
白球少女 -  Diamond Girl (YAMAZAKI Takanori) -  Shiratama-Shoujo
Shiraishi Tsubura just transferred to Ryuugabuchi Academy High and is trying to keep an extremely low profile. To live the normal high school life. But she's an amazingly talented baseball player who doesn't want anyone to know about it. Why is she trying to keep it a secret?
しらたま! -  Shiratama
A 4-koma baseball manga about a fledgling girls' baseball team.
刁蛮白雪姬 -  白雪ぱにみくす! -  ShiraYuki PaniMikusu! -  SiraYuki PaniMix! -  Snow White Panimix
It's sort of a retelling of the story of Snow White, except that Snow White is a bit crazier and has magical powers.
Kiss to Snow White -  Поцелуй Белоснежку -  亲吻白雪姬 -  白雪姫にくちづけ
Les choses s'améliorent pour Ichijô, qui est emmené chez Zaizen pour y vivre. Petit à petit, il découvre des choses qu'il ne connaissait pas et reprend confiance en son entourage, et notamment en son ami d'enfance. Celui-ci, qui a réussi à l'arracher des griffes de son père, ne souhaite qu'une chose : qu'Ichijô se sente en sécurité chez lui. Mais les sentiments qu'il éprouve à son sujet compliquent énormément les choses...Pour ne rien arranger, toute la famille Zaizen débarque au manoir pour rencontrer Ichijô !
白雪姫と7人の囚人, Shirayukihime to Nananin no Shuujin, Shirayukihime to Shichinin no Shuujin, Snow White & Seven Dwarfs, Snow White and Seven Dwarfs
[" Le printemps. Ce qui était censé être le début d'une vie universitaire passionnante a commencé avec un " gros derrière " attirant les ennuis ! Son premier jour dans les dortoirs, Amamiya est tripoté par un pervers dans le train et est sauvé par une " forte main ". Mais à ce moment et de façon inattendue il se met à gémir doucement... ! Choqué, Amamiya part en courant sans le remercier... ]
Nana has lost all the crayons to her store along with Monkichi! Each chapter title is based on the game Shiritori and the theme of the chapter is based on the title which helps Nana find her crayons and Monkichi.
私立はかない学園 -  私立不穿内裤学园 -  Hakanai Private High School -  No Pants, No Problem
The line between brilliance and madness is razor thin, and oftentimes the actions of geniuses are beyond the understanding of those around them. Such was the case of Yuuka's friend, the perfect and pristine Seiwain Hanao, wielder of beauty, talent, and grace that surpassed anything the diffident tomboy Yuuka could hope for. There is a gap between them that Yuuka cannot even begin to cross. But once Hanao is elected as the new Student Council President, everything changes. And the next day, Yuuka comes to school without wearing panties. Hanao also doesn't wear panties. None of the girls wear panties. That's the new rule. The incomprehensible idol Seiwain Hanao has taken the chance to force a fragment of her incomprehensible genius onto the rest of the student body, and the security of underwear has been banished from their school forevermore.
私立聖カトレア小学校, Shiritsu St. Cattlya Shougakkou, St. Cattlya Private Primary School, St. Cattlya Shougakkou, Watakushiritsu Sei Cattlya Shougakkou
In this direct sequel to Shiritsu St. Cattlya Youchien, we follow the story of teacher, Kuroda Shuuichi, and his adorable students as they move up to elementary school. Excited to be moving towards becoming a real teacher, Kuroda leaves the preschool only to learn that his new position is the elementary school with his old students. The incredibly unique kids are back including the Fuurin and Katori twins, the cheerful Miki, the shy Tsumugi, calm and collected Nazuki, and the panda hat wearing Daniel. The adorable yet weirdly mature children will capture Kuroda sensei’s heart once again.
私立!美人坂女子高校 -  Private Bijinzaka Girls High School
Résumé :Nonomiya est une jeune fille survoltée qui, à cause de 3 expulsions de ses écoles précédentes, se voient transférée par son père dans une grande école très strictes pour jeunes filles de bonnes familles afin d'apprendre à bien se tenir en société. Dès son première jour, alors qu'elle tente de fuir, elle fait la rencontre de Chihiro, un lycéen venant d'une école exclusive de garçons, et après une brève discussion, ce dernier décide le plus naturellement du monde de sceller leur amitié par unbaiser...
