depending on him ever since she moved in next door. Or, he could choose Ji-Hae by turning down the only chance at romance with a beautiful girl dead set on making him her destined love. Choices, choices…
Suingin Doragon Taigaa Bugi -  Swingin' Dragon, Tiger Boogie -  スインギンドラゴンタイガーブギ
Un nouveau manga de musicien de jazz se déroulant dans le Japon d'après-guerre sur une fille à la recherche de l'amour de sa sœur à Tokyo.Remarque : a remporté le 24e Japan Media Arts Festival Awards un nouveau visage Award en 2021.