From IIChan Translation Group: Yet another maid-tastic manga from Kaoru Mori, "Shirley" is an evocative glimpse into the daily life of winsome, 13-year-old Shirley, a maid in turn-of-the-century England. It is often compared to Yokahama Kaidashi Kikou, as both mangas feature languid pacing, atmospheric backgrounds, and a female main character who works in a cafe. If you like YKK, have a weakness for "cute," and/or have a maid fetish, this is the manga for you. No hentai, no fanservice, zero, zip, nada. Just pure maid-tastic moemoe.
シャーリー・メディスン -  Shirley Medison
A continuation of the manga series Shirley. It began in October 2006 in the Comic Beam Fellows! magazine, the next couple chapters were released in 2010 in the Fellows! magazine. After another hiatus two more chapters were released in the Harta magazine in January and March of 2013. (Edit by Blue Flor.)
White Beard and Boyne -  白ヒゲとボイン
First manga by Beastar's author featuring humans. Regarding a white bearded old man and a prostitute. Published in Manga Goraku in 2018
白猫; Shironeko; White Cat
Collection de oneshots:1) Shiro Neko : Un vétérinaire rencontre un drôle de chat blanc. 2) Sweet Days3) And Sheep4) Himitsu no Hanashi5) Endless End : Quand deux personnes ayant l'impression d'être seuls au monde se rencontrent le soir, l'amour naissant que l'un ressent pour l'autre est-il vraiment réel ? 6) Summer Vacation
Mashiro a toujours été seule, que ce soit au lycée ou à la maison. Jusqu'au jour où elle rencontre un jeune homme entouré d'une étrange atmosphère. Depuis, elle pense toujours "je veux changer". Elle a fait une importante première étape, même si elle a de petites jambes, qui est de chercher la voie de l'Eden.
白の契約, 白色契約, Shiro’s Contract
Shiro is a white crow. Because of his unusual color, he’s often bullied by the other black crows. One day, he’s hurt badly because the others ganged up on him, and he was saved by a girl. Moved by the girl’s gentle heart, Shiro asked a devil to let him turn into a human. However, there’s one condition: Shiro will have to do at least one bad deed a day, otherwise, his body will crumble. Can Shiro really fulfill this contract?
Shiro and Tsubaki -  シロと椿
Le contenu suivant est destiné à un public mature et peut contenir des thèmes sexuels, du sang, de la violence et / ou un langage fort. La discrétion est conseillée.Tsubaki, mi-incubé et mi-humain, ne peut vivre sans consommer d'énergie humaine. Il complète son énergie en l'obtenant d'Hakuomi, un exorciste qui est aussi son ami d'enfance et camarade de classe. Ces jours-ci, le côté incubateur de Tsubaki semble devenir plus fort. Il dure à peine deux jours après avoir été avec Hakuomi. Embarrassé, Tsubaki essaie de cacher la vérité, mais Hakuomi voit à travers lui. Bien que Tsubaki ne veuille pas surcharger Hakuomi, Hakuomi veut qu'il compte sur lui encore plus. Mais, Hakuomi a un secret qu'il ne peut pas révéler à Tsubaki
白奪のマスカレイド -  Masquerede of White Deprivation -  Shiro Datsu no Masukareido
From AQUA Scans: Elite Development Education Academy, Noblesse Oblige. The grandson of the academy's chairman, promised heir as the next chairman, Inaba Hakuto. The kind-hearted, younger brother who supports him, Inaba Kokuto. However, with the chairman's death, the fate of the twins begins to greatly warp. The one who holds the key is, the demon who resides in the mask... Masquerade...
しろがねの王 -  银之王 -  Shirogane no Oh -  Silvern Kingdom
Alors qu'un mercenaire étranger est entraîné dans une bagarre de rue, il se retrouve à combattre dos à dos avec un homme portant une fourrure sur une seule épaule. Lorsqu'ils parvinrent à sortir de cette attaque indemnes, l'homme lui ordonne brusquement de devenir son garde du corps.C'est alors seulement que le mercenaire, reconverti en garde du corps, fait une découvertesurprenante : ce fougueux combattant est en réalité le roi !Et entre les tentatives d'assassinat quasi-quotidiennes et le mépris de Sa Majesté pour lui, la vie de notre ex-mercenaire n'est pas vraiment facile !Mais à la longue, le garde du corps commence à réaliser qu'il y a une raison derrière l'attitude arrogante du roi, et il devient déterminé à la découvrir.Mais quand même... Comment peut-il protéger un homme qui refuse d'être protégé ?
しろがねの王-Fenrir Craft-, 白銀之王 ~Funrir Craft ~, Silvern Kingdom - Fenrir Craft
The day of the coronation has finally arrived, but peace is nowhere in sight. The King is still under attack by a mysterious faction that is trying desperately to put an end to his life. And this time around, the trials facing them might just be too great to overcome. His Majesty and his "Right Eye" both have secrets they're keeping from each other; secrets that could tear them apart... And destroy the kingdom.
銀の聖者 北斗の拳 トキ外伝 -  銀の聖者北斗の拳トキ外伝 -  Fist Of The North Star Toki Gaiden -  Shirogane no Seija
ShiroKagu Telework -  ShiroKagu (Fufu) no Terewaku -  Широганэ и Кагуя — удалённая работа -  白かぐ(夫婦)のテレワーク
白い部屋のふたり, Couple of the White Room
One of the older yuri manga out there. Resine comes to a new boarding school to find she is rooming with Simone, a rebel who is rude to her from the start. However, Resine and Simone end up falling in love...
しろいくも, Hoppie's Bear, White Clouds
Includes the following short stories -1. "Once Upon a Time" -A lost little girl wants to find her way home...2. See You Next Time - A girl calmly reminisces about her dead friend.3. Imp in the Night -A little imp wonders why he's afraid of the night.4. Sakura Antique Store -The story of an old watch sitting in the window display of the Sakura Antique Store.5. Shiroi Kumo (White Clouds) -A beautiful and touching story about life, death, and the heartening belief that we will all arrive at the same place when our time has come.6. Molehill -The story of a young mole who decides to become human so that he can see his girlfriend's face...7. The Lands of Dreams -A girl is trapped in an endless dream...8. Grape Harvest9. Let's Go Home10. The Story of the Flower11. The Road Where Flowers Bloom12. Egg Water13. Hoppie's Bear -One day, office worker Kurata encounters a strange girl in the city. The girl, who wears a bear “head mask” all the time, moonlights at her dad’s restaurant. Thus begins an unusual friendship between the lovelorn man and the mature girl…14. "To a Certain Place"
白い窓の向こう側, Beyond the White Window, Di Balik Jendela Putih, The Other Side of the White Window
Seiko is a normal girl with a tendency for daydreaming, and Yoshito's a fairly sensitive, subdued boy. They've been close friends since grade school, and now that they're in high school, their feelings for each other become complicated. Though all of the diverse array of characters in the story seem to see it as plain as day, Seiko does not realize Yoshito would like to be more than friends.

Shiroi Majo

Белая Ведьма -  白い魔女 -  White Witch -  Majo ni Shiroi Hanataba o
Simo Häyhä, the legendary sniper who distinguished himself defending Finland from Russia in World War II, is a woman.
White Cage -  White Prison -  白い檻
1-6) Heita was secretly in love with his classmate, Komai, and was found out by the infirmary sensei, Tsuge. Tsuge threatened Heita, “If you want me to keep it a secret, you'd have to listen to me.” From then on, Heita lets Tsuge have his way with him. Soon, Heita found that his rationality could no longer restrain his own overwhelming urge and desire. Did he fall in love with Tsuge?7) Untold LoveA moment of kindness in a train station made Miyami Shigo pay attention to shy bespeckled Maki Shuuichi. But when they meet again, Maki doesn't remember Miyami, and is cold towards him.8) Moonlight MelodyEdgar Lockwood is a beautiful young man with light hair and porcelain skin, so he's a favorite object of affection at the all boy's school he attends. Problem is, Edgar is straight, and all this male attention is totally unwanted! He even has to have a bodyguard in the form of childhood friend/servant Dick Clay. When Edgar gets the bright idea to tell everyone they're dating to repel his admirers, it's the perfect solution to his problem... right?9) A Certain Day in WinterHeita, Komai, Tsuge all end up at Imayasu's place for hotpot. Sure, why not.
Reborn as a Polar Bear: The Legend of How I Became a Forest Guardian -  Reincarnation of White Bear -  Reincarnation of White Bear - I Became the Legendary Guardian Deity of the Sacred Forest - -  Shirokuma Tensei -  Shirokuma Tensei - Mori no Shugoshin ni Nat
After dying in a mountain climbing accident, a 28-year-old man finds that he is reincarnated in an alternate world... as a POLAR BEAR.After a climber falls off a mountain, he wakes up as a polar bear! Now, he has to protect six werewolf sisters and use his wits to navigate the dangers of the forest. (From baka-updates)[hr